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Turkish artillery striked 30-40 vehicle terror convoy in Afrin

If you had terrorists firing rockets at your cities from across your border you would be way more paranoid.
your reasoning sound familiar ...

I have a quick question I thought PKK/KCK/PYD-YPG and Daesh were fighting off each other in Syria.
Why does Turkey have to bomb them Kurds?
because Turkey is main supporter of of Daesh like groups ( Al Nusrah , Ahrar Al Sham , ISIS ) ... and Kurds are separatist and they are pawn of USA ....
there is conflict of interest between USA and Turkey ....

side not : ISIS and Al Nusrah were "Freedom fighters" for most Turks and Americans till footage of their actions were published on internet and both Turkey and USA face overwhelming international criticism ...
because Turkey is main supporter of of Daesh like groups ( Al Nusrah , Ahrar Al Sham , ISIS ) ... and Kurds are separatist and they are pawn of USA ....
there is conflict of interest between USA and Turkey ....

side not : ISIS and Al Nusrah were "Freedom fighters" for most Turks and Americans till footage of their actions were published on internet and both Turkey and USA face overwhelming international criticism ...

Daesh always had an understanding with both israel and assad regime. In Afrin Daesh, YPG and assad terrorists are all fighting against Turkey shoulder to shoulder. 4000 Daesh terrorists were given safe passage from Raqqa by YPG, the US and the assad regime. You can't hide these pictures by slandering Turkey.
Daesh always had an understanding with both israel and assad regime. In Afrin Daesh, YPG and assad terrorists are all fighting against Turkey shoulder to shoulder. 4000 Daesh terrorists were given safe passage from Raqqa by YPG, the US and the assad regime. You can't hide these pictures by slandering Turkey.

every one knew that Iran allied force ( Syria and Iraq ) were the main force which really fought ISIS and beat them in all fronts ... and everyone knew that ISIS has ideological hatred toward Shiia and Alawis ...so don't spread false information ...

you and Turks are acting like USA is enemy of Turkey but what I see it that USA is helping Turkey to operate their F-16 , USA give Turkey spare parts for their Air force and is going to give them F-35 ... If USA is enemy of Turkey then what is to Iran !?

and funny part is that Turks were threaten us with something like this : "if we go to war against Iran , NATO will help us " ... but in mean time they are saying the leader of NATO is their enemy ... how is this possible !?
so , don't joke around ....
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Is this picture correct as this seems to be cooking gas truck, an example of this type of loading

It was a truck full of propain tanks. The Kurds have plenty of armored trucks including ones with heavy machine guns, not sure why they would use minivans. At the least you'll think there would be small arms.

It looks like civilians got hit due to poor intelligence.
It was a truck full of propain tanks. The Kurds have plenty of armored trucks including ones with heavy machine guns, not sure why they would use minivans. At the least you'll think there would be small arms.

It looks like civilians got hit due to poor intelligence.
No "civilian" casualties reported...
Neither by TR or by YPG/SAA...

I'm pretty sure the latter will have rushed to do so...if it happened...
No "civilian" casualties reported...
Neither by TR or by YPG/SAA...

I'm pretty sure the latter will have rushed to do so...if it happened...

Who are we kidding? One of the trucks are carying propain tanks. It was clearly civil vehicle. It's not like Russia or the US doesn't hit civilians.

And why does it matter if it has been reported or not? Many US casualties also don't get reported, most reports come from the SOHR and the white helmets and then get picked up by media and governments, both of those organizations are both highly bias.

Kurds have a lot of Hummers, MRAPS, tanks, and other improvised vehicles that are badly needed in Afrin, I doubt they would not try to move those vehicles.
Who are we kidding? One of the trucks are carying propain tanks. It was clearly civil vehicle. It's not like Russia or the US doesn't hit civilians.

And why does it matter if it has been reported or not? Many US casualties also don't get reported, most reports come from the SOHR and the white helmets and then get picked up by media and governments, both of those organizations are both highly bias.

Kurds have a lot of Hummers, MRAPS, tanks, and other improvised vehicles that are badly needed in Afrin, I doubt they would not try to move those vehicles.

Footage released by TAF introducing the records from a similar convoy. This convoy is not hit cause of observing some civilians.

and They are not crazy enough to move their terrorists with MRAP like military vehicles. They don't even wear military uniforms against Turkish army.

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It was a truck full of propain tanks. The Kurds have plenty of armored trucks including ones with heavy machine guns, not sure why they would use minivans. At the least you'll think there would be small arms.

It looks like civilians got hit due to poor intelligence.
Those vehicles were carrying civilian stuff, as it's been reported by unbiased sources. I am sure that it wasn't a military caravan
Those vehicles were carrying civilian stuff, as it's been reported by unbiased sources. I am sure that it wasn't a military caravan
how can you be so sure....? we have seen so many times those terrorists using civilian cover to do their dirty work... what if they were transporting ammunition under civilian stuff just like they captured an oil truck which had hidden compartments which had missile in it...
how can you be so sure....? we have seen so many times those terrorists using civilian cover to do their dirty work... what if they were transporting ammunition under civilian stuff just like they captured an oil truck which had hidden compartments which had missile in it...
Some groups of Kurds are not better than ISIS or Nusra, but this attack is reported to be on civilian caravan. The people that gave path to ISIS/Nusra fighters and gave plenty of bases to USA, they have to taste their own medicine feeding them by an other hand .
because Turkey is main supporter of of Daesh like groups ( Al Nusrah , Ahrar Al Sham , ISIS ) ... and Kurds are separatist and they are pawn of USA ....
there is conflict of interest between USA and Turkey ....

side not : ISIS and Al Nusrah were "Freedom fighters" for most Turks and Americans till footage of their actions were published on internet and both Turkey and USA face overwhelming international criticism ...
Gotta wonder what those daeshis were doing in Afrin then...

Im not questioning the objective or credentials i am sure Turkey have quiet few resources to hit some thing they feel it is a threat just im raising question mark on the pic published as it is quite common in many places to have propane as cooking gas in similar cylinders
I didn't see your tweet ( its blocked in Iran and I don't like to use VPN ) , but most of ISIS foreign fighter were split from your proxy aka know as Al Nusrah and Ahrar and so called FSA ...

the funny part about your proxies is that their savagery is in that level that they can't even work together and just killing each other ....

as far as ISIS and Al Nusrah and Aharar and FSA are killing each-other , we are ok with them and enjoy the show ....

and don't misunderstand the situation , we don't give **** about YPG/PKK/etc ... because they are same as ISIS and Al nusrah .... so , if you kill each other , then we don't care but Turkey planed more than just crushing YPG ....

our only problem is that you want to use them as excuse to annex Affrin and use it for supporting your dogs ...

You Turks think you are so damn clever and can fool everybody but the fact is that every other party in the region can see your move ....
Turkeys proxy is FSA only and put Al Nusrah on terror list back in 2014 already.


For years you guys repeat your tantrums of Turkey supporting this or that with half assed articles and fake evidences...

Why are you even acting with a moral high ground here in the first place? I know the answer ''but we are invited by Syrian goverment'' yeah buddy your invited by a Dictator whos responsible for more than 95% of civilian casualties in Syrian civil war.
Iran itself is playing his own games down there, it isnt some kind of salvation army trying to end the war, its also wants its share of Syria even if it means that a couple 100k people die in the process.
Turkey is sharing a 900km border with Syria ofcourse it will follow its interest when even Iran is involved from across Iraq.

Isis have been a blessing for your guys because it made your proxies, who as said are responsible for the biggest share of civilian casualties by far, look like the good guys (in the eyes of simple minded people though).
Let me tell you something, you think you are so clever by pointing finger to others with invented stories and fake evidences and think you can fool people bu the real civilians slaughterer side is clearly documented, your only fooling the gullible folk, nothing beyond that.

Obviously civilian trucks , cooking gas tank, this is sick
A civilian from Ministry of interrior of Assad regime...


Civilian cooking gas tank in Syria...


It's funny to see Russians and Iranians trying to slander the TAF by saying "they are bombing civilians" while the very same people are committing a massacre-hand in hand- upon the people of Ghouta. Kindly go f*ck yourselves, you're not tricking anyone
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