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Turkey's army on red alert, Syria in "real war", Spec. ops. in Syria

I am sad for the Syrian people. It's hard for me to understand how someone is so determined to hold on to power that he would attack his own people. I don't buy that the shelling is the work of terrorists.

You don't understand what people do to cling to power? I suggest you visit Bahrain or the other despotic kingdoms like SA!
Maybe you'll understand this better:

lets say North Korea is arming and sending thousands of terrorists to US to kill Americans, civilians and military alike. And then on top of that NK sends its long range bombers to US air space, what US will do? Shoot down the jets, obviously.

This is the one of the most stupid analogies I have ever read in this forum.

And your analogy is a completely insane one. There's a big difference in "sending thousands of terrorists" and bombers and jets and having an unarmed recon plane in your airspace for 5 minutes... Do you not see the ridiculousness of that?

I could not agree more.
Facts are:

1) There are plenty of videos of terrorists killing civilians.
2) There is zero videos of Syria army killing civilians, and I dont consider armed gangs as civilians. Granted some civilians died in crossfire, but not because government was targeting them.

what fact are you talking about? where do you live, in a cage or on Mars? These are the pictures from Homs after bombardment. You can only deceive yourself.








B@stard Assad will pay all these cruelties sooner or later.
Mistaking an armed Phantom with an unarmed one is possible

But the thing is, according to the Syrian officials they didn't know that it was a Turkish aircraft. They thought it was an Israeli aircraft.

As far as i know, IAF aren't using F4s anymore. Which means (according to their claims) they didn't even know the type of the aircraft, let alone if it was armed or not before shooting at it.

Syria is preparing for war, and Turkey will be one of the attacking states (it already attacks Syria, just not on full scale yet), so if it sends fighters to another country for whatever reason (surveillance, checking enemies combat readiness, or bomb like Israel did earlier), Syria has every right to shoot down the jets. US would do the same, or any country for that matter, therefore blaming this incident on Syria "how they dared to shoot at jet from the hostile country!" is hypocritical.

So how exactly Syria has every right to shoot a plane down without warning and without even knowing whose plane was it?
And if Syria didn't know whose plane was it, how come the hostility between Syria and Turkey is important?
But the thing is, according to the Syrian officials they didn't know that it was a Turkish aircraft. They thought it was an Israeli aircraft.

As far as i know, IAF aren't using F4s anymore. Which means (according to their claims) they didn't even know the type of the aircraft, let alone if it was armed or not before shooting at it.

So how exactly Syria has every right to shoot a plane down without warning and without even knowing whose plane was it?
And if Syria didn't know whose plane was it, how come the hostility between Syria and Turkey is important?

Well, you can't expect people that supports Assad because of their sect or/and because of their countries' interests and disregarding the international rules and crimes against humanity by Assad to make sense...
Enough of hollow Turkish / Erdogan threats. Syria doing all the massacres and international violations without minute fear and Turkey still talking without acting with force. It's damaging the Turkish image as most powerful nation in the Middle East (Along with Israel). Sooner Turkey acts against the brutal atrocities of the regime and invades to liberate Syrians of this tyranny better for it's image. Erdogan, now it's time to act and not just talk.
Turkey deploys anti-aircraft guns at Syria border

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) –Turkey deployed anti-aircraft guns and other weapons alongside its border with Syria, state television reported on Thursday, days after the downing of a Turkish military jet by Syrian forces heightened the tensions between the two countries.

A small convoy of military trucks, towing anti-aircraft guns, entered into a military base near the border town of Yayladagi, TRT television footage showed. The television said several anti-aircraft guns have also been deployed elsewhere alongside the border.

Turkey has warned Syria to keep its troops away from the countries' troubled border or risk an armed response.

A Syrian minister said Wednesday his country's forces may have mistaken the Turkish plane they shot down for an Israeli one.

Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zoebi was quoted as telling Turkish news channel A Haber in a telephone interview Wednesday that his country did "not want a crisis between Turkey and Syria."

Al-Zoebi said Turkish and Israeli fighter jets were mostly U.S.-made, which may have led the Syrian forces to mistake it for an Israeli jet.

The downing of the jet has aggravated tense ties between the two neighbors.

Turkey has repeatedly called on Syria's President Bashar Assad to step down as 33,000 Syrians have sought refuge in Turkey, fleeing a government crackdown on a popular uprising. The country is also hosting civilian opposition groups as well as members of the Free Syrian Army, which is fighting against the Syrian regime.

Furious Turkey mobilizes tanks, troops to Syrian border | Pakalert Press

Large numbers of Turkish troops — including at least 15 long-range artillery pieces and tanks –moved to the Syrian frontier from the eastern city of Diyarbakir. A video published by the Turkish Cihan News Agency showed Turkish tanks being transported by carrier trucks toward the frontier.

Turkey also clearly states any future threat will be dealt with by military force. We will see...

The rules of engagement of the Turkish Armed Forces have changed,” Erdogan said. “Any military element that approaches the Turkish border from Syria posing a security risk and danger will be regarded as a threat and treated as a military target.”
Enough of hollow Turkish / Erdogan threats. Syria doing all the massacres and international violations without minute fear and Turkey still talking without acting with force. It's damaging the Turkish image as most powerful nation in the Middle East (Along with Israel). Sooner Turkey acts against the brutal atrocities of the regime and invades to liberate Syrians of this tyranny better for it's image. Erdogan, now it's time to act and not just talk.

I accept that AKP talked these last years to big while the country still not stabilished their economic and millitary power yet. They want to take Turkey in to a war to blockade its economic and millitary development. I hope Turkey will react smart after this and first develop their balistic missile and air defence projects. After that Turkey doesnt have to worry about Russia. Yes i talking only about Russia becayse Syria is not a match for Turkey.
The same thing they did throughout the cold war when russian bombers violated US airspace over Alaska, send up some fighters to escort them out of US territory.

the same thing the brits, japanese, norweigans and south koreans do

Russian bombers 'intercepted in British airspace'

Russian Bombers Probe Norway
And Japan Airspace

And they were on the brink of the war at that time? No? Exactly. As I mentioned in my example, same as citing the history of US - anyone who believes US wouldnt shoot down fighters in such situation is extremely naive.

what fact are you talking about? where do you live, in a cage or on Mars? These are the pictures from Homs after bombardment. You can only deceive yourself.

Where do you see army killing unarmed civilians? I dont, neither do you.

Lets use some logic:

1) Terrorists groups take over some districts in Homs, fortifies them and have heavy arms from US/Arabs.

2) Syria asked civilians to leave those districts and send its own heavy arms. If you think Syria should send lightly armed soldiers against fortified positions with heavy arms, it would be a suicide.

See? Once you think, Syria has no other option in this case. Of course unless they would just leave terrorists alone to do whatever they want, and while you may want that - there is no government in the World which would do that.

Yesterday I have read how terrorists attacked and bombed private TV station, killed seven civilians, and took the rest to captivity. Thats what they do, on the daily basis, there are plenty of videos how terrorists kill civilians.

On the other side, there is not a single video of Syria's army killing innocent civilians, not one in over the year! West/Arabs media constantly writes how Syria is killing innocent demonstrators, but in these times everyone have cell phones, so such incidents would be instantly recorded. As well as those claims about Syria's massacre of woman and children, as later it became clear, it was a work of terrorists as well.

Therefore considering the total absents of such facts, as well as a long history of West/Arabs media and politicians lying about opponent countries, I dont have any reason to believe them now either. They lied about Iraq, they lied about Libya, they are lying now against Syria and Iran. Nothing new under the sun.
What US would do if a hostile state would send its fighter jets to US airspace? We all know the answer, and its not "order the pizza" :azn:

Syria is preparing for war, and Turkey will be one of the attacking states (it already attacks Syria, just not on full scale yet), so if it sends fighters to another country for whatever reason (surveillance, checking enemies combat readiness, or bomb like Israel did earlier), Syria has every right to shoot down the jets. US would do the same, or any country for that matter, therefore blaming this incident on Syria "how they dared to shoot at jet from the hostile country!" is hypocritical.

Fighter jet? Am I missing something here? When has a F-4 Recon plane with no weapons become a "fighter jet"? Please elaborate!
This Erdogan really coward and stupid he wish to bring a Turkish puppet to Damasqus dreaming of another Sick empire I really hope the Syrian teach this stupid a lesson & I think the first slap was shooting that plane.
Fighter jet? Am I missing something here? When has a F-4 Recon plane with no weapons become a "fighter jet"? Please elaborate!
On the radar screen its F-4 (military jet), there is no extra info "unarmed" or "teddy bears painted on hull" :)

Since war is coming, and military jet was flying from the hostile country to Syria's airspace, its up to their discretion what to do, and there is nothing wrong with shooting such plane either.

While we at it, just because F-4 was on spying mission, it doesnt give it immunity. Its not a friendly visit, its not an accident, it was spying. As I said before, war is coming, and to shoot down spying jets is normal practice, even in (semi)peace times its not extraordinary event (i.e. Soviets shot down U-2, Iranians RQ-170, etc).
On the radar screen its F-4 (military jet), there is no extra info "unarmed" or "teddy bears painted on hull" :)

Since war is coming, and military jet was flying from the hostile country to Syria's airspace, its up to their discretion what to do, and there is nothing wrong with shooting such plane either.

While we at it, just because F-4 was on spying mission, it doesnt give it immunity. Its not a friendly visit, its not an accident, it was spying. As I said before, war is coming, and to shoot down spying jets is normal practice, even in (semi)peace times its not extraordinary event (i.e. Soviets shot down U-2, Iranians RQ-170, etc).

Syrian AF violated Turkish airspace 5 times in recent months and we didn't shoot their ***** down. They should try again though and see what happens. I am really looking forward to seeing Assad making that mistake.
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