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Bu Almanya ya gidip Dönerciliğe başlayıpta "Döneri ben icat ettim" diyen adamı vurmak lazım, 2 gram ün kazanıcam diye bizi Almanların çenesiyle uğraştırıyor, 7 den 70 e bütün Almanlar döner Alman icadı diyor.
O adam gecen sene öldü. :D
Its possible that some Ashkenaz are descendants of the Khazars
I have read some articles that prove and the other ones who denies this theory, and it is confusing for me. What about Karaim turks? Are they descendants of Khazars?
Its possible that some Ashkenaz are descendants of the Khazars

The Khazar theory of Ashkenazi Jews is a myth which was disproven by many genetic tests which were done on Jews. Jews are all genetically related to each other and they cluster genetically between Middle Eastern and European populations and far away from Turkic Central Asian populations. A Khazar "gene" is either minimal or non-existent in Jews. It's actually not even proven if all Khazars were Jews. Many scholars say that only the Khazar elite was Jewish while the majority of Khazars were either tengrists or christians.
@ghara ghan

How is the high school life in Iran ? do they seperate girls and boys ?
yup and when the school closed in 12.30 boys run fast to the doors of girl's high schools lo0o00ol damn that was old good days :D

totally i like to be study my high school in turkey idk how the things are in tehran but in my home town high school was worst place for me i dont wanna return to high school the funny thing is my high school was the best high school in my town :disagree: in our high school teachers fear the students :disagree:
yup and when the school closed in 12.30 boys run fast to the doors of girl's high schools lo0o00ol damn that was old good days :D

totally i like to be study my high school in turkey idk how the things are in tehran but in my home town high school was worst place for me i dont wanna return to high school the funny thing is my high school was the best high school in my town :disagree: in our high school teachers fear the students :disagree:

There is a classic make up in many Turkish high schools, several mischievous guys usually sitting at the back of the class, sometimes there are 1 or 2 dangerous, belligerent types among them, 1 or 2 passive types who do not speak and sometimes sleep in their desk(that was me) they're also at the back seats but the otherside of the class, several hardworking girls usualy at front desk who were usually called İnek(cow), several gossipy girls usualy sits around middle of the class or far left or right, they're usually not much good at lessons, several hardworking guys usually sit among or close to cow girls, several naughty girls usually sits close to mischievous guys in back, somewhere around middle and back seats.

In my class there was a guy who were a fan of American Wrestling, he would try his new moves on classmates, pretty much everyone caught by him, I couldn't run away either :D before getting to work he would play this from his phone so everyone would understand what he was going to do :D

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There is a classic make up in many Turkish high schools, several mischievous guys usually sitting at the back of the class, sometimes there are 1 or 2 dangerous, belligerent types among them, 1 or 2 passive types who do not speak and sometimes sleep in their desk(that was me) they're also at the back seats but the otherside of the class, several hardworking girls usualy at front desk who were usually called İnek(cow), several gossipy girls usualy sits around middle of the class or far left or right, they're usually not much good at lessons, several hardworking guys usually sit among or close to cow girls, several naughty girls usually sits close to mischievous guys in back, somewhere around middle and back seats.

In my class there was a guy who were a fan of American Wrestling, he would try his new moves on classmates, pretty much everyone caught by him, I couldn't run away either :D before getting to work he would play this from his phone so everyone would understand what he was going to do :D

nice video it was ty :D buy still you high school are far better than than ours in iran if you wanna good life you have too go to tehran ,

if i wanna write about my high school it will become a book ! my high school called by some students as hotel by parents as zoo (heyvanat bahchesi) and by it's headmaster as stable ( tavile ! ) damn my school and middle school as very good but when i enter high school i just shocked !

students start to bullying the teachers and head master i know the guy name afshin he study in my high school for 4 years with bullying he never paid anything !!!!! every level class has a Drugs seller , in my class room there was a guy name javad he was a drug seller if you try to stop him he has big back up out side of school they if find you and *&*# you after school even they may make trouble for you family your father sister or mother the best thing to do is to avoid them as long as possible , in my class room the first line belongs to the nerds also call pastorizeh ! whom are the only people study the rest just sits talks to each other . call to girl friends , watch porns with mobile :rofl: exchange cd of movies or exchanging flash memory of tv series episodes ! and this is the best high school of my town ! it's just more expansive so not every buddy could enter :disagree: zero facility . my high school building was a graveyard than become tea house than school today it is a university :omghaha::suicide: :omghaha:
if you see the first season of prison break that is good pic of my high school :bounce: , turkmens back turkmens azeri backing azeri , zaboli backing zaboli and if it's necessry these group may call for back up from out side ! like the parents call it , it was a zoo

believe me you dont wanna hear the things we have done to each other or to headmaster and teachers today other parents which has younger childrens than me asking us is there a way to send our sons to turkey for high school

after middle school there wasn't good schooling for me , the high school was place of gangsters
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@ghara ghan

Here is the link from our Presidency's website... there are more pics there and there are videos...

Presidency Of The Republic Of Turkey : President Gül Attends Equestrian Festival in Turkmenistan

Presidency Of The Republic Of Turkey : President Gül in Turkmenistan










@ghara ghan

Actually thats sounds just a little bit worse then my school :D we had an amateur drug dealer in our class too, he was a weird guy, never understood if he was good or bad, I guess he was just crazy :) that wrestling fan guy was also using drugs, one idiot from our class attacked a teacher as well, there were also many guys in the school who should be avoided.

But things change from school to school here, there are different classes of schools, my school was a Düz/Genel Lise, a plain high school you can just enter into after completing middle school, there is an "Anadolu Lise" class which you need a certain success in exam to get into, they of course significiantly better, there is "Fen Lise" class, they're best ones, there are also" Meslek Lise" which is prepares students for handy/technical jobs, I guess they might be worse because there is almost no girls :D there is "Kız Meslek Lise" too, which has the complete opposite situation, my cousin graduated from there, one of the several guys in the school :D "Imam Hatip Lise" prepares Imams.

I remember seeing this news few years ago, only female student in Endustri(Industrial) Meslek Lise :D

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