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Turkish Air Defence Programs

Latest test of SIPER, complete system being tested. From radar to communication systems, it has hit 100km far away high speed target.

- Siper will be game changer in the agean sea, how many systems can be used in the agean sea? Our armed forces can now see blind spot of Greece islands. It will be a part of Turkish airdefence systems so it can work with naval and air force together.
- Our ships can be armed with long range SAM missiles. Imagine 16 VLS I-class. 8 SIPER and 32 ESSM for arial denies
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Latest test of SIPER, complete system being tested. From radar to communication systems, it has hit 100km far away high speed target.

- Siper will be game changer in the agean sea, how many systems can be used in the agean sea? Our armed forces can now see blind spot of Greece islands. It will be a part of Turkish airdefence systems so it can work with naval and air force together.
- Our ships can be armed with long range SAM missiles. Imagine 16 VLS I-class. 8 SIPER and 32 ESSM for arial denies
Much can be written about SIPER missiles. From the missile's own capabilities to the capabilities of the national command and control system, and early warning concept, of which SIPER will be a part in it. But aside from all this, the main strategic element of the project is the search and target designation radar. Since have not been revealed on open sources yet, we cannot talk in detail at the moment. But I just want to say that it will be more successful system than the S-400 radar in detecting stealth characteristic aircrafts from the very early blocks.
I remember very well

in 2018 , ASELSAN and ROKETSAN said exactly that If given a task, we can develop the long-range air defense system in 5 years

what a great work in 5 years

SUNGUR MANPADS ( in service )
KORKUT 35mm SPAAG ( in service )
HISAR-A+ low altitude Air Defense System ( in service )
HISAR-O+ medium altitude Air Defense System ( in service )
SIPER high altitude Air Defense System ( SIPER block-0 will enter service in 2022 )
The Learning obtained from induction of S-400 and testing them against F-16s plus adding sophisticated indigenous Electronics makes SIPER a system to watch out for in future as well.

It does make you wonder why UAE is not getting on board iwth the SIPER programme - but instead looking to buy from Israel - esp given that UAE is looking to purchase UAV's from Turkey ( so what ever hangups it had about Turkey are now "gone" )..
It does make you wonder why UAE is not getting on board iwth the SIPER programme - but instead looking to buy from Israel - esp given that UAE is looking to purchase UAV's from Turkey ( so what ever hangups it had about Turkey are now "gone" )..
May be because when it comes to SAM designs Turks still lack experience.
Again, just because it flies and intercepts something doesn't make it dependable or trusted in the eyes of the UAE. If Turkish SAMs are reliable and trusted why does erdogan want a 2nd batch of S-400 from Putin?
That's the question you should be asking.
May be because when it comes to SAM designs Turks still lack experience.
Again, just because it flies and intercepts something doesn't make it dependable or trusted in the eyes of the UAE. If Turkish SAMs are reliable and trusted why does erdogan want a 2nd batch of S-400 from Putin?
That's the question you should be asking.

what a stupid post from Greek troll Foinikas with false flagger account

S400 is a strategic weapon with range of 380 km to interpect even Ballistic Missiles

HISAR-A and HISAR-O low-medium altitude Air Defense Systems to intercept Fighter Jets and Cruise Missiles

SIPER Air Defense System will have capability to interpect Ballistic Missiles in 2027-2028

SIPER : 100-150 km
SAMP-T : 120 km
S400 : 250-380 km

Turkiye has started developing SIPER Air Defense System in 2018
and SIPER-Block1 to enter service by 2022-2023 ( just 5 years ) and Turkiye needs another 5 years to develop SIPER Air Defense System with anti-Ballistic Missile capability
what a stupid post from Greek troll Foinikas with false flagger account

S400 is a strategic weapon with range of 380 km to interpect even Ballistic Missiles
Not so stupid...
1) Why turkish top brass seemed until very recently to purchase ASTER30 system when your SIPER can reach 90+km target?

2) S400 is not so impressiv. Except the shooting of a ukrainian Su27 some weeks ago (maybe very lucky? Maybe fired in high salvo?) , it is unable to catch Himar rocket for exemple. The counter ballistic missile is so far unproven.
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