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If you hit me , i would just get stitches but if i hit you they will throw soil on you (on your grave) ;)
:o: the only word i didn't know was the dikish now it's turns out your dikish was our kash/kashimak (ghashimak) :lol:
btw he didin't tell that much did he ! o_O

let me translate your sentences to mine

ager mene vursang ,men ghashiyarim amma ager men sene vursam senin ustunga ghum (toprak) seferlar (seperlar) :o:

@Targon dude whats happen i just kidding :yahoo: i love to make jokes to make the people happy :D
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@ghara ghan

Its just shorter, its still understandable :D btw are you sure ghashimak is stitch ? I thought Kaşımak was scratching. :)
@Ahiska bro, i was just reading about Karaim people, but it seems some Karaim people regarded themselves as having Israeli roots and some regarded themselves as Turkic. what's up with that? is that perhaps the result of the marriages between Karaim Turkics and Jews who were originally living in the region that is now called Israel? how do your family, relatives and other Karaim people you know regard themselves?

also can you speak Karaim? i read it's Turkic mixed with some Hebrew influences. interesting.
Not all and almost no one can speak Karaim anymore
But many consider themselves as a mix of Jews and Tatars
Says enough :)


But there are so few of them. Total world population is between 5-10 k
@ghara ghan

Its just shorter, its still understandable :D btw are you sure ghashimak is stitch ? I thought Kaşımak was scratching. :)
kashimak and ghashimak are same don't read G like green

g+h=gh it's a vioce which turks dont have it t's something between g and k

btw i didn't know what the dikish is so i couldn't .........
Dikish is you know when you get a lets say cut wound, they sew it with somekind of string, we call it dikish atmak, originally from the verb dikmek.
@usernameless @Ahiska @olcayto @telkon lets continue it here

Uzbeks wanted to kill us (Uzbeks disliked us because we were richer then them because we could speak Russian)
Kirgiz also burned down some houses and killed some Ahiskas (they thought of us as Uzbeks and they dislike Uzbeks in Kirgyzstan)
Only the Kazakhs and Azeri didnt attack us
you are telling me even turkmens attack you ? !!! i thought they ill accepted you ?
Basically there isnt any kind of understanding at all for the normal people in those countries.
They know that they are related but think more for themselves.
For example Kirgiz call the Uzbek turkified Tajiks and Uzbek call the Kirgiz dirty Mongolians
these are all Soviet Russian plan to start a endless fight between turkic this also was the main reason why turkmen war of independence failed

Money and ideology
Uzbeks = jealous because we were richer then them
Kirgiz = thought that we are Uzbeks
well since we all experience of colonized by Russians as soon as we get indecency we try to send our none kin ethnic out of what we called our soil but why this problem still stand idk , 22 years ago uzbeks were only 3 million now they are about 30 million a lot of jobless people every day they cross border to turkmenistan to use turkmenistan gov Subsistit and work it's also bother me to see this if they cant support their pop than why they increase it 10 time larger in 22 years ! when tajiks cross the border to uzbekistan , uzbeks tread them like a dog even uzbekistan use minefield to stop the crossing but when turkmenistan try to stop the uzbeks from crossing they bothers ,they also don't share the water justly and since they have big pop and big army no one can complain , btw the thing they have done in first years of Soviet and last years of imperial Russia prevent us to get independence some thing at least we turkmens never forget since we resist the most and payed the worst ! in my view after soviet collapse Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan get a lot of our soil they get the large number and the best military equipments this was really unfair , idk why but Uzbeks are enemy if all central Asians :disagree:
@usernameless @Ahiska @olcayto @telkon lets continue it here

you are telling me even turkmens attack you ? !!! i thought they ill accepted you ?

these are all Soviet Russian plan to start a endless fight between turkic this also was the main reason why turkmen war of independence failed

well since we all experience of colonized by Russians as soon as we get indecency we try to send our none kin ethnic out of what we called our soil but why this problem still stand idk , 22 years ago uzbeks were only 3 million now they are about 30 million a lot of jobless people every day they cross border to turkmenistan to use turkmenistan gov Subsistit and work it's also bother me to see this if they cant support their pop than why they increase it 10 time larger in 22 years ! when tajiks cross the border to uzbekistan , uzbeks tread them like a dog even uzbekistan use minefield to stop the crossing but when turkmenistan try to stop the uzbeks from crossing they bothers ,they also don't share the water justly and since they have big pop and big army no one can complain , btw the thing they have done in first years of Soviet and last years of imperial Russia prevent us to get independence some thing at least we turkmens never forget since we resist the most and payed the worst ! in my view after soviet collapse Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan get a lot of our soil they get the large number and the best military equipments this was really unfair , idk why but Uzbeks are enemy if all central Asians :disagree:
The Ahiska population in Türkmenistan is really low but e never faced discrimmination there (we are Oghuz like Türkmens ok that sounds weird because im partly Türkmen but whatever)
The Ahiska population in Türkmenistan is really low but e never faced discrimmination there (we are Oghuz like Türkmens ok that sounds weird because im partly Türkmen but whatever)
well when you say except azeri and kazakh i feared you have including turkmens too

@ghara ghan , Turkmenistan got the area with the most natural resources. You guys actually drew the best straw
But the noob that's running your country is a failure in every way.
if you just look to historical maps you will see in time of imperial russia and sovite turkmenistan was larger than this and i assume we lost some of our water/gold resources

i agreed about their noobish leadership after hunder year we get our Independence and these noob leaders at least better than nothing , some time couldn't get better we must hop they change :lol:
I never heard someone calling a leader ''noob'' :lol:

Well it is the truth.
All of the presidents of the formal USSR-Turkic countries were pawns of the old soviet union to begin with. All of them are coincidentally also still ruling since 1991.

Now Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan were somewhat lucky that they inherited some reasonable ok leaders from the Soviet Union. But Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan got pretty much screwed.
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