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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
@what go and check the price on Google bro it is already 6.33 now who is correct Bloomberg or the poor farmer?

Yeah you may be right. Gold is at support level.

View attachment 492105

I am always correct bro. My calculation are good. Sell dollar buy gold in Turkey that is going to work as well.

I have already made $146 on my $2200 investment in lira lol I am feeling good.

Come on people the Kuwaiti Emir just follows my advice and bought Turkish Lira. It is going to boom now.

Hehehe I can smell money today.

I have given the same advice to Qataris they will buy soon.
@what go and check the price on Google bro it is already 6.33 now who is correct Bloomberg or the poor farmer?

I am always correct bro. My calculation are good. Sell dollar buy gold in Turkey that is going to work as well.

I have already made $146 on my $2200 investment in lira lol I am feeling good.

Come on people the Kuwaiti Emir just follows my advice and bought Turkish Lira. It is going to boom now.

Hehehe I can smell money today.

I have given the same advice to Qataris they will buy soon.

Congrats for your profit :D
My Qatari friend just sent me this pic. Qatari going to buy lira worth $3 billion


Congrats for your profit :D
This is nothing I am expecting big.
The ordinary Turk doesn’t care

will summerize the overall attidude of our folk has it will be a harsh statement of mine and some ppl may think i am insulting but there is a special type of charecter that needs to potrayed without any veil:

most turks wont boycott anything as long as they dont change their own way of life, their character and their habits.. and this is the most worst of things to change because it needs strong determination and will-power.. and here you have a society thats compleate incapable of this- except a small minority..

we have a society in wich the one who ripps off the other (even family member ) with their businesses is considered as the smart one.. or the child that has the worst egoistic character is considered the intelligent one.. they areconsidered as "like jinn with open eyes"

our ppl have the attitude, the mind, the thinking of this:
I tell you to boycott this or that or to use something without a brandname even if it is better even its cheaper (that is no argument to be cheaper sometimes ppl want the oppesite intentionally) even if your family will have work because of that.. ppl will think that you are the stupid one.. you are the idiot.. its a status symbol to have for excample a iphone or a german bmw.. its not a common thing a special thing.. they just want it so bad like you want the hot girl in bikini.. ppl will laugh at you and rather choose a life with a status symbol than a possible better life in the future...

I also would say we need more gold reserves.. every lira should have some gold in our central bank in turkey.. we should hurry to open all mines wich are unused and explore for more also save the majority of the gold in our central bank to back up the lira

we should also bring out gold and silver coins like the americans have 1 once 1/2 ounce / 1/4 ounce + 1/8 ounce 1/16 ounce so 1/16 silver ounce would be like 1 euro and I am not talking about replacing the lira.. just a way to have reserves that can not be manipulated so easy

also we need lessen the oil, gas dependency.. at least I hope we find some good gas in turkey or sea.. maybe we should try to use more alternative ways of driving.. more electric busses, more electric motorcycles, more electric trucks for short range more electric trams a better railway.

and no overspending in private sector I really thought the ppl are idiots as I saw that many shops in ankara offer payment with credit card (in xx month) and ppl used it wtf why should I buy clothes and pay them off in some month if I do not have money than I rather walk with my old stuff and buy it when I am able to .. I was the strange one paying with real money wich I had in my pocket..

it also would help to shut down the mouth of erdo.. sometimes it is wiser just not to talk..
Congrats for your profit :D
Yes and no. Good for exports. Bad for imports. Turkey has a huge trade deficit and inflation. I don’t understand why they are not able to control the high inflation.

It is also bad for those countries exporting goods to Turkey, say Germany -- and the reason Peter Altmaier said "This trade war is slowing down and destroying economic growth, and producing new uncertainties,”
Donald duck thinks that by increasing tariffs he can bring down a country -- what follows is that Turkey will sell that steel and aluminium to someone else. --- poor Donald duck.

I know right? Orange clown is not aware of that eart is globe and not flat, economy is also a glob-al economy so "cornering one country by your own" isn't a thing in modern era.
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