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Ulytau-Jumyr Kilish(or something like that)

Ups checked, its not it, its sounded familiar though.
Turkmenistan, Turkey discuss cooperation in agrarian sphere

Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Chairman of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey Mustafa, Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu discussed the joint projects in agrarian sphere, a message from the government of Turkmenistan said on March 14.

The parties touched upon the issues of implementation of the projects entrusted to Turkish companies in various fields, including in the agro-industrial sector which is a significant segment of Turkmenistan's economy, according to the Turkmen government's message.

Regarding this the construction of modern elevators throughout the country was the main theme of discussions," the message from the country's government said.

Berdimuhamedov said in one of the meetings that the agro-industrial complex is designed to ensure food abundance in the country. Turkmenistan entered the list of bread wheat exporting countries in 2010.

Turkmenistan plans to collect 1,600,000 tons of grain from the area covering 860,000 hectares in 2014.

The construction of elevators has been intensified in the country. A number of elevators were commissioned in the country's Dashoguz, Akhal and Mary provinces.

Turkey is one of the largest trade and economic partners of Turkmenistan. Currently, over 600 Turkish companies operate in the local market and implement joint projects in power industry, oil and gas complex, construction, transport, communication, textile industry and agro-industry.

Grain elevator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Turkmenistan, Turkey discuss cooperation in agrarian sphere - Trend.Az

@ghara ghan
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Turkmenistan, Turkey discuss cooperation in agrarian sphere

Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Chairman of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey Mustafa, Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu discussed the joint projects in agrarian sphere, a message from the government of Turkmenistan said on March 14.

The parties touched upon the issues of implementation of the projects entrusted to Turkish companies in various fields, including in the agro-industrial sector which is a significant segment of Turkmenistan's economy, according to the Turkmen government's message.

Regarding this the construction of modern elevators throughout the country was the main theme of discussions," the message from the country's government said.

Berdimuhamedov said in one of the meetings that the agro-industrial complex is designed to ensure food abundance in the country. Turkmenistan entered the list of bread wheat exporting countries in 2010.

Turkmenistan plans to collect 1,600,000 tons of grain from the area covering 860,000 hectares in 2014.

The construction of elevators has been intensified in the country. A number of elevators were commissioned in the country's Dashoguz, Akhal and Mary provinces.

Turkey is one of the largest trade and economic partners of Turkmenistan. Currently, over 600 Turkish companies operate in the local market and implement joint projects in power industry, oil and gas complex, construction, transport, communication, textile industry and agro-industry.

Grain elevator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Turkmenistan, Turkey discuss cooperation in agrarian sphere - Trend.Az

@ghara ghan
this is a great news to hear turkey helping us i hop see more of these news in different field like shipbuilding,fishing,sea industry , military ,car industry , healthcare , education etc

strong turkey will make us stronger i really happy your helping us :yay::enjoy:
And the useless dictator can continue building more meaningless marble buildings.

Türkmen-owgan araçäginde elleri “kalaşnikow” awtomatly, granatomýotly graždan eşigindäki adamlaryň bir topary bu sebiti, hususan-da Türkmenistana barýan serhedi, “Talyban” hereketiniň söweşijilerinden goraýandygyny aýdýar.

Türkmen-Afgan araçağında(galiba arasında, aralığında gibi birşey) elleri kalaşnikovlu, el bombalı grazdan(?) eşiğindeki adamların bir topary(bir bölüğü, bir kısmı ?) bu sebiti(noktayı, yeri ?), Türkmenistana varan sınırı, Taliban hareketinin savaşçılarından koruduklarını söylüyor.

Türkmen-owgan araçäginde elleri “kalaşnikow” awtomatly, granatomýotly graždan eşigindäki adamlaryň bir topary bu sebiti, hususan-da Türkmenistana barýan serhedi, “Talyban” hereketiniň söweşijilerinden goraýandygyny aýdýar.

Türkmen-Afgan araçağında(galiba arasında, aralığında gibi birşey) elleri kalaşnikovlu, el bombalı grazdan(?) eşiğindeki adamların bir topary(bir bölüğü, bir kısmı ?) bu sebiti(noktayı, yeri ?), Türkmenistana varan sınırı, Taliban hareketinin savaşçılarından koruduklarını söylüyor.
who ever man turn turkmen to latin was really stupid ! i barely can read it very slow i even reading turkish or azeri is much easier for me . keep it going @Targon
And the useless dictator can continue building more meaningless marble buildings.

agreed. the more the golden statues, the merrier LOL.

I can't understand.... Do you understand what is written there ?

yes, it's easy actually. just have to practice a little. i spent approx. 1 year with turkmens in dormitory and started to understand by listening to their speech LOL


Türkmen-owgan araçäginde elleri “kalaşnikow” awtomatly, granatomýotly graždan eşigindäki adamlaryň bir topary bu sebiti, hususan-da Türkmenistana barýan serhedi, “Talyban” hereketiniň söweşijilerinden goraýandygyny aýdýar.

Türkmen-Afgan araçağında(galiba arasında, aralığında gibi birşey) elleri kalaşnikovlu, el bombalı grazdan(?) eşiğindeki adamların bir topary(bir bölüğü, bir kısmı ?) bu sebiti(noktayı, yeri ?), Türkmenistana varan sınırı, Taliban hareketinin savaşçılarından koruduklarını söylüyor.

your translation is very close mate :D
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