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@Sinan ban hich zaman soylemedim ke burdan gideli ! orda biz sadece rahet konishabileiz

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Bu arada Neptune'ün Ban süresi bir haftaymış. Bilginize. :)
Biliyorum genel olarak söylüyorum ben. Aslında o tarz bir yere ihtiyacımız var gerçekten. Bazı şeyleri rahatça konuşamıyoruz... hemen kitliyorlar thread'i.

Bu arada Neptune'ün Ban süresi bir haftaymış. Bilginize. :)
Senin dedigin yerde ne yaparsan yap diyolar,konusmalar orda olabilir.
Turkmen president to visit China

Ashgabat and Beijing are preparing for the upcoming state visit of Turkmenistan`s President Gurbangulu Berdimuhamedov to China.

The Turkmen delegation paid a working visit to Beijing for the preparation of the visit and met with the Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Zhang Kunsheng, the Turkmen government reported on April 19.

The Turkmen delegation also held a meeting with the leadership of China Horse Industry Association on the issues of preparation of an extraordinary forum of the
International Association of Akhal-Teke Horse Breeding in China.

The report said that the impulse to expand cooperation between the two countries has been given during the September 2013 visit of the Chinese President Xi Jinping to Turkmenistan.

A steady growth is observed in the trade turnover between Turkmenistan and China, and its annual capacity is around $9 billion.

China has recently become a key buyer of Turkmen gas and expects to increase annual purchases up to 65 billion cubic meters.

Besides the gas industry, China is actively cooperating with Turkmenistan in the supply of equipment and services for transport and communications.

Turkmenistan ranks fourth among the largest natural gas reserves in the world. It is one of the key players in the energy market in the Caspian region and Central Asia.

The issues of improving the travel procedures of entrepreneurs involved in large-scale joint projects are being studied.

Ashgabat and Beijing have recently agreed measures to promote and protect mutual investments to support commercial enterprises for their activity in the territory of the countries.

Turkmen president to visit China - Trend.Az
Turkmen president to visit China

Ashgabat and Beijing are preparing for the upcoming state visit of Turkmenistan`s President Gurbangulu Berdimuhamedov to China.

The Turkmen delegation paid a working visit to Beijing for the preparation of the visit and met with the Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Zhang Kunsheng, the Turkmen government reported on April 19.

The Turkmen delegation also held a meeting with the leadership of China Horse Industry Association on the issues of preparation of an extraordinary forum of the
International Association of Akhal-Teke Horse Breeding in China.

The report said that the impulse to expand cooperation between the two countries has been given during the September 2013 visit of the Chinese President Xi Jinping to Turkmenistan.

A steady growth is observed in the trade turnover between Turkmenistan and China, and its annual capacity is around $9 billion.

China has recently become a key buyer of Turkmen gas and expects to increase annual purchases up to 65 billion cubic meters.

Besides the gas industry, China is actively cooperating with Turkmenistan in the supply of equipment and services for transport and communications.

Turkmenistan ranks fourth among the largest natural gas reserves in the world. It is one of the key players in the energy market in the Caspian region and Central Asia.

The issues of improving the travel procedures of entrepreneurs involved in large-scale joint projects are being studied.

Ashgabat and Beijing have recently agreed measures to promote and protect mutual investments to support commercial enterprises for their activity in the territory of the countries.

Turkmen president to visit China - Trend.Az
My mother said maybe with luck he wont come back...............
I hope for a free,democratic and prosperous Türkmenistan but with that guy as its head i dont see it
Not really new but quite powerful.....

Also our proud soldiers who fought against the evil (Nazi Germany)


This was taken in the year 2012 most of them already went to heaven....
does russians have any shame ?

@rmi5 @Azeri440 @ASQ-1918 @Kamil_baku @Ahiska guys you need to look at this

"Russia does not want to lose its stranglehold on EU gas supplies, and thus does not want to see Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan collaborate on a trans-Caspian pipeline. The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict could be a leverage point for Moscow. “If the prospect of large volumes of Turkmen gas deliveries to Europe bypassing Russia would become real, Moscow could use its influence on [its ally] Armenia and seriously destabilize the situation on the [Karabakh] frontline, making Baku step back” from the pipeline,” he predicted."

"Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan’s April 8-9 trip to Ashgabat could be linked to the recent warming in ties between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, Shahinoglu added. “Yerevan and Moscow are not interested in a normalization [of relations] between Baku and Ashgabat and growing Western support for Azerbaijan,” he said."

"The lack of accepted territorial boundaries in the Caspian Sea poses another major obstacle. Both Moscow and Iran would consider the construction of any underwater pipeline illegal. The use of military force to stop construction could not be excluded, Shahinoglu said, citing previous threats by Iranian warships. Musabekov expects, however, that Azerbaijan will pursue not only Turkmenistan for its pipeline plans, but Iran as well. Most likely, before the next summit of the five Caspian littoral states (Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan) scheduled to take place in June in the Russian city of Astrakhan."

Russia-Ukraine Crisis Spurring Azerbaijani-Turkmen Gas Export Partnership? | EurasiaNet.org

i wonder what will turkey do if it's comes to war !
does russians have any shame ?

@rmi5 @Azeri440 @ASQ-1918 @Kamil_baku @Ahiska guys you need to look at this

"Russia does not want to lose its stranglehold on EU gas supplies, and thus does not want to see Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan collaborate on a trans-Caspian pipeline. The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict could be a leverage point for Moscow. “If the prospect of large volumes of Turkmen gas deliveries to Europe bypassing Russia would become real, Moscow could use its influence on [its ally] Armenia and seriously destabilize the situation on the [Karabakh] frontline, making Baku step back” from the pipeline,” he predicted."

"Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan’s April 8-9 trip to Ashgabat could be linked to the recent warming in ties between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, Shahinoglu added. “Yerevan and Moscow are not interested in a normalization [of relations] between Baku and Ashgabat and growing Western support for Azerbaijan,” he said."

"The lack of accepted territorial boundaries in the Caspian Sea poses another major obstacle. Both Moscow and Iran would consider the construction of any underwater pipeline illegal. The use of military force to stop construction could not be excluded, Shahinoglu said, citing previous threats by Iranian warships. Musabekov expects, however, that Azerbaijan will pursue not only Turkmenistan for its pipeline plans, but Iran as well. Most likely, before the next summit of the five Caspian littoral states (Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan) scheduled to take place in June in the Russian city of Astrakhan."

Russia-Ukraine Crisis Spurring Azerbaijani-Turkmen Gas Export Partnership? | EurasiaNet.org

i wonder what will turkey do if it's comes to war !

There is no way Russia will think about starting the nagorno karabkh conflict, because, they know that, there is no way they can win it. Any military involvement will end up Turkey in the war and obviously Nato. Azerbaijan and Turkey is not a joke as Ukrain, we gained these lands with our blood and we will never keep silence against any enemy. Also Azeri gas supply starting by 2018 and will be another punch to Russia. They already thinking other ways to differentiate their supply channels. Another option might be, to attack Georgia, But recently, Azerbaijani President and defence minister visited Iran and we re established our affairs. I think, the best way for TANAP would be through Iran, because, Iran can also sell its gas through the pipeline and and Turkey can offer the best solution to europe.
are you on drugs?

Iranian gas or pipeline through Iran = sanctions
US was about to impose sanctions on Shah Deniz 2 just because Iranian company was planning to be involved with the project
@Kamil_baku what make you think iranians will accept your offer ? im totally against your idea let me tell you what they are planing iran will make pipeline to Armenia than Georgia , Turkmenistan will make pip to Azerbaijan than Georgia than all pips will go to Crimea than Europe

iran can send their gas via turkey but if we make our pip throw iran than they will have all leverage they need to make a great pain on our turkmenista-azerbijan gas market , the pips must go from Georgia to turkey but first you and turks need rally turkistan under single union only than we can make our pip with out fearing them , we must let iran send it's gas from turkey but we should avoid to make our pip from iran , you azeris are 40 million in total turkistan in total is about 60-70 million turks are 80 million , Turkmenistan have big air-fleet big land army / Uzbekistan's armed force is bigger than Turkmenistan , Kazakhstan is biggest of them all , 180 million turks with one of the biggest army in the world
@Kamil_baku what make you think iranians will accept your offer ? im totally against your idea let me tell you what they are planing iran will make pipeline to Armenia than Georgia , Turkmenistan will make pip to Azerbaijan than Georgia than all pips will go to Crimea than Europe

iran can send their gas via turkey but if we make our pip throw iran than they will have all leverage they need to make a great pain on our turkmenista-azerbijan gas market , the pips must go from Georgia to turkey but first you and turks need rally turkistan under single union only than we can make our pip with out fearing them , we must let iran send it's gas from turkey but we should avoid to make our pip from iran , you azeris are 40 million in total turkistan in total is about 60-70 million turks are 80 million , Turkmenistan have big air-fleet big land army / Uzbekistan's armed force is bigger than Turkmenistan , Kazakhstan is biggest of them all , 180 million turks with one of the biggest army in the world
@ghara ghan @Kamil_baku @Azeri440
Actually, Iran wanted to cooperrate in the nabucco pipeline, and also Baku-Tiblisi-Ceyhan, but US disagreed with it, and did not let the pipeline go through Iran, and suggested Georgia instead. Azerbaijan, and Turkey were not too much interested in the idea of passing pipeline from Iran, because of the usual bullying of mullahs, and that's why they easily agreed with USA, when USA asked them to pass the pipeline from Georgia instead of Iran. Anyway, some international companies which Iran has a big share of their stocks, built the Baku-Tiblisi-Ceyhan Pipeline. That's why Iran signed an agreement with Iraq and Syria, just a few months before starting Syrian conflicts, to build a 6-billion dollars pipeline (If I remember the number correctly), which was supposed to go from Iran to Iraq and then to Syria. This pipeline which is named "Islamic pipeline" was supposed to connect to Greece via the Mediterranean sea, and then it was supposed to export Iranian gas to Europe. The Iranian part, from Asaluyeh port in Gulf to the Western border, is already completed. Anyway, Syrian conflicts, stopped progressing this deal. The another point here is that, Qatar is also interested in a route which goes from Qatar-KSA-Jordan-Syria-Turkey for gas export. But, the point is that Syrian government did not agree about it. This conflict of interest between Qatar and Iran in using Syrian soil for transferring gas, is considered as one of the hidden motives behind supporting each side of the Syrian conflict by them, as well. ;)
This ME and Caucasus region are sensitive for interferences from other powers. If we, Turkics, were to do something serious, Russians and Iranians will try to stop our developments. The only thing i worry about is; if Russia makes indirect war moves against Azerbaijian through Armenia, Turkey will have to stand with Azerbaijian and probably attack Armenia, but as an attacking force Turkey can't rely on nato anymore, right? Then after Armenia has been attacked, Russia can move in and declare 'officially' (because it already supported armenia anyway) war on us. Anyway, im sure europeans would not feel comfortable about such a scenario either since they are indirectly being forced to stick to Russia's resources. Iran is surely also against these Turkic plans, but how would their resistance be? I bet more passive, i.e. backing Armenia and/or its proxies, than actively joining war against us, Azerbaijian and Turkiye.

How is Turkmenistan's stance on Turkic union affairs? And does anyone know whether they, Turkmen govt, are seriously and honestly committed to this trans-Caspian pipeline project as well? Because Iran's opposition plus Russian pressure still could have significant influence in CA countries, i guess.
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