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Turkish Defense Industry by 2030 - catch up with the UK , France and Germany

Smart Pneumatic Quad Rack

F-16 and HURJET will carry total of 8 Miniature Bombs to attack 8 different targets in one sortie

Weight : 170 kg
Payload capacity : 4 Miniature Bombs ( range of 100 km )
Platforms : F-16 Block40 , HURJET

TAI Heavy class Attack Helicopter ( Turkey joins to big club / American AH-64E .. Russian KA-52 )

National origin : TURKEY
First flight : 2024
MTOW : 10 tons
Speed : 172 kts ( 318 km/h )
Service ceiling : 20.000 feet ( 6.096 m )
Operation envelope : between -40 / +50 C day and night

MILDAR Millimeter wave fire control Radar
HEHSIS 360 degree Electronic Warfare Counter Measure System
DIRCM Infrared Counter Measure System
Target Detection System
Helicopter Obstacle Detection System
Modular Avionics Architecture
4 axis Autopilot
HELMET Integrated Display System
Ballistic protection heavy armored Cockpit ( resistant to 12.7 mm ammunition )
1200 kg weapon payload capacity

-- 30 mm Gun with buried munition box
-- CIRIT 70 mm laser guided Rockets
-- MIZRAK Anti Tank Missiles ( up to 16 ATGMs )
-- Air to Air Missiles

TAI heavy class Attack Helicopter will be 100% indigenous including Turboshaft Engine

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Aselsan MİLKAR-3A3 Electronic Attack System

MILKAR-3A3 Mobile V/UHF Elektronic Attack System is developed to provide electronic attack against target V/UHF communication systems on various platforms
With this system, target communication systems are blocked or deceived, providing advantage to allied forces on the tactical field

SAHI-209 Block-II Electromagnetic Rail Gun

Power : 10 megajoule
Barrel Length : 7 m
Munition Cal : 35 mm
Munition Weight : 1.000 gr
Speed : Hypersonic
Range : 50 km

TÜBİTAK BİLGEM 20 kw LASER Weapon System

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Aselsan REDET Mobile Radar Electronic Support / Electronic Attack System

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EHPOD Self Protection Jammer Pod

ECM Systems to jam Radars
to protect Aircrafts from guided Missiles

MKE 20mm six barrel Gatling Gun and Remote Controlled Stabilized Weapon System

MKE 120 mm Mod 300 HE-T and MKE 120 mm Mod 310 HEAT MP-T

Many countries have developed multi mode LASER
but only the US and Turkey have developed single mode LASER in the world ... ( China is working on singel mode laser )

multimode laser power is large, but the beam quality is poor

so difficult to single mode fiber lasers to 20kw
the technical community generally agreed that the upper limit of single mode fiber laser is 10kw

and Turkey has developed 5kw single mode fiber laser

Turkish 20kw LASER weapon destroyed 3mm steel target from 1,5km away in 3 seconds

BILGEM Rifle mounted LASER Weapon ..... ( the first Rifle mounted 5kw LASER Weapon in the world )

-- range : 150m
-- power : 5 kw
-- shoot : 180 times
-- it can charge in 30 minutes

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Tubitak G-40 Vertical launch ground based air defence system ( range of 40km )

Tubitak G-40 based on GOKTUG BVR air to air missile similar to French ground and Ship based VL MICA ( range of 20km )

and if Tubitak G-40 integrated to the ship combat system with self defence and local area defence capability for a wide range of surface combatant vessels such as ISTIF class Frigate instead of American Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile ( ESSM )

TBH a lot of this is wishful thinking but some will be done as you said by 2030.
TBH a lot of this is wishful thinking but some will be done as you said by 2030.

Don't let your bias towards the Turk undermine your judgement. The truth is that the Turks have delivered several unexpected and major achievements in a very short time. Their defence industry is advancing rapidly and is more innovative and bold than that of many advanced countries.

Wish them luck - they are your brothers after all.
Don't let your bias towards the Turk undermine your judgement. The truth is that the Turks have delivered several unexpected and major achievements in a very short time. Their defence industry is advancing rapidly and is more innovative and bold than that of many advanced countries.

Wish them luck - they are your brothers after all.
Their defense industry is good but all these projects by 2030 isn't a realistic goal. They are not my brothers.

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