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Turkey’s S-400 vs F-35 dilemma in 2019

F-35 vs S-400; If Turkey had to choose one, which one should it choose?

  • F-35

  • S-400

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You are insulting Turkey by saying “Turkey can buy shit”
What kind of Bosnian are you?
And then you blame me for ad hominem attacks?:lol:
As hominem attacks is against a person. I didn’t insult you but pointed out that you are insulting entire country by using improper vocabulary. Get a dictionary or something

It shows that if you buy S400 USA will put you on sanction list. Like we threatened India and they’ll delegation to Washington.
It’s an economic warfare against Russia

No. An economic warfare looks different. And why should US sanction Russia. Because of Ukraine? Syria? Why now? Why not earlier? Why not because of Georgian war. No, I thing you only protect your own interest and blackmail every country to buy your products. As you do with us. We must buy US shale gas. The LNG's will payed by our government.
Greece didn’t. Cypres did and cypres is NOT in NATO. To appease Turkish concerns NATO stepped in and urged Greece to take over S300 and lock them away in the storage.
Another one of your BS explanations. They’re in a hanger hey. How hard would it be to take them out and shoot down a few Turkish jets? Why keep them at all? Send them back for free, destroy them - Who cares, you can’t use them right? Turkey complained right... Bull shit! Btw it’s Cyprus.
Another one of your BS explanations. They’re in a hanger hey. How hard would it be to take them out and shoot down a few Turkish jets? Why keep them at all? Send them back for free, destroy them - Who cares, you can’t use them right? Turkey complained right... Bull shit! Btw it’s Cyprus.
Another one with whataboutism syndrome:partay:
Greece and Turkey lost more jets in dogfights over Aegean Sea than actual war. You won’t go to war with Greece take a chill pill.
Do Greeks roll out S300? Yes. For Israelis and nato members in various AF trainings. So you should know how to evade that system by now
But the real killer of Turkish Air Force is Recep Tayyip Erdogan. He jailed more Turkish pilots than Greeks could ever dream of:lol:
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It’s a figure of speech used in the English language, especially the US, you smart arse.

dont mind him. he's just trying to be funny. you know americans, they think Adam Sandler is funny and Ben Shapiro is a phylosopher

But these discussions show us one more thing. USA is so much afraid of S-400 system which weaken our alliance NATO. So much positive propaganda for S-400.

But why tie it up to danger for F35? maybe Turks could find out that F35 isnt as 'stealthy' as advartised? These fresh leaks seems to suggest major problems, including with stealth. Dunno...
I mean, they are now offering India F35 if they drop out from S400 deal. Why? Is it just for the sales, preventing Russia maiking revenue. If so, why sales of other AD systems like TOR, BUK, even S300 arent scrtunized in the same manner? If anything US with such agresive stance on S400 is doing advertasing for Russia itself.
No. An economic warfare looks different. And why should US sanction Russia. Because of Ukraine? Syria? Why now? Why not earlier? Why not because of Georgian war. No, I thing you only protect your own interest and blackmail every country to buy your products. As you do with us. We must buy US shale gas. The LNG's will payed by our government.
And you will buy our shale gas because unlike Russians we keep our end of the bargain. Russia pre 2013 canceled gas deliveries thru UA numerous times.
You will also buy lng from Qatar so get off russian d*ck and get used to different realities.
Why not earlier? Stop asking dumb questions look at the events before 2014.

But some ex-Warsaw Pact members use Russian systems.
Not russian systems but soviet systems that they had stockpiled. Actually Poland and Romania don’t use them anymore

It’s a figure of speech used in the English language, especially the US, you smart arse.
There is another way of saying such as “Turkey buys most of its shit” but this peasant says “Turkey can buy shit” which has negative connotation, not so smart arse

Let’s see who is going to explain this Bosnian peasant why USA doesn’t care about TOR, Buk, Pantsir but threatens with sanctions for purchasing S300/400:lol:
Even if they possibly change their mind and are ready to sell it, i would reject it and consist of the same benefits Israel has with F-35s.

Turkey planned to purchase over 100 F-35A and maybe F-35B's for LHD, that is nothing the US can compensate so easily.
And you will buy our shale gas because unlike Russians we keep our end of the bargain. Russia pre 2013 canceled gas deliveries thru UA numerous times.
You will also buy lng from Qatar so get off russian d*ck and get used to different realities.
Why not earlier? Stop asking dumb questions look at the events before 2014.

Not russian systems but soviet systems that they had stockpiled. Actually Poland and Romania don’t use them anymore

Yes, you are a trustworthy and reliable partner. Lol

Qatar force us to nothing and Russia keep end of the bargain to us. What ever we owe you, I think we are quit.

ANALYSIS: Turkey ban to wipe out 20% of F-35 sales in Europe


Germany opts against buying American F-35 stealth fighter


Germany’s F-35 fighter rebuff raises questions for Nato partners


We only read negative about F-35. This is the reason why we building an indigenous one with France.
What kind of Bosnian are you?
And then you blame me for ad hominem attacks?:lol:
As hominem attacks is against a person. I didn’t insult you but pointed out that you are insulting entire country by using improper vocabulary. Get a dictionary or something

Actually reading his and your replies it looks more like you seem to have a problem with certain nation and country,considering you can't write a single sentence without mentioning Bosnia and Bosnians.
As far as ad hominem attacks go I would say calling someone a "peasant",just because he has a different opinion than you,may look like one.
We only read negative about F-35. This is the reason why we building an indigenous one with France.

and add Trump and his bolackmail doctrine and rabid unilatereal international moves ( withdrawal from Iranian deal, Paris Accords) into equation and you have perfect storm. No one in Europe mentioned E uropean Army even as an afterthought before Trumps recking ball didnt came smashing....
I think the only mistake EU is making in the process is excčluding Western Balkan countries and Turkey from zhe process of enlargment. Yeah, I know, Germany is in favor, but French are the spoilers of such move, for a long time infact. The only reason why AKP and Erdogan are slowly pivoting towards the EuroAsia is beacuse of this, I mean, 50 years in the waiting.. no one would have so much patiance... I think that Turkey would add tremendues weight to the alliance iin varous field, Germans understand this, and with Western Balkans you are risking 21 century Balkan Wars, sponsored by the Russian, on your borders....
Yes, you are a trustworthy and reliable partner. Lol

Qatar force us to nothing and Russia keep end of the bargain to us. What ever we owe you, I think we are quit.

We only read negative about F-35. This is the reason why we building an indigenous one with France.
We force you because you complain on Russia and yet buy their natural resources.
By buying his natural resources you put money in to his coffers to subsidize war in Syria and Ukraine.
You complain on Russia and yet refuse to increase spending into nato budget
You complain on Russia, put sanctions on them but yet Siemens sold them pipes that they used to build a bridge connecting Russia to Crimea. Before they used barges in case you didn’t know
Poland, Finland,and Baltic states have more balls dealing with Russians on daily basis compared to Germans. Russia never hold their end of bargain they sabotaged with oil gas same way they sabotage Astana agreements in Idlib. Don’t be two faced “German from Schlesian”
We force you because you complain on Russia and yet buy their natural resources.
By buying his natural resources you put money in to his coffers to subsidize war in Syria and Ukraine.
You complain on Russia and yet refuse to increase spending into nato budget
You complain on Russia, put sanctions on them but yet Siemens sold them pipes that they used to build a bridge connecting Russia to Crimea. Before they used barges in case you didn’t know
Poland, Finland,and Baltic states have more balls dealing with Russians on daily basis compared to Germans. Russia never hold their end of bargain they sabotaged with oil gas same way they sabotage Astana agreements in Idlib. Don’t be two faced “German from Schlesian”

Can you explain us your relation with Saudi Arabia? An Islamic state with no human rights. Backward and archaic and maybe the biggest supporter of extremists and terrorism world wide. Responsible for.many contract killings. Now, you are arming that backward Islamist which bombs Yemen to the second stone age.

We don't need an excursions in geostrategy and morality from you. USA are the last one who teach others in ethics. We know very well who are responsible for the Ukraine disaster (regime change). Don't be two faced "American Native".
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People here are mixing the issue . It's a political problem and not a economical problem but it will have a bad impact on the economic if US impose sanctions on turkey. so let's think in politics and solve the issue in political way .
First I think Turkey made a mistake when it chose S 400 from the beginning and this show that Erdogan team have a bad vision and they didn't know that will lead us to a big problem with US . BUT know we made the agreement and we can't rollback. WHY ? First it will show turkey as a weak country and it that we'r not man of our words. Second and most important that US will try the same thing next time we try to make a decision or buy anything without taking a permission from US.
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