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While passing Oghuz lands, caravan of 5000 men including Ibn Fadlan is stopped by an Oghuz man, he asked them to give bread, they said "we are friends of Kuzarkin/Kudarkin(a title probably equivalent of something like vizier), he laughed and said "who is Kudarkin ? I sh.t on Kudarkin's beard" , then caravan gave him some bread, he said "pass, I pitied you".

Lol proof that is we are descended from Oghuz :D

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Here are some informations about the earliest inhabitans of Crimea

The Tauri (/ˈtaʊəri/; Ταῦροι in Ancient Greek), also Scythotauri, Tauri Scythae,Tauroscythae (Pliny, H. N. 4.85) were a people settled on the southern coast of the Crimea peninsula, inhabiting the Crimean Mountains and the narrow strip of land between the mountains and the Black Sea. They gave their name to the peninsula, which was known in ancient times as Taurica, Taurida and Tauris.

In his Histories, Herodotus describes the Tauri as living "by plundering and war". They became famous for their worship of a virgin goddess, to whom they sacrificed shipwrecked travellers and waylaid Greeks.[1] He makes a point of them living in Scythia geographically without themselves being Scythians.[2]. Pritsak and Golb (1982) believe they were a Turkic people.[3]

The Greeks identified the Tauric goddess with Artemis Tauropolos or withIphigeneia, daughter of Agamemnon. The Tauric custom of human sacrificeinspired the Greek legends of Iphigeneia and Orestes, recounted in Iphigeneia in Tauris by the playwright Euripides.

According to Herodotus, the manner of their sacrifice was to beat the head with a club and remove the head; then they either buried the body or threw it off a cliff, and lastly nailed the head to a cross. Prisoners of war likewise had their heads removed, and the head was then put onto a tall pole and placed at their house "in order that the whole house may be under their protection".

Although the Crimean coast eventually came to be dominated by Greek (and subsequently Roman) colonies, notably the one at Chersonesos, the Tauri remained a major threat to Greek power in the region. They engaged in piracy against ships on the Black Sea, mounting raids from their base at Symbolon (today's Balaklava). By the 2nd century BC they had become subject-allies of the Scythian king Scilurus.


The word Tauri probably means "mountaineers",[4][5] which is supposed to be derived from an old root "Tau" meaning "a mountain".[6][7] This word appears to have one common root in several languages and simply signifies a mountain.[8] Toira in Assyrian means "a mountain" or "a chain of mountains", in Turkic languages tau signifies "a mountain", "a round or high building", "a rampart", the Celts called a "tower" or "rampart" tor, tour.[9][10]

This is getting really interesting know. That would make the Tauri people as one of the most ancient Turkic tribes.

Tauri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Clashes force 2,000 Meskhetian (Ahiska)Turks to flee Ukraine

Only around 100 Meskhetian Turks still remain in Slaviansk, which was reclaimed by Ukrainian forces from separatists on Saturday.

World Bulletin / News Desk

Around 2,000 Meskhetian Turks have been forced to flee from their homes in Ukraine since May amid fighting between government forces and pro-Russian separatists.

Meskhetian Turkish community representative in the eastern city of Donetsk, Nebican Basatov, said that those who have fled have sought refuge in Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and different parts of Ukraine.

Basatov said thar around 100 Meskhetian Turks still remain in Slaviansk, which was reclaimed by Ukrainian forces from separatists on Saturday. Those who remain also happen to be all men, as women and children have been sent to safety. He also said about 20 homes belonging to community members had been damaged or destroyed in the fighting.

"The clashes in Slaviansk have made life for the Meskhetian Turks, who were already in a dire economic situation, even worse. Many have been made homeless," Basatov explained.

Meskhetian Turks are originally from a part of southern Georgia close to Turkey's border.

Expelled by Joseph Stalin from their homeland in 1944, they faced discrimination and human rights abuses before and after deportation. Those who migrated to Ukraine in 1990 settled in shanty towns inhabited by seasonal workers.

Clashes force 2,000 Meskhetian Turks to flee Ukraine | Europe | Worldbulletin News
Turkish FM in Uzbekistan to reignite relations

Ahmet Davutoğlu visited Uzbekistan on July 10, the first such trip by a Turkish foreign minister in 13 years.

Davutoğlu held his first meeting in Taskent with his Uzbek counterpart, Abdulaziz Kamilov, to reignite strained relations between the two countries, with the latter stressing the “historic” aspect of Turkish minister’s visit.

Turkey was the first country to recognize Uzbekistan’s independence in 1991. But relations with Uzbekistan began to deteriorate when Uzbek troops killed hundreds of demonstrators in the town of Andijan on 13 May, 2005, provoking an international outcry.

Turkey backed a U.N. resolution condemning Uzbekistan over its human rights violations in Andijan, provoking the ire of strongman Uzbek President Islam Karimov.

“We are all upset that relations have not been at the desired level in recent years. We hope the current political environment will pave the way for us to enhance our relationship,” Davutoğlu said.

Prior to his visit, Davutoğlu referred to the halt in Turkish and Uzbek relations since 2006 as a “misunderstanding.”

“This [visit] will be a new and stronger beginning [in the diplomatic relations between the two countries],” he said.


Turkish FM in Uzbekistan to reignite relations - DIPLOMACY
Turkish FM in Uzbekistan to reignite relations

Ahmet Davutoğlu visited Uzbekistan on July 10, the first such trip by a Turkish foreign minister in 13 years.

Davutoğlu held his first meeting in Taskent with his Uzbek counterpart, Abdulaziz Kamilov, to reignite strained relations between the two countries, with the latter stressing the “historic” aspect of Turkish minister’s visit.

Turkey was the first country to recognize Uzbekistan’s independence in 1991. But relations with Uzbekistan began to deteriorate when Uzbek troops killed hundreds of demonstrators in the town of Andijan on 13 May, 2005, provoking an international outcry.

Turkey backed a U.N. resolution condemning Uzbekistan over its human rights violations in Andijan, provoking the ire of strongman Uzbek President Islam Karimov.

“We are all upset that relations have not been at the desired level in recent years. We hope the current political environment will pave the way for us to enhance our relationship,” Davutoğlu said.

Prior to his visit, Davutoğlu referred to the halt in Turkish and Uzbek relations since 2006 as a “misunderstanding.”

“This [visit] will be a new and stronger beginning [in the diplomatic relations between the two countries],” he said.


Turkish FM in Uzbekistan to reignite relations - DIPLOMACY
Talks about turkish uzbek relations. Looks like the uzbek government didn't like the cemaat that much.

Turkish company to build railway bridges in Turkmenistan
Turkish company Nata Inshaat Turizm Tashimacilik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Shirketi will build railway bridges in Turkmenistan.

Turkmen Railway Transport Ministry was granted permit to sign a contract with the Turkish company for designing and building two railway bridges along the Bereket-Etrek stretch of the Gyzylgaya-Bereket-Etrek railway, according to a decree by the Turkmen president.

The document was signed in order to further develop the domestic railway industry, and to ensure safe train movement.

The document included an order to launch construction in July 2014 and commission the railway bridges in December 2014.

This project is being implemented as part of an agreement signed by Turkmenistan, Iran and Kazakhstan in 2007 for constructing the 'North-South' railway.

The railways were linked on the Kazakh-Turkmen border in May 2013.

Turkish company to build railway bridges in Turkmenistan
- Trend.Az
sporadic clashes between tajik and kyrgyz border guards in contested territories in southern kyrgyzstan. yesterday, clashes erupted as tajiki inhabitants tried to make canal through kyrgyz territory, which resulted in one tajik dying of wounds and two others being taken to hospital. today, tajiks demanded that kyrgyz border checkpoint "Tamdyk" be demolished. situation is volatile.

Ситуация на кыргызско-таджикской границе остается напряженной

edit: i forgot to add, today tajiki forces opened fire on kyrgyz checkpoint with mortars and rpgs. one kyrgyz border guard was admitted to hospital with shell-shock.
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I liked this one and bookmarked it !
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