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Russia rejects U.S. warnings over oil deal with Iran - World Israel News | Haaretz

I expect more of these deals throughout the coming years, as the Russian-Europe rivalry intensifies. The Clinton "reset" is over.
What do they offer you? buy your oil and give you russian goods? does that mean Lada cars or can you remind me anything else that Russia produce and Iran really needs them? Also, how are you going to transfer all this oil? Azerbaijan will not let it happen, Georgian cant because Turkey and Azerbaijan will push them, basically forget about it. Its called bluff.

no it's not president ilham aliyev offer 50% of income of those oil fields but turkmen side refused it's because turkmenistan wan't ready to accept it maybe we see the agreement in next 10 years

oh cmon bro i thought you heed to reasons not noises

guys you all know little about turkmenistan and it's problems , saying azerbijan - turkmenistan relations is bad is nonsense i believe turkmenistan like azerbijan more than any other country turkmens are not your enemy nor you are theirs what the turkmenistan is doing is this " hiding behind azerbijan letting him to take all hits while they are watching and make them self stronger " you cant ask turkmenistan to opposite russians openly , when soviet falls turkmenisan has big army all it's people mostly were soliders very few people had gone to university lake of experts and facing taliban on it' doorstep with few income russian giving them by buying turkmen's gas very cheap , and sex rate problem the number of womens were far more than mans

turkmenistan is isolated country they cant get to the Karachi port they can only import and export from iran , turkmens has water problem iran hold upper hand in this issue since all the experts running away from turkmenistan i dont think they can do any $hit in international court btw have you heard anything about tajikistan ? it's central asian's armenia they have no money no army no nothing they are no buddy but they have mountain which si hun and ji hun River starts from there , right now iran and russia building dam there this will make life much more harder for turkmenistan and uzbekistan , tajiksitan has defence pact with russia if we attack them russia will attack us , when ahmadinejad come to power in iran , iran and russia buy turkmenistan's gas with cheapest price and than sell gas to eu and turkey far more expansive turkmens didn't have independent income our Customer was Iran/Ukraine/Russia , when turkmenistan try to make pip line to china (china were seeking for independent energy source ) russian close the pips while turkmens were sending gas in it the result was the Pipe Blow up, ukrain and iran boycott turkmenistan gas the result was destroying turkmenistan Budget and leaving them in emergency with no income (im Serious about this zero income ) turkmenistan gov orders to to close all Government Building expect police stations out side Ashgabat all schools univ hospitals Library were closed all it's people fired they cut the Pensions result was the death of a lot of old people since they dont have any income . this mess make army of jobless people still turkmeni gov used Violence and force to maintain public order and become second north korea , right now in turkmenistan everything is cheap and people hate gov , you can buy 3 bedroom apartment in capital with 1000 usa dollar imagine what russians can do with few dollars in turkmenistan this means few for them but for turkmen people means a lot when american came to afghanistan turkmens get raid of it's old enemy but in that time russians force turkmenistan to not to let nato to cross it's airspace , other countries let it and now americans updating their airports , now the americans leaveing they will do the same they dont want turkmenistan has good airports for it's air force
after the pipto china bulilded ukrain iran and russia show their interest to resume the gas import from Turkmenistan iran and russia has alot of leverage on turkmenistan so turkmen resumed but Ukraine they have nothing against turkmenistan it's about 6-7 years turkmenistan cut it's cheap gas to Ukraine i believe this is the one of the reason today Ukraine is mess up

turkmenistan used hash word against azerbijan but do you think these words are theirs ? or are russians ??

you are strong right now we are not we newly get our independent income from china we need time if turkmenistan accept ilham aliyev the 50% dispute oil filed share and use old soviet map as naval border (this will give iran very few water i guess the line of astara - hasan qouli will be iran's border ) and start project iran and russia will unleash their full leverage on both azerbijan and turkmenistan , you have Georgia at your side turkey always backing you you may able to hold it but we , we are isolated with limited water and no one backing us we cant afford it

in last 4 years turkey actively helping turkmenistan and one by one removing their leverage against turkmens
turkey helping turkmenistan to make water from sea and making port and giving Turkmenistan the shipbuilding capability this will help us the import and export via azerbijan


GAP İnşaat Türkmenistan'ın En Büyük Liman Projesini İnşa Edecek - Bizden - Gayrimenkul Ve Tasarıma Dair Haberler | 3 Oda 1 Salon
Turkey undertakes Turkmenistan's largest port project - Büyüyen Türkiye

turkey opens it's university to turkmen students it will greatly help turkmenistan and turkmen gov will have it's experts
i have a lot more to tell but ill make it short and end it here they hate turkey for this
i always wanted turkey start all of this 15-20 years ago , turkmenistan need time to get stronger and richer than they will join you azeri bros and start the sending gas to EU

I can feel that recently Turkey sold army ships to Turkmenistan. May be you are right and thats why our government dont mention anything bad about them. They just know that Russia want to destroy the relations between two country. Russia purchase 50 million cm gas from Turmenistan, which is the same amount Russia sells to Europe. Russia purchase it for 200$ and sell it for 450$. Turkmenistan lose money for nothing. With independent policy, they will earn and become way stronger inshallah
@ghara ghan The only option for turkmenistan to progress is to develop gas pipelines through Azerbaijan to EU, and also pipelines to China. Otherwise, Russians and mullahs will always bullying your country. What's the status of your pipeline to China? what is its capacity of pipeline, and gas prices in your future deal?
I can feel that recently Turkey sold army ships to Turkmenistan. May be you are right and thats why our government dont mention anything bad about them. They just know that Russia want to destroy the relations between two country. Russia purchase 50 million cm gas from Turmenistan, which is the same amount Russia sells to Europe. Russia purchase it for 200$ and sell it for 450$. Turkmenistan lose money for nothing. With independent policy, they will earn and become way stronger inshallah
yea it's sucks , 200$ is good before china they buy it far cheaper than this expect warships turkmenistan need to buy real air defense and all the turkmen gov could do was the cancelling the dual citizenship between turkmenistan and russia two years ago i read in a russian website that the russia will take balkan province of turkmenistan if turkmens try to make a pip to EU since wikipedai says turkmenbasy is full of russian armenians and azeris that web also writes if Ukraine try to go to EU russia will take eastern part along with crimea now they take the crimea we will have still work on westren turkmenistan dual citizenship between russia and turkmenistan was the greatest mistake of turkmenistan gov

Ogurja Ada

look at north of this island by Google earth you will see a abandon Soviet naval/air defense base if they put radars in south of the island and reopen the base it will guaranty of safety of turkmen navy against air attacks and it can also inform you from any danger from sky to your capital turks must work on it

@ghara ghan The only option for turkmenistan to progress is to develop gas pipelines through Azerbaijan to EU, and also pipelines to China. Otherwise, Russians and mullahs will always bullying your country. What's the status of your pipeline to China? what is its capacity of pipeline, and gas prices in your future deal?
idk know much but they were far fairer than russians but i think they wont be happy about selling gas to EU maybe turkmenistan lock up in another messed up situations (same boycotting they have faced before )
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yea it's sucks , 200$ is good before china they buy it far cheaper than this expect warships turkmenistan need to buy real air defense and all the turkmen gov could do was the cancelling the dual citizenship between turkmenistan and russia two years ago i read in a russian website that the russia will take balkan province of turkmenistan if turkmens try to make a pip to EU since wikipedai says turkmenbasy is full of russian armenians and azeris that web also writes if Ukraine try to go to EU russia will take eastern part along with crimea now they take the crimea we will have still work on westren turkmenistan dual citizenship between russia and turkmenistan was the greatest mistake of turkmenistan gov

Ogurja Ada

look at north of this island by Google earth you will see a abandon Soviet naval/air defense base if they put radars in south of the island and reopen the base it will guaranty of safety of turkmen navy against air attacks and it can also inform you from any danger from sky to your capital turks must work on it

idk know much but they were far fairer than russians but i think we wont be happy about selling gas to EU maybe turkmenistan lock in another fvck up situations
LOL, Now I don't receive notification for quotes either. :lol:
what is this telepathy? :fie:
considering Sinan taking part, you guys running a coup behind the scenes again? :no:
LOL, No it has nothing to do with coups. Sinan is not equal to coup, buddy. ;) Anyway, @Sinan is very talented and experienced in this field. He could have find a CEO job in the coup industry, if they were any. ;):rofl::rofl::rofl:
this was my signature:

A .jpeg is worth a thousand words

@Mighty Caty

Your were in the swedish military right?
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