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"Aybar" patrol boats to protect Kazakhstan's shelf, territorial waters


"Ural Plant Zenit " JSC (subsidiary of " NC "Kazakhstan Engineering" JSC) carried out the launch of the prototype model of high-speed patrol boat of the 0210 "Aybar" project, the press service of the company said.

"High-speed patrol boat of 0210 "Aybar" project is the 22th one and is manufactured in accordance with the state defense order. These new project boats are replacing the "Burkit" project boats, produced by the plant before," the report said.

The boat is intended to ensure the protection of state territorial waters of the state border and the continental shelf of Kazakhstan; patrolling with the purpose of illegal shipping, smuggling, piracy and illegal fishing, interception and inspection of ship-offenders.

The new boats have improved speed, handling, stability, cruising range. They also have an installed remote-controlled combat module, which will fully provide the necessary conditions for aiming and controlling the weapon.

The boats will be transferred to the Caspian Sea by the Ural River, after which it will undergo a series of tests and then delivered to the customer.

The "Zenith" factory is a shipbuilding enterprise producing modern military boats and ships. The technical and production capacity of the plant meets all requirements of the maritime register of shipping on the implementation of the design, construction, refurbishment, modernization and repair of ships, hull structures, marine equipment.

"Ural Plant" Zenith" JSC with the support of "NC "Kazakhstan Engineering" JSC within the investment project of the "Development of marine shipbuilding" plans to modernize the production, which will allow to produce specialized ships and boats with dry weight of about 600 tonnes.

"Aybar" patrol boats to protect Kazakhstan's shelf, territorial waters - Trend.Az
"Aybar" patrol boats to protect Kazakhstan's shelf, territorial waters


"Ural Plant Zenit " JSC (subsidiary of " NC "Kazakhstan Engineering" JSC) carried out the launch of the prototype model of high-speed patrol boat of the 0210 "Aybar" project, the press service of the company said.

"High-speed patrol boat of 0210 "Aybar" project is the 22th one and is manufactured in accordance with the state defense order. These new project boats are replacing the "Burkit" project boats, produced by the plant before," the report said.

The boat is intended to ensure the protection of state territorial waters of the state border and the continental shelf of Kazakhstan; patrolling with the purpose of illegal shipping, smuggling, piracy and illegal fishing, interception and inspection of ship-offenders.

The new boats have improved speed, handling, stability, cruising range. They also have an installed remote-controlled combat module, which will fully provide the necessary conditions for aiming and controlling the weapon.

The boats will be transferred to the Caspian Sea by the Ural River, after which it will undergo a series of tests and then delivered to the customer.

The "Zenith" factory is a shipbuilding enterprise producing modern military boats and ships. The technical and production capacity of the plant meets all requirements of the maritime register of shipping on the implementation of the design, construction, refurbishment, modernization and repair of ships, hull structures, marine equipment.

"Ural Plant" Zenith" JSC with the support of "NC "Kazakhstan Engineering" JSC within the investment project of the "Development of marine shipbuilding" plans to modernize the production, which will allow to produce specialized ships and boats with dry weight of about 600 tonnes.

"Aybar" patrol boats to protect Kazakhstan's shelf, territorial waters - Trend.Az
wtf even fıshıng boat ıs better than thıs !! why ıt.s so small and dont have a gun on ıt
I love Turic people!.... but their words are soo hard to say.
wtf even fıshıng boat ıs better than thıs !! why ıt.s so small and dont have a gun on ıt

It has gun in front of it, take a closer look :) may be they think small, armed boats are enough for them, who knows.
It has gun in front of it, take a closer look :) may be they think small, armed boats are enough for them, who knows.
you rıght ı have very small gun dont u thınk ıt would be better to have bıgger one :D
Got a few questions;
Is arkadas originally a Turkic word? My Uyghur friend told me they use dost and adas for friend.
What about Kyrgyz people @telkon, is arkadas also used there ?
What about Turkmen @asena_great ?

Secondly, is there perhaps a source, a site would be great, where you can search up the roots of Turkish words in a convenient way?

Perhaps kinda hard, but is there a site where you can put in a Turkish word and then get a list of its equivalent words in different Turkic languages?
Got a few questions;
Is arkadas originally a Turkic word? My Uyghur friend told me they use dost and adas for friend.
What about Kyrgyz people @telkon, is arkadas also used there ?
What about Turkmen @asena_great ?

Secondly, is there perhaps a source, a site would be great, where you can search up the roots of Turkish words in a convenient way?

Perhaps kinda hard, but is there a site where you can put in a Turkish word and then get a list of its equivalent words in different Turkic languages?
well 100% sure arkadas ıs turkıc . ı thınk ıt.s come from er/erkek and qardasŞ erqadaŞ or ıt cqan be a arka dash/tash we use dos most of tıme but old people stıll use qardaŞ about the sıt ı dont know any web and ı dont thınk we could fınd one cuz we are very lazy about our language cmon men just look at google translater ıt make u cry when u ask meanıng of a turkısh word !!!
Got a few questions;
Is arkadas originally a Turkic word? My Uyghur friend told me they use dost and adas for friend.
What about Kyrgyz people @telkon, is arkadas also used there ?
What about Turkmen @asena_great ?

Secondly, is there perhaps a source, a site would be great, where you can search up the roots of Turkish words in a convenient way?

Perhaps kinda hard, but is there a site where you can put in a Turkish word and then get a list of its equivalent words in different Turkic languages?

Arkadaş is Turkic from " Arka"(back), and "daş" suffix which refers to sharing or partnership. But if my etymologic dictionary is correct, it might be late developed word, in Anatolia may be ? @asena_great do you use it in daily life ?

Dost is Persian., Adaş must be Turkic but its probably originally was a different word and pronounce is downed into Adaş.

Edit: Etymologic dictionary says before Arkadaş we had "Ayakdaş" , and in Old Turkic Ayak is Adak so Uyghur word Adaş might be coming from Adak.
Arkadaş is Turkic from " Arka"(back), and "daş" suffix which refers to sharing or partnership. But if my etymologic dictionary is correct, it might be late developed word, in Anatolia may be ? @asena_great do you use it in daily life ?

Dost is Persian., Adaş must be Turkic but its probably originally was a different word and pronounce is downed into Adaş.

Edit: Etymologic dictionary says before Arkadaş we had "Ayakdaş" , and in Old Turkic Ayak is Adak so Uyghur word Adaş might be coming from Adak.
yeah dadash arka dash can aslo mean distance back (distance relative )
yeah dadash arka dash can aslo mean distance back (distance relative )

So Arkadaş means distant relative ? you don't use it for friend ?

Do you use Yoldaş ?
So, citizens of Turkey can understand people from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan ?
So, citizens of Turkey can understand people from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan ?
Turks can understand Türkmens the best (after Azeris) and Kazakh partly.
But Tajik speak Persian which no Turkic can understand
So, citizens of Turkey can understand people from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan ?

We understand Azeri, partially understand Turkmen, other non-Oghuz group Turkic languages are quite hard to understand, but adopting into them is easier then learning a foreign language.(its applies to them too, I mean a Kazakh living in Turkey would probably fully adopt Turkish in maximum 1 year or something)

@telkon would know better.

Edit: actually thinking of it, Karluk group is a little easier compared to Kipchak group, I partially understand Uyghur songs.
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So Arkadaş means distant relative ? you don't use it for friend ?

Do you use Yoldaş ?
well we dont ues ıt at all arka means back dash some tıme can means dıstance long so ı just guess

yes we use yoldosh

do u use boydosh for all fırends whom are gırls ?
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