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Turkey’s S-400 vs F-35 dilemma in 2019

F-35 vs S-400; If Turkey had to choose one, which one should it choose?

  • F-35

  • S-400

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I have a few questions guys.

How much dollars Turkey poured in this project since the beginning? As being a partner of the jsf project, does USA have right to kick Turkey out without consequences? What is the consequence of this act? Might USA pay compensation to Turkey? What's the rights of Turkey? For the compensation Turkey must sue the USA?
I really wonder that. Is that easy to kick a member out of the project?
“The Pentagon’s latest deal with Lockheed Martin for new F-35 jets includes some for Turkey, raising the question of what will happen if the country is pushed out of the program.“


“They can let Turkey go ahead and have those jets [and] park them in the desert [until this issue is resolved]. They can switch to a customer that wants earlier deliveries — also an option,” she said.

Dealing with these types of problems isn’t new for the United States, added Grant, who pointed to the U.S. arms embargo on Pakistan in 1990, which resulted in the country’s F-16s being placed into storage.

So possible new customers for Turkish jets-Singapore, Poland and even India. Or pack them in the storage. No big deal
As you can see, and I was saying all along, removing Turks from the program has no effect on production or supply chain. All issues were considered last year and Lockheed+partners prepared to move on.

I have a few questions guys.

How much dollars Turkey poured in this project since the beginning? As being a partner of the jsf project, does USA have right to kick Turkey out without consequences? What is the consequence of this act? Might USA pay compensation to Turkey? What's the rights of Turkey? For the compensation Turkey must sue the USA?
I really wonder that. Is that easy to kick a member out of the project?
You invested over a billion.
Turkey won’t be reimbursed because you didn’t live up to your end of the bargain
Yes as you can see it’s that easy to get your pilots grounded and contribution removed from the program
America Is Stuck With a $400 Billion Stealth Fighter That Can’t Fight

Here’s something the public didn’t know until today: If one of the U.S. military’s new F-35 stealth fighters has to climb at a steep angle in order to dodge an enemy attack, design flaws mean the plane might suddenly tumble out of control and crash.

Also, some versions of the F-35 can’t accelerate to supersonic speed without melting their own tails or shedding the expensive coating that helps to give the planes their radar-evading qualities.

I have a few questions guys.

How much dollars Turkey poured in this project since the beginning? As being a partner of the jsf project, does USA have right to kick Turkey out without consequences? What is the consequence of this act? Might USA pay compensation to Turkey? What's the rights of Turkey? For the compensation Turkey must sue the USA?
I really wonder that. Is that easy to kick a member out of the project?

Its those Ottoman bought battleships from the British all over again.

Is Turkey going to get its money back?? Something which I highly doubt to be honest.
Use your brains. Buy whatever you want from NATO countries. Not incompatible Russian crap.
Buy whatever we want from NATO countries you say! ha! didn’t Turkey originally want to buy patriots from the US? I remember congress kicking up a stink. But hey, let’s all act like it’s a cakewalk getting weapons off NATO countries like you’re implying...
TURKEY issued a stern warning to the US over Washington’s decision to impose sanctions for purchasing Russian missile systems.

Washington claimed it would trigger economic warfare on Ankara if Turkey went ahead with its deal to buy S-400 missiles from Moscow. The US, who recently sold 100 F-35 fighter jets to Turkey, see the S-400 missile systems as a threat and said Turkey could not have both at the same time. However, President Erdogan’s administration pledged to respond to any aggression with action of their own.

Foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said: "If the United States takes any negative actions towards us, we will also take reciprocal steps.

"We are determined on the S-400 issue. No matter what the results will be, we will not take a step back.”

The minister added that it is impossible to cancel the order from Russia.

As well as threatening sanctions, Washington sent a letter yesterday saying it would pull Ankara out of the F-35 jet programme – despite being a fellow NATO member.

The minister continued: “We reject the wording [of] the letter [by acting Defence Secretary Patrick Shanahan] to our defence minister.

“Nobody can give an ultimatum to Turkey.”

His words were echoed by Russia’s ambassador to Turkey, who said: “There is no change and there will be no change.”

The US Defence Secretary threatened earlier this month to remove all Turkish pilots currently training in the US if the deal went ahead – but it failed to deter President Erdogan.

The US is concerned that any F-35s they sell could be exposed to subterfuge by the Russians.

In addition, the Russian system is allegedly incompatible with NATO systems.

It also ties into the overall power struggle in the region as both Russia and the US scramble to get nations on side.

Turkey has played a curious role in this – especially in Syria.

President Erdogan initially expressed a desire to overthrow President Assad – aligning with US interests – but has recently brokered a deal with Iran and Russia around the Idlib situation.

Turkey decided to buy the missiles in 2017 amid Washington urging them to purchase the US Patriot system instead.

The US have had other issues with nations wishing to buy the Russian missiles systems.

Washington is also struggling to convince other powerful nations not to engage in the Moscow transaction.

US official Alice Wells said: "There is no blanket waiver, or a country waiver, when it comes to S-400.

"We have serious concerns about a possible S-400 purchase, and we are continuing our conversations on how the United States or other defence providers could assist India.”
Buy whatever we want from NATO countries you say! ha! didn’t Turkey originally want to buy patriots from the US? I remember congress kicking up a stink. But hey, let’s all act like it’s a cakewalk getting weapons off NATO countries like you’re implying...
You wanted patriots with transfer of technology. We were willing to sell but without transfer. You are free to walk and stick to EUROSAM that you are developing with French. Instead, you ran with open arms to Russians
Remember-S400 debacle came as precondition for Turkey to normalize relationship with Putin. When Russians offered S400 you should vehemently deny the offer knowing you have a lot at stake with NATO and F35. Instead you went along. Why? Because that’s what Kremlin wanted. You had no choice.

I wouldn’t be too eager to throw shit at Russian weapons if were you.
When F16s were rolled out there were multiple problems with them as well. As the time went on those issues were resolved. Every weapons system faces similar challenges.
I think I know russia and what they are capable of better than you. By and large their weapons technology is behind western counterparts by at least 30 years
Turkey is sovereign nation it can buy shit from whom ever it wants. Turkey is no US puppet.
Someone should tell this Bosnian boy NOT to use such words as “Turkey can buy shit from whoever it wants”:lol:
Quite disrespectful if you ask me
I highly doubt they came from Schlesien you don’t sound nor express yourself as a true German. You lack statesmanship approach in your reasoning. No true German will ever day that China and laughable Russia will replace ties with USA. China is too far and Russia is nothing but commodity and raw materials supplier, in other words milking cow.
You need our military installations more because a. We protect you b. We train you there c. We employ thousands German contractors directly and many more thousands indirectly. That’s why Turks despite their toothless shitposting here about Incirlik will never close American base.

I don't know what a "True German " is, but I can tell you one thing. Statesmanship approach is not kind of every 82 mio habitats in Germany.

Second, we don't want to replace you. But if you listen our chancellor carefully, you should know, that we try and will balance your power with China and Russia. It calls diversity.

About your protection. No, we don't need you really. Neither your protection nor your training. If you ever have read a history or a military book, you know this very well. We let you 'protect us" because it's cheap. Trump know this, and that's why he is so angry.

About Incirlik, you should discuss this with Turks, not our problem. Its not a NATO base.
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