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Turkish - Armenian issues

Only the expert of subject may decide the 1915 incident. As i said before if Armenians are so confident about their claim then why they do not ask for a UN backed independent commission? putting the bills in different parliaments and politicization would not help the Armenians either.

There has been such a scholarly body, called International Association of Genocide Scholars. They found that there was genocide, and Turkey stated that results are invalid. Armenia realizes that this will happen every time, so what's the point? As for the court, that would also be useless. Their descisions are nonbinding.

Turkey has to voluntarily accept this. No matter what posters on this thread say, I'm sure they will.
There has been such a scholarly body, called International Association of Genocide Scholars. They found that there was genocide, and Turkey stated that results are invalid. Armenia realizes that this will happen every time, so what's the point? As for the court, that would also be useless. Their descisions are nonbinding.

Turkey has to voluntarily accept this. No matter what posters on this thread say, I'm sure they will.

Tired of teaching rookie Armos;
You may try ICJ...

The International Court of Justice (French: Cour internationale de Justice; commonly referred to as the World Court or ICJ) is the primary judicial organ of the United Nations. It is based in the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands. Its main functions are to settle legal disputes submitted to it by states and to provide advisory opinions on legal questions submitted to it by duly authorized international organs, agencies, and the UN General Assembly.

wiki source
Look if there really was a genocide, all the historians of countries that where involved at world war one, would have organized a meeting and based on archives they would give a final judgement so the politicans could to their job on hand of the given judgement. But we only see that they are not doing this and just talk what they like.

I mean, are you guys afraid to open the archives?
Look if there really was a genocide, all the historians of countries that where involved at world war one, would have organized a meeting and based on archives they would give a final judgement so the politicans could to their job on hand of the given judgement. But we only see that they are not doing this and just talk what they like.

I mean, are you guys afraid to open the archives?

Good questions. There are a number of countries that probably just don't care. There are countries, like Bulgaria, where initiatives have surfaced but have then been blocked by Turkish lobby. But for the most part, the big players (Russia, Germany, France) have recognized the Genocide.
Good questions. There are a number of countries that probably just don't care. There are countries, like Bulgaria, where initiatives have surfaced but have then been blocked by Turkish lobby. But for the most part, the big players (Russia, Germany, France) have recognized the Genocide.

Whats your gain? Your country is still extremely poor and corrupt. Look buddy, either you play by our rules since we are the most powerful country around or you suffer.
Whats your gain? Your country is still extremely poor and corrupt. Look buddy, either you play by our rules since we are the most powerful country around or you suffer.

I think you forgot the mother Russia... Turkey has needs atleast two or three decades before entering any direct conflict with Russia...

There has been such a scholarly body, called International Association of Genocide Scholars. They found that there was genocide, and Turkey stated that results are invalid. Armenia realizes that this will happen every time, so what's the point? As for the court, that would also be useless. Their descisions are nonbinding.

Turkey has to voluntarily accept this. No matter what posters on this thread say, I'm sure they will.

Again... They are making it seems like Genocide and massacre is the same thing... There isn't even one document that shows Ottoman state ordered the killings of Armenians... Not even one... If Armenia had any evidence that isn't forged or false they would already go to UN for this but they didn't and only think they do is to give leverage against Turkey to regional/global powers.
Whats your gain? Your country is still extremely poor and corrupt. Look buddy, either you play by our rules since we are the most powerful country around or you suffer.

Gain from what? German, French, and Russian recognition? Nothing. No tangible results till Turkey recognizes Genocide.

We don't, and never have, played by Turkey's rules. Your influence means nothing, and nobody is suffering. If we played by your rules, the Azeris would be in Artsakh right now.

Again... They are making it seems like Genocide and massacre is the same thing... There isn't even one document that shows Ottoman state ordered the killings of Armenians... Not even one... If Armenia had any evidence that isn't forged or false they would already go to UN for this but they didn't and only think they do is to give leverage against Turkey to regional/global powers.

There are thousands of documents, but none of which Turkey decides to recognize. You can bet that, if for some reason, Armenia produced a document saying there was not genocide, Turkey would be the first to congratulate Armenia for its "sincerity."
Today's Quiz for Kajutyun the Turcophobe

Q: What did Armenians as Russia's collaborators do to side Russian Empire which was an enemy of depleted Ottoman Empire during World WAR I

a) Just prayed peacefully in their churches for Russian victory and then ate dried apricots.

b) Just showed a sneaky smile while rolling their Topiks, when they heard news about 60000 casualities of Ottoman Army in Battle of Sarikamish against Russians.

c) Formed Armenian Garrisons for Russian Army and fought against Ottoman Army, formed armed terrorist guerilla groups against Ottoman Army and attacked defenceless Turkish villages in that region and massacred Turkish people and attacked supply lines of the Ottoman Army's Caucasian Front.


13 year old Armenian volunteer earned a medal for his bravery in Russian Army

Armenia was approached both by Russian and Turks....we chose the lesser evil with Hamidian massacres still fresh in their minds.

Russian Armenian legion destroyed Pasha's third army despite his generals advising against fighting in those harsh conditions.

Your Pasha barely escaped with his life and guess what plan he approved put together by by the CUP against the Turkish Armenian civilians (who had no idea what is going on) after he returned home.
What battle are you talking about.

During the battle of Sarikamish.....significant numbers of battle- hardened Russian Armenians and volunteers fought under Russian flag against Turkey's 3rd Army and were a major contributor to the victory of Russian forces due to their knowledge of the terrain and weather.


Russian-Armenian trenches in the forests of Sarikamish


Photo said to be of the 4th battalion of the Armenian volunteers engaged at strategic Barduz Pass


Armenian 3rd battalion cavalry and troops commanded by Hamazasp Srvandztian rallying at Etchmiadzin in 1914.
Armenia was approached both by Russian and Turks....we chose the lesser evil with Hamidian massacres still fresh in their minds.

Russian Armenian legion destroyed Pasha's third army despite his generals advising against fighting in those harsh conditions.

Your Pasha barely escaped with his life and guess what plan he approved put together by by the CUP against the Turkish Armenian civilians (who had no idea what is going on) after he returned home.

Even Little Sacha understands but stupid Armos don't, what can I say...


After Major König understands that Little Sacha's spying on him in favor of Vassili Zaitsev

- Good morning, Sacha.

- Once again, he knew exactly where to find me.

- Don't you think that's strange?

- Apart from me, only you knew.

- I don't hold it against you, Sacha. You've done a very brave thing.

- You've chosen your camp. I respect that. But it isn't my camp.

- Now, we're both soldiers, and we're both enemies, so I know you understand.

In Turkish we say "Şecaat arz ederken merd-i kıpti sirkatin söyler" which means "A cocky gipsy tells his faults when he tries to brag."
Sarikamish lost because of the stupid leaders, thousands died from freeze and sickness, rest of the army was in bad condition due the same reasons, army was unable to get proper supplies, out of 3 corps only 1 corps managed to reach Sarikamish and only part of it were able to engage, around 300 men entered the Sarikamish and repelled, other 2 corps were melted with sickness and freeze, that campaign is not lost because of any major engagement but imprudence and terrain.

I didn't know they were teaching it as a heroic Armenian engagement in your history books.
I didn't know they were teaching it as a heroic Armenian engagement in your history books.

actually not too many Armenians know about how the Armenian legion humiliated the Turkish army by flanking them in battle......what they do know is the heroic acts of Armenians such as general Andranik who saved countless lives from Turkish regulars and Kurdish bandits under orders to exterminate Armenians on sight.
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