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Turkish - Armenian issues

Absolutely, many Armenians did side with Russia. And in response, the Ottoman Empire committed Genocide.

Today's Quiz for Kajutyun the Turcophobe

Q: What did Armenians as Russia's collaborators do to side Russian Empire which was an enemy of depleted Ottoman Empire during World WAR I

a) Just prayed peacefully in their churches for Russian victory and then ate dried apricots.

b) Just showed a sneaky smile while rolling their Topiks, when they heard news about 60000 casualities of Ottoman Army in Battle of Sarikamish against Russians.

c) Formed Armenian Garrisons for Russian Army and fought against Ottoman Army, formed armed terrorist guerilla groups against Ottoman Army and attacked defenceless Turkish villages in that region and massacred Turkish people and attacked supply lines of the Ottoman Army's Caucasian Front.


13 year old Armenian volunteer earned a medal for his bravery in Russian Army
Lets talk about the time before the first world war. Did the Ottoman-empire do anything agains Armenians that lived on Ottoman grounds? In fact, the Armenians where one of the most rich people and had good living conditions during the Ottman empire so why would the Turks decide to kill these people while there is no enmity between them before?
Today's Quiz for Kajutyun the Turcophobe

Q: What did Armenians as Russia's collaborators do to side Russian Empire which was an enemy of depleted Ottoman Empire during World WAR I

a) Just prayed peacefully in their churches for Russian victory and then ate dried apricots.

b) Just showed a sneaky smile while rolling their Topiks, when they heard news about 60000 casualities of Ottoman Army in Battle of Sarikamish against Russians.

c) Formed Armenian Garrisons for Russian Army and fought against Ottoman Army, formed armed terrorist guerilla groups against Ottoman Army and attacked defenceless Turkish villages in that region and massacred Turkish people and attacked supply lines of the Ottoman Army's Caucasian Front.


13 year old Armenian volunteer earned a medal for his bravery in Russian Army

Not only they sided with the Russian, they sided with the french, and fought against the Turks in Antep defence.
No then its a war. You must pay for your actions. What do you expect the Ottoman Empire to do?

Give them roses for supporting the Russian Empire? of course they most deport them. And maybe 1 or 2 had died during the trip.

It can only be defined "genocide" when a systematic killing is the purpose.
what is the "genocide" ?
Genocide is defined as "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group"
Ottoman's The Relocation was for Armanian's safety, there was no relocation for west Anatolian Armenian...so..there is no systematic destruction against to Armenians..if some Armenian groups with Russians figth againts Ottomans ..what would the Ottomans do?
Who knows that country better ? you or we ? I already told you those are empthy dreams, you're living in your dreams.
Who knows that country better ? you or we ? I already told you those are empthy dreams, you're living in your dreams.
You can't tell, but I'm actually laughing at your post. You don't know s**t about Turkey or its history. How can a country that regards genocidal and ultranational Ataturk as a God among men possibly provide you with accurate information. There are effigies in every open space and Turkish schoolchildren must mindlessly pledge there allegiance to him every morning before school. Even the Kurdish ones. Do you really think that putting that flag under your username actually means anything.

If this going to ignite another flame war, then save it. On the other hand, if you would like to discuss NK conflict, then I'm all for it.
You can't tell, but I'm actually laughing at your post. You don't know s**t about Turkey or its history. How can a country that regards genocidal and ultranational Ataturk as a God among men possibly provide you with accurate information. There are effigies in every open space and Turkish schoolchildren must mindlessly pledge there allegiance to him every morning before school. Even the Kurdish ones. Do you really think that putting that flag under your username actually means anything.

If this going to ignite another flame war, then save it. On the other hand, if you would like to discuss NK conflict, then I'm all for it.

Kajutyun the Turkophobe and so called Turkish history expert,
Could you please tell us what is the relation with Ataturk. and so called "ArmoGeno"
Kajutyun the Turkophobe and so called Turkish history expert,
Could you please tell us what is the relation with Ataturk. and so called "ArmoGeno"

Not a Turcaphobe. Happen to have a couple of close Turkish friends (well, one is Kazakh) that acknowledge Ottoman massacres. I don't have a problem with anyone willing to reflect on history fully and frankly.

The two are unrelated. I cited Ataturk worship to point out that it is impossible for Turkey to teach history with integrity.
Whatever happens armenia won't be more than a tiny third world country. And it takes way, way more than that to bring the mighty Turkey on it's knees and admit something it didn't do. And just hypothetically speaking, even if we do that out of pure generousity even that won't change how insignificant you guys are :)

So why bother fighting over it? The genocide is a bloody lie admit this and get over it, retreat from karabagh and there can be peace and prosperity.
You should not, not every have to believe on what you believe, and yes you're a Turcaphobe, first condition to become friends with Turks is they should accept what you believe ? lol
Whatever happens armenia won't be more than a tiny third world country. And it takes way, way more than that to bring the mighty Turkey on it's knees and admit something it didn't do. And just hypothetically speaking, even if we do that out of pure generousity even that won't change how insignificant you guys are :)

So why bother fighting over it? The genocide is a bloody lie admit this and get over it, retreat from karabagh and there can be peace and prosperity.

That was a stupid post. On average, Armenian residents are no closer to starving than Turks. This seems to be some fantasy.

I would like to participate in a meaningful debate, with no statements that Armenia will "never" be those or "always" something else.

You're just a b*tthurt Turk angry by the fact that you got destroyed by "starving" Armenians.
That was a stupid post. On average, Armenian residents are no closer to starving than Turks. This seems to be some fantasy.

I would like to participate in a meaningful debate, with no statements that Armenia will "never" be those or "always" something else.

You're just a b*tthurt Turk angry by the fact thatyou got destroyed by "starving" Armenians.

That was hilarious hahaha. I'm really wondering how is that brain of yours working.

Do not compare Armenia with Turkey, not even about poverty. After all, Armenia is a country that needs foreign aids to survive and its whole existence is on the foundation of one single claim. Armenia is just a political tool for Turkey's enemies, nothing more... Even Armenians can't stand living in there.
Only the expert of subject may decide the 1915 incident. As i said before if Armenians are so confident about their claim then why they do not ask for a UN backed independent commission? putting the bills in different parliaments and politicization would not help the Armenians either.
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