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They do over do it with some mosques for example they are building a $100 million dollar one in the u.s.
even if you build 1000000000 mosques, it's the leaders of CA countries, who are mostly dictators, that can really influence the opinion and mind of a nation, thus need a change. I'm looking for the day all those leaders finally take bold steps towards a Turkic union
dude what dose mıkap means ? tell me plz i need to know it now i have turkish class in next 2 hour :D
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Crimean Tatars may 'take up arms' if Russia invades

Mustafa Jemilev, who represents the Crimean Tatars in the Ukrainian national parliament, called on the international community to respect the sovereignty of Crimea and the rights of its native inhabitants, the Crimean Tatars.

Speaking to Ukrainian journalists, Jemilev urged Ukraine to seek membership with NATO and that Russia's Black Sea fleet should be recognized as illegal

According to Kavkaz Center, Jemilev also proposed the arming of the Crimean Tatars in the event of a war.

"If we need to use violence to counteract the invaders, we will do this. The Crimean Tatar units, which are currently being prepared, are ready for war," he reportedly said.

He added that in the case of war, Crimean Tatars will join the lo

invaders if they act with agression.
cal security forces and take up arms. "Disscussions regarding this are ongoing," he said.

Meanwhile, his successor as the head of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis (parliament), Refat Chubarov, has called on his people to form a special commission to consult over the current situation in t he region to help resolve the issue.

“We should start our work without any ultimatums. The commissions should be represented by all the political parties, including Crimean deputies,” he noted.

Chubarov also denied meeting with the Chechen president Ramzan Kadyrov, as well as refuting reports that the Crimean Tatar Mejlis had met with the newly elected pro-Russian Crimean parliament, which it has refused to recognize.

crimea tatars actually polish tatars.jpg
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Crimean Tatars may 'take up arms' if Russia invades

Mustafa Jemilev, who represents the Crimean Tatars in the Ukrainian national parliament, called on the international community to respect the sovereignty of Crimea and the rights of its native inhabitants, the Crimean Tatars.

Speaking to Ukrainian journalists, Jemilev urged Ukraine to seek membership with NATO and that Russia's Black Sea fleet should be recognized as illegal

According to Kavkaz Center, Jemilev also proposed the arming of the Crimean Tatars in the event of a war.

"If we need to use violence to counteract the invaders, we will do this. The Crimean Tatar units, which are currently being prepared, are ready for war," he reportedly said.

He added that in the case of war, Crimean Tatars will join the lo

invaders if they act with agression.
cal security forces and take up arms. "Disscussions regarding this are ongoing," he said.

Meanwhile, his successor as the head of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis (parliament), Refat Chubarov, has called on his people to form a special commission to consult over the current situation in t he region to help resolve the issue.

“We should start our work without any ultimatums. The commissions should be represented by all the political parties, including Crimean deputies,” he noted.

Chubarov also denied meeting with the Chechen president Ramzan Kadyrov, as well as refuting reports that the Crimean Tatar Mejlis had met with the newly elected pro-Russian Crimean parliament, which it has refused to recognize.

View attachment 19656

With violence nothing will be achieved. It will only give one more reason for Russia (and maybe Russia is already eagerly waiting for Tatars to do something stupid) to protect those ethnic Russians in Crimea and justify their stay and actions there.
Thanks. One particular archaic word, "Yağı" (enemy) which is constantly used there are still used in Azerbaijani Turkish.
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Gok Turk Military Information

The Tujue (Türük / Gök Türk) armies were organised in the Decimal System (based on the number ten and it's multiples). Units were made up of ten, hundred, thousand and ten thousand men; unit names were Onluq (10 men), Yüzlük (100 men), Biñlik (1000 men) and Tümen (10000 men) and ranks of officers commanding them followed as On Bashï, Yüz Bashï, Biñ Bashï and Tümen Bashï(Bash means "Head" and -bashï means "Head of-").


Most of the units were made up cavalry, some armored, some not; while there were also small numbers of infantry. Units were as following:

- Atlïgh: "Rider", "Horseman"; these were the light cavalries, forming the majority of most of the armies. They were typical steppe riders.

- Yarïqlïgh Atlïgh: "Armored Horseman"; even though no such names are recorded, I've created this to use for the heavy cavalry units that were good at both ranged and melee action. In some battles like Herat and Mingsha Shan, the great majority of Tujue forces were made up of these (though in Herat, there were also elephants and a few light riders).

- Böri: "Wolves", these were the Guards of the Qaghans (rulers), they were the best soldiers of the army, they were armored from head to toe, many foreign records (like those of Xuan Zang) describe them in detail. I read they wore single-type uniforms of red or green silk, but I'm not very sure on that.

- Yadagh: "Foot Soldier", infantry, these were largely made up of infantry archers or auxiliaries. They rode Bactrian camels but fought dismounted in battles. In battles, they served as a defensive line, though they were also used in background service such as carrying equipment. Mercenary infantries from the city-states of the Tarim Basin were also recruited if necessary.


- Chinese sources listed Tujue equipment as Zhao (Bow made from Horns), Di(Whistling Arrow), Jian (Two-Faced Sword), Dao (Single-Edged Sword), Yan (a special Turko-Chinese weapon, similar to halberd with a very massive and long blade, excellent in cavalry warfare), Mao (Spear), Jia (Armor) and others which I currently don't know.

- Chinese say that "Armor was like the ordinary dress of Tujue men" and they listed many types of Yarïq (Armor), including those made from iron, bronze, gold (for display, not for warfare) and even wood. According to archeological findings, there were still many types of Tujue armor, including chain mail, leather lamellar armor, lamellae hauberks with chain coifs (neck protector), wooden-iron-leather, etc... Even some of the horses were armored too. Many warriors wore an aditional iron lamellar cuirass on leather armor.

- Helmets were called Tolga (or Tulga), they were nice-looking, if you could shoot towards both front and back on horseback, you were allowed to put two feathers to the sides of your helmet. Some helmets seem to have nose protectors while the best warriors and heroes added mail parts that covered the entire face.

- Qïlïchs (Swords) were usually long (suited for use on horseback), with some varieties like Single-Edged Straight, Single-Edged Slightly-Curved and Two-Faced Straight. Daggers were common too.

- Qarghï (Lances) were also a favorite weapon, Spears were called Süñgü and Short Spears were named Qachut. The Tujue loved putting small bells on the head of their lances.

- Shields or Qalqans were very common, they were usually round, made from iron, bronze or wood.

- The most important weapons of the Tujue were the Yay (Bow) and Oq (Arrow, also meaning "Tribe"). Turkic bows were of reflex-composite type, they were very flexible and very powerful (the best composite bow type in history is said to be the 16th-century Ottoman bow which was an improved version of the Classical Turkish bows). Even if single-piece short bows were used, they must have been small in number, and reserved for some infantry (though I don't think they were used). Arrows had many types, like those special to kill horses, make noises, thrust through armor and wound soldiers. Javelins don't seem to have been used much (it was one of the main weapons of European Huns, but not that of Tujue).

- Ordinary soldiers wore normal nomad clothes and sometimes helmets & leather armor. The weaponry of most of the riders, be it Atlïgh, Yarïqlïgh Atlïgh or Böri, were almost the same. Riders outside the Atlïgh wore armor that covered their chest, back, neck, legs and sometimes arms, only the best covered their faces.

- Standards were also important, they were called Tugh which are recorded to have had small golden models of wolf heads on their top.


- I've listed the commanders of units above, I'll just add the Tarqans and Baghaturs. Baghaturs were Heroes as well as Tarqans, but the tarqans might have been closer nobles. However, the difference between the two are still vague.

- Army commanders were called Sü Bashï ("Head of Army" or "Head of Soldiers"), ordinary warriors were called Er, brave warriors were called Alp. In major battles, the qaghans commanded the center part (Böri Guards) while a Yabghu and a Shad were appointed to the wings (one commanded one wing, the other one the other wing).


- The army had three major parts: a center and two wings. Infantry were deployed on the back, guards were on the center, the other cavalries made up most of the army. If the riders had to make a melee charge, they would form into the Lance / Triangle Formations.

- If the main army broke, infantries would make a last stand and fire their arrows until the enemy got too close. Then they would draw their melee weapons (swords, daggers and spears) and make a final counter-charge.

- The classical tactics were the hit-and-run of steppe riders. The Tujue tried to keep the actual fighting short and gave more importance to weakening the enemy forces by cutting off supplies, making raids and ambushing. Weathers, seasons and even the position of the moon had effects on the fighting time and spirit of the Tujue warriors. Campaigns were made usually during the winter, when the horses were strong after being fed in spring and summer.

Armies of the Tujue | Steppe History Forum (is it reliable? you decide)
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The Avars
The Eurasian Avars were a nomadic people of Eurasia, who appeared in central and eastern Europe in the 6th century. Avar rule persisted over much of the Pannonian plain up to the early 9th century.

Two Turkish tribes left the Zhuan Zhuan's (a Mongol kingdom estabilished after the Hiung-nu -Hunnic- Empire) in 350 to follow other tribes which built kingdoms in the west. The what would later become known as 'Avar' tribes were founded during the establishment of the Hephthalites (Gök Türks) and emigrated to east Europe at the same time as the Zhuan Zhuan's were defeated by the Tabgaches (458-459). These tribes were called War and Khon --- Warkhon, Abar, Apar or as we know, Avar.

There are different opinions about the rulers of the Avars who reigned for more than 250 years in Europe. As they came from the dark hinterlands of Asia, they united with other related tribes to form a tribal confederation. In this mass were Ogur tribes, Mongol tribes who fled from the Gökturk Empire, and Alans. Under these conditions it is natural for different opinions about the rulers to be circulated. But the Avars used Turkic administrative names like Tudun, Yugruş, Tarhan, Boyar and others, that left no suspicions the Reigning tribes were Turks.

As we came to the year 558, the Sabar lands who filled the Caucasus were crushed under the Avarian horses. In 562 they became a neighbour of the Byzantines. Their Khagan Bayan conquered Hungary soon afterwards.

After 568 the Avars were the biggest continuous kingdom in middle Europe. From this strategic point they attacked west and south. They defeated the Frankish king Siegesberg in the west, and in the south they took Singidunum (Belgrade) and Sirmium (Ezsék) from the Byzantine Empire (582).

Under the leadership of Bayan Khagan the Avarian Horsemen made their presence felt in every corner of known Europe. From the river Don to Galia and from the north Slav regions to Italia.

In 617, 619 and 626 they besieged Constantinople. After the last siege the Avars began to weaken. Charlemagne's crusade (791) signalled an end to the kingdom. In 761 the Avar capital was invaded by Pepin and in 805 the Avar Khaganate became a part of history.

The remainder of the Avar tribes dispersed into modern Hungary and Balkan lands. Even at the end of their reign, the culture of the Avars influenced certain aspects of the Balkans for centuries. Avarian administrative names are still in use in some Balkan regions. Avarino and Avarorum are the real names of the cities Navarino (Greece) and Antivari (Albania). The Merovingian Dynasty used Avarian art styles in their own. They also taught the Slavs a sizable portion of agricultural technique, gold and silver mining techniques, new skills in horsemanship and warfare. This explains why many terms in these fields are still Avarian.
The Avar Khaganate in History Forum Forum



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With violence nothing will be achieved. It will only give one more reason for Russia (and maybe Russia is already eagerly waiting for Tatars to do something stupid) to protect those ethnic Russians in Crimea and justify their stay and actions there.
Tatars should be one voice with Ukranians. They don't make a chance if they go lone gun. Sadly they will also not get support from Turkey.
Crimean Tatar leader meets Putin in Moscow

Crimean Tatar representative and former head of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis (parliament) Mustafa Jemilev has been invited to Moscow to discuss the situation in Crimea with president Vladimir Putin.

He arrived in Moscow late last night and is believed to have met with the ambassadors of Ukraine and Turkey. On Wednesday, he met with Mintimer Shaymiyev, the first president of the Republic of Tataristan.

Mustafa Jemilev became the first Crimean Tatar leader to meet with a Russian leader in 200 years. The meeting lasted half an hour, after which Jemilev revealed that the two sides had agreed to continue talks.

He said that in the meeting Putin told him that Russia would decide on its stance on Crimea after the March 16 referendum, in which Crimeans will decide whether they want to annex the peninsula to Russia.

Jemilev also added that Putin said he felt the pain of the tragedies the Crimean Tatars had been through in the past and expressed his wish that the Crimean Tatars do not get involved in clashes. Putin also warned Jemilev that Ukrainian nationalists were attempting to entice Crimean Tatars into an armed conflict.

In the meeting, Putin is said to have given the example of the Tatars in Tataristan who live in Russia without problems, which Jemilev said was an attempt to convince him that Crimean Tatars would also live happily in Russia.

Crimean Tatars are the native Turkic-speaking Muslim population of the Crimean peninsula. Despite this, they have been reduced to a minority status in their homeland, which is dominated by ethnic Russians, after Soviet dictator Josef Stalin forced them out in 1994.

In the late 1980s, some Crimean Tatars were able to return home, but due to their minority status, they are seemingly powerless in stopping the Crimea parliament on annexing the peninsula to Russia following the ousting of former pro-Russian Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich from Kiev in February.

Crimean Tatar leader meets Putin in Moscow | Europe | Worldbulletin News
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