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I never heard someone calling a leader ''noob'' :lol:
i case of worst inherited leader of sovite i vote for turkmenistan
Karimov isnt that far behind our "president" while Türkmenistans president is corrupt and a noob Uzbekistans president is violent and pretty much a full blooded dictator
Summon the Aqsaqals and dismiss him from the position of leader, let the Aqsaqals chose a more reasonable leader :D

In the Tatars historic capital of Bakhchisaray, the assembly representing the 300,000-strong indigenous Muslim minority voted in favour of seeking "ethnic and territorial autonomy" in Crimea. They make up less than 15 percent of Crimea's population of 2 million and have been overwhelmingly opposed to Russia's annexation of the territory.

Crimean Tatars' assembly leader Refat Chubarov told more than 200 delegates: "In the life of every nation there comes a time when it must make decisions that will determine its future."

"I ask you to approve...the start of political and legal procedures aimed at creating ethnic and territorial autonomy of the Crimean Tatars of their historic territory of Crimea."

The assembly subsequently backed his proposal. Critical of Russia's annexation of Crimea, the Tatars boycotted the March 16 vote to split from Ukraine and become part of Russia.

Moscow has tried to pressure them to drop their opposition. However, their proposal to seek autonomy signals they would be ready to negotiate their status with Russia.

The West imposed sanctions on Russia, including visa bans on some of Putin's inner circle, after Moscow annexed Crimea this month following a referendum on union of the Russian-majority region with the Russian Federation that the West called illegal.

The West has threatened tougher sanctions targeting Russia's stuttering economy if Moscow sends more troops to Ukraine.

Lavrov called for "deep constitutional reform" in Ukraine, a sprawling country of 46 million people divided between those who see their future in closer ties with Europe and mainly Russian speakers in the east who look to former Soviet master Russia.

"Frankly speaking, we don't see any other way for the steady development of the Ukrainian state apart from as a federation," Lavrov said.

Each region would have jurisdiction over its economy, finances, culture, language, education and "external economic and cultural connections with neighbouring countries or regions," he said. "Given the proportion of native Russians (in Ukraine) we propose this and we are sure there is no other way."

Lavrov and Kerry spoke by phone on Saturday, following up on the Putin-Obama call on Friday. The White House said Obama told Putin that Russia must pull back its troops and not move deeper into the former Soviet republic. The Kremlin said Putin suggested "examining possible steps the global community can take to help stabilise the situation.

Russia sees no need for Ukraine incursion, Tatars seek autonomy| Reuters
Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan hold joint anti-terrorist exercises
Joint anti-terrorist command-staff exercises of the competent authorities of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan "East- Anti-Terror 2014" took place on the territory of Uzbekistan, the press service of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization reported on April 3.

The exercises carried out in the framework of the implementation of the Programme of Cooperation - SCO member states in the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism, and in accordance with the SCO RATS Council's decision dated March, 20, 2014.

The event were attended by representatives of the Ministries of Defense, Interior, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense of the two countries.
The delegations from Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Tajikistan, and the RATS Executive Committee were invited as observers.

During the exercise, commanders and personnel of law enforcement structures of the participants states improved their skills in the planning, preparation and execution of the special measures to curb preparing terrorist acts, identification and curb of the activities of "terrorist groups", release of hostages and conduction of operational-investigative activities.

SCO was founded in 2001 and is a permanent intergovernmental international organisation. It includes Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan have observer status in the SCO. Belarus, Turkey and Sri Lanka are dialogue partners.

Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan holds joint anti-terrorist exercises - Trend.Az

In the late 20th century, with the disbandment of the Soviet Union, our world went enrolled into a new period, where the secrets of emphatic and constricted ideological blocks began to surmount and the signs of Cold War era began to fuse. Bearing on mind the rapid increase of the globalization process and the need to protect against the consequences of this cultural erosion, and in order to protect, to keep alive and to transfer the cultural values of the people of Turkish origin and, from this period on, there arose an idea of forming UNESCO suchlike model among the Turkish world. With this demeanor, the ministers of culture of a newly independent five Turkic republics, namely, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan together with Republic of Turkey gathered in Istanbul in order to maintain and strengthen the already existing common cultural presence and agreed to co-operate in the sphere of culture. The ministers of culture who were on charge on that period, and who were insist and stable on behalf oh this issue signed a Protocol of Will and formed a Permanent Council of Ministers of Culture in order to support the Turkish language, history and culture, with other words, to support the moral existence of Turkish values. Those contacts continued in Baku, Azerbaijan in the December of 1992. As a consequence of this stable and resolute co-operation, the next year, on 12th of July of 1993, in Alma-Ata, they signed the agreement on Principles of Activities and Establishment of TURKSOY, which it than formed the TURKSOY, which until that that time this agreement was seen as a far-reachable light!; an utopia!

The official writing or correspond language of TURKSOY is the Turkish language which is spoken in Turkey, and its administrative center is in Ankara. Bearing on mind that the TUKSOY is formed according to UNESCO`s model, its main administrative body is general directorate. Mr. Polad Bulbuloglu, the former Minister of Culture of Azerbaijan, was the general director on charge of the TURKSOY between 1994 and 2006. Than, from the 2006-2008, the TURKSOY had general substitution director ad interim. On 28 may of 2008 in Ankara, there was held the 24th Anniversary Meeting of the Permanent Council of the Turkish Speaking Countries and the former Minister of Culture Mr. Duysen Kaseinov, with a consensus/unanimity was elected as a director general of TURKSOY.
According to the agreement of the organization, the deputy general director of the TURKSOY, is elected by a member of the Republic of Turkey, this is accredited by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Turkey. Mr. Firat Purtas a PhD, is still on charge as organizations deputy director - general.

TUKSOY, which is a herald of rich and rooted civilization, and the UNESCO of Turkish world, is moving forward with a secure, sure, confident and hopeful steps.





Article on the preservation of proto-Turkic three vowel lengths in Azerbaijani dialects (present in Yakut, Turkmen and possibly Khalaj). Though it should be noted that its only partially preserved, not entirely (unlike Yakut and Turkmen).



Ya:z (Tur: Bahar, spring) - Yaz (write)
A:c (Tur: Aç, hungry) - Ac (pain)
Ya:d (Tur: Yabancı, foreign) - Yat (sleep)
Sa:rı (Tur: Karşı, towards) - Sarı (yellow color)

Yaaz, aac, yaad, saarı - yaz, ac, yat, sarı.
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i don't know all of them :undecided: i only know Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan Turkmenistan and turkey where did you get the rest :unsure:
Turkic Republics/Regions in other countries. For example east turkestan is there.
Autonomous states I guess, Khakassia, Altai, Tuva, East Turkestan, Saka-Yakut, Gagauzia etc. I don't know all of them one by one either :D I don't know what Mongolia does there though.

So @ghara ghan , my grandpa told me that when he was young, boys in his village would do horse races in weddings, probably in order to impress girls, you do something similar ?
Turkic Republics/Regions in other countries. For example east turkestan is there.
Autonomous states I guess, Khakassia, Altai, Tuva, East Turkestan, Saka-Yakut, Gagauzia etc. I don't know all of them one by one either :D I don't know what Mongolia does there though.

So @ghara ghan , my grandpa told me that when he was young, boys in his village would do horse races in weddings, probably in order to impress girls, you do something similar ?
ty for info :D

@Targon ye done this but today mostly use car:lol:
Its sucks that we just lost horse culture like it was never here, nothing is preserved. Until 50s-60s horses were everywhere, there were millions of horses in the country, they were part of daily life, there were horseback games, but after cars came all horses become sausage :D

At least there are freed horse herds everywhere, looks like not all of them become sausage, but some of them left to nature, we call them "Yılkı"
The old Turks were born on horses. The 21st century Turk was born in a car. :D
yea but yet we still like old days pick up the girls :rofl:

Its sucks that we just lost horse culture like it was never here, nothing is preserved. Until 50s-60s horses were everywhere, there were millions of horses in the country, they were part of daily life, there were horseback games, but after cars came all horses become sausage :D

At least there are freed horse herds everywhere, looks like not all of them become sausage, but some of them left to nature, we call them "Yılkı"
our horse mostly killed in iran-iraq war for food ! :mad: few of them remain but we fear they face Extinction holding them is very expensive last year gov says will support to save them :disagree:
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