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Turkey’s S-400 vs F-35 dilemma in 2019

F-35 vs S-400; If Turkey had to choose one, which one should it choose?

  • F-35

  • S-400

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You are wrong if you think we (European) are in the same camp with USA.
We are indeed with the U.S at the end of the day by default. lol
Our economies,technology/military etc are all interlinked with that of the U.S and the U.S is still the world's sole superpower. So if the U.S sanctions a country and forbids any other country from cooperating with that company/country in some aspects then we will have to follow them since the stakes are too high for our companies to go against the U.S, same with even China/India and sometimes even Russia had to buckle up in the past due to U.S pressure/lobbying(remember the Iranian S-300 saga). We will never sacrifice the little economic interests we might have in Turkey or Iran or any other country in the region for the massive interests we have at stakes with the U.S, especially our companies. So Turkey will be on its own if the U.S goes ahead with sanctions like it did with Huawei.
You seem to underestimate American power and stranglehold over the world.
“Even if Trump approved the joint commission Turkey has proposed, and I don’t know if he can do that on his own within the American system, this will not mean that Turkey can go ahead and start deploying the S-400s,” Buluc told Al-Monitor. “It is also highly likely that the commission will confirm what the American side has been saying all along. The commission might buy time for Ankara, but it will not change the outcome.”

Buluc also believes US pressure on Ankara on the matter will increase. “Turkey has no power to respond to this, so it will have to be the side that climbs down,” he observed. “How it finds a way to make concessions, without appearing to have made them remains to be seen.”

Meanwhile, some analysts think that the escalating situation in Idlib, which is revealing the limits of Turkey’s influence over Russia, is another driving force behind Erdogan’s desire to reach a settlement with the United States.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/or...ara-tries-mend-fences-west.html#ixzz5qeJ5yHfo
Turkish pilots are “grounded” at Luke AF base. On top of that they are denied access to the “vault “

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Training by Turkish pilots on F-35 fighter jets has come to a faster-than-expected halt at a U.S. air base in Arizona, U.S. officials said on Monday, as the United States winds down Ankara’s involvement in the program over Turkey’s plans to buy a Russian air defense system.

“The department is aware that the Turkish pilots at Luke AFB are not flying,” Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Mike Andrews, a Pentagon spokesman, told Reuters.

“Without a change in Turkish policy, we will continue to work closely with our Turkish ally on winding down their participation in the F-35 program.”

A second U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters that a local commander at Luke decided last week to halt the training of Turkish pilots and maintenance crews over safety concerns.


You are in the same camp with us. Forever

This sounds a little bit definitive, don't you. The truth is, nothing is for ever. I think we can all agree with this knowledge. Now, we start an era to emancipated ourselves from USA, and Trump give the launch start. Our future allies like China and Russia will be our (EU) future, and our chancellor give the initial start. Her one hour speech in Harvard was an example. Our future strategic partners, or the North Stream Project are clear signs of that Yes, it will makes USA angry, like we have seen on the meeting between Trump and Merkel. As a sovereign and free country, I hope USA will accept out free decision. Best regards.
The Pentagon is battling the clock to fix serious, unreported F-35 problems



This sounds a little bit definitive, don't you. The truth is, nothing is for ever. I think we can all agree with this knowledge. Now, we start an era to emancipated ourselves from USA, and Trump give the launch start. Our future allies like China and Russia will be our (EU) future, and our chancellor give the initial start. Her one hour speech in Harvard was an example. Our future strategic partners, or the North Stream Project are clear signs of that Yes, it will makes USA angry, like we have seen on the meeting between Trump and Merkel. As a sovereign and free country, I hope USA will accept out free decision. Best regards.

This sounds a little bit definitive, don't you. The truth is, nothing is for ever. I think we can all agree with this knowledge. Now, we start an era to emancipated ourselves from USA, and Trump give the launch start. Our future allies like China and Russia will be our (EU) future, and our chancellor give the initial start. Her one hour speech in Harvard was an example. Our future strategic partners, or the North Stream Project are clear signs of that Yes, it will makes USA angry, like we have seen on the meeting between Trump and Merkel. As a sovereign and free country, I hope USA will accept out free decision. Best regards.
You can only “emancipate”:lol: if you nullify trading and military ties.
You have hundred of billions trade with USA, just Germany alone 500-600. Do you understand the monstrosity of these numbers?
USA has multiple military bases in Europe. And these days Europe is more actively engaging nato efforts on European front especially in Baltic states.
So those ties ain’t going anywhere anytime soon. Not now not next 100 years.
Don’t get hyped up with trump. US presidents come and go but our ties cultural, economical, military will remain forever.
Now, the reason why you analyze and think so poorly, unlike mike2000, is because you are an immigrant or 1st generation. Perhaps from ME or X soviet states. Nothing wrong with that, but what you read and listen, possible Sputnik or RT, has a negative effect on your understanding of EU-USA relationships
Sorry, American Empire is in decline, Trump and his policies just fasten the process. Read 'Farewell tour of American Empire' by Chris Hedges to educate youreself.

I assume you are not really into reading books, so here is yt video lecture by the author

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Lol. Here is my advice to you Bosnian boy use an American search engine, called google, and educate yourself on Chris Hedges background. He is a Presbyterian minister and a known libtard. He is not an authority on American dominance and geopolitics.
Besides when a Bosnian :lol:talks about decline of American power I just wish we would never bomb Serbs in Sarajevo and allow Muslim countries to resupply izetbegovic
I know who he is, his credentials are impecable. Pulizer prize winer, and one of the best intelectuals you lot have. Also he was the man who called BS on Iraqi War, only man of his stature to have balls to do it on great personal cost. Also I had an honor to meat him in Sarajevo during the war.

And that libtard slur you used tells me everything about you and your IQ.
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We are indeed with the U.S at the end of the day by default. lol
Our economies,technology/military etc are all interlinked with that of the U.S and the U.S is still the world's sole superpower. So if the U.S sanctions a country and forbids any other country from cooperating with that company/country in some aspects then we will have to follow them since the stakes are too high for our companies to go against the U.S, same with even China/India and sometimes even Russia had to buckle up in the past due to U.S pressure/lobbying(remember the Iranian S-300 saga). We will never sacrifice the little economic interests we might have in Turkey or Iran or any other country in the region for the massive interests we have at stakes with the U.S, especially our companies. So Turkey will be on its own if the U.S goes ahead with sanctions like it did with Huawei.
You seem to underestimate American power and stranglehold over the world.

I dont agree with you. If the past show us even one thing, than every kind of cooperation can be seperated. We are also high linked with GB, in every kind of aspects. Now, they cut of relation with us in some fields. More could be followed if they decide to leave NATO (which they will not). Every relation can be seperated. Not to zero of course, even USA had economic relations with Soviet Union, but in some way. And no superpower will stay for ever. Doesn't matter how powerful they are. If we (EU) cooperate with China and Russia in the same way like we do with USA, I bet within one decade, both countries would able to match you. Don't underestimate EU power.

One more thing, Oscar Lafontaine (famos German politician) said it right, since 100 years, USA try to prevent relationship between German technology and Russian huge recourses. The potential of this relationship is amazing.


You can only “emancipate”:lol: if you nullify trading and military ties.
You have hundred of billions trade with USA, just Germany alone 500-600. Do you understand the monstrosity of these numbers?
USA has multiple military bases in Europe. And these days Europe is more actively engaging nato efforts on European front especially in Baltic states.
So those ties ain’t going anywhere anytime soon. Not now not next 100 years.
Don’t get hyped up with trump. US presidents come and go but our ties cultural, economical, military will remain forever.
Now, the reason why you analyze and think so poorly, unlike mike2000, is because you are an immigrant or 1st generation. Perhaps from ME or X soviet states. Nothing wrong with that, but what you read and listen, possible Sputnik or RT, has a negative effect on your understanding of EU-USA relationships

Our (Germany) export value to USA is €113 billion not 500-600 billion. Do you understand this number?

You have many bases in EU, especially in Germany which you need highly. It seems we are depend on each other. Can you agree on that? Again, nothing is for ever expect the eternity.

Have I understand you righy, my analysis is poorly because you thing I am an immigrant? I guess you are an American native and no immigrant, right. This is one of the most stupid sentence I have heard. And I have heard much.

I don't read Russian news. Only peripheral. I guess US media never lies, contrary what Trump said. About our relationship, ever heard about Atlantic Bridge. Merkel is part of that bridge.

My ancestors came to 'Germany' 200 years ago from Schlesien.
Lol. Here is my advice to you Bosnian boy use an American search engine, called google, and educate yourself on Chris Hedges background. He is a Presbyterian minister and a known libtard. He is not an authority on American dominance and geopolitics.
I know who he is, his credentials are impecable. Pulizer prize winer, and one of the best intelectuals you lot have. Also he was the man who called BS on Iraqi War, only man of his stature to have balls to do it on great personal cost. Also I had an honor to meat him in Sarajevo during the war.

And that libtard slur you used tells me everything about you and your IQ.
And “to meat him” “Pulizer prize” “impecable, intelectual” tells me a lot of about your IQ.
Many intellectuals in academia, business were against Iraq War. Our country is not a place where you get persecuted for expressing anti war opinion. None of them were threatened for their stance on Saddam affair.
The only authority are high level former and current USG professionals. Such as Kissinger, Baker, not Presbyterian minister, activists, who gives lessons to felons at Princeton :lol:
Btw, his “Pulizer prize” was a team effort. An entire NYT staff of editors won not just him. Geez, your IQ is so low, you obviously know how to google but can’t comprehend and absorb what you just read
I dont agree with you. If the past show us even one thing, than every kind of cooperation can be seperated. We are also high linked with GB, in every kind of aspects. Now, they cut of relation with us in some fields. More could be followed if they decide to leave NATO (which they will not). Every relation can be seperated. Not to zero of course, even USA had economic relations with Soviet Union, but in some way. And no superpower will stay for ever. Doesn't matter how powerful they are. If we (EU) cooperate with China and Russia in the same way like we do with USA, I bet within one decade, both countries would able to match you. Don't underestimate EU power.

One more thing, Oscar Lafontaine (famos German politician) said it right, since 100 years, USA try to prevent relationship between German technology and Russian huge recourses. The potential of this relationship is amazing.


Our (Germany) export value to USA is €113 billion not 500-600 billion. Do you understand this number?

You have many bases in EU, especially in Germany which you need highly. It seems we are depend on each other. Can you agree on that? Again, nothing is for ever expect the eternity.

Have I understand you righy, my analysis is poorly because you thing I am an immigrant? I guess you are an American native and no immigrant, right. This is one of the most stupid sentence I have heard. And I have heard much.

I don't read Russian news. Only peripheral. I guess US media never lies, contrary what Trump said. About our relationship, ever heard about Atlantic Bridge. Merkel is part of that bridge.

My ancestors came to 'Germany' 200 years ago from Schlesien.

I highly doubt they came from Schlesien you don’t sound nor express yourself as a true German. You lack statesmanship approach in your reasoning. No true German will ever day that China and laughable Russia will replace ties with USA. China is too far and Russia is nothing but commodity and raw materials supplier, in other words milking cow.
You need our military installations more because a. We protect you b. We train you there c. We employ thousands German contractors directly and many more thousands indirectly. That’s why Turks despite their toothless shitposting here about Incirlik will never close American base.
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