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O get it :D its not present in Standart Turkish, but its present in some dialects, for example my grandma would say like "Ellerini yun/yuv" , "yüzünü yun/yuv."

"Yoğurmak" gibi olabilir mi acaba ?
Okay guys, i'm working with Turkic family tree which Telkon shared with us.

My question is how can we extend this tree. I mean where do the Oghuz Turks, Kazaks, Turkmens, Özbeks, Ahıska connect ?

@ASQ-1918 @telkon @Targon @Ahiska @ghara ghan @rmi5 @MertKaan

I would say don't bother, its more complicated then that :) so many things changed, a great nation/tribe could easily be defeated and its name would be completely forgotten, there is no point on making a family tree with tribe/nation names, there are thousands of them.
I would say don't bother, its more complicated then that :) so many things changed, a great nation/tribe could easily be defeated and its name would be completely forgotten, there is no point on making a family tree with tribe/nation names, there are thousands of them.

At least i think we should add the current ones, it would be great if all present Turkics can know their roots, relations with other Turkic etc....

You can pass me any info, link, diagram etc... :)
Well you may try but as I said its so complicated, simply Turkics in the past were one ethnicity living together, then got crowded and expanded, divided into numerous groups.
@telkon bana küstün mü ? dikkat ettim hep es geçiyosun ? :D eğer önceki tartışmalardan ise birşey demedimki, ağır konuşmadan normal bir şekilde fikirlerimizi söyledik :)
Check how Turkish "e" sounds like in google translate, is your e sounds same ? I thought Iranians were writing e in Latin alphabet but it was sounding more like "i" :)

You can record your voice here and share it if you want :)

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ceke has nothing to do with persian "yek" :) southerners around fergana valley say yek as persian "yek" for one. its mere uzbek and tajik influence. and if we used it, it would be "cek" or something shorter, not ceke. . "ceke" isn't numeral, i.e. one apple, man etc. it's more like being in the state of oneness, unification. turkish "tek, teklik" may be the most close in meaning. IMHO mongol word yeke is used to denote the union of all mongol tribes as one. and i'm still combing through clauson's and budagov's dictionaries. it looks like it'll take forever :D 3500 chaotic pages of arabic and old russian :hitwall:

@Kaan where did you find those pictures? i have some in same format, but wasn't able to locate the source of these drawings.
google no specific website.
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