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Turkey's army on red alert, Syria in "real war", Spec. ops. in Syria

i guess syrian government have not killed any civilians huh?? 15'000 dead must be all from the insurgants eh??? well.. america has precision bombing.. they still hit civilians... syrian military has fired mortar and artillery into towns and cities... with a far less accuracy rate then america bombs... yet, they killed less civilians then the insurgants who are quite literally DEFENDING HOMS ETC??... get with reality will you.. majority of those deaths would of been from syrian military fire

Terrorists defending cities? :laugh: Thanks for a good laugh.

Facts are:

1) There are plenty of videos of terrorists killing civilians.
2) There is zero videos of Syria army killing civilians, and I dont consider armed gangs as civilians. Granted some civilians died in crossfire, but not because government was targeting them.

What concerns some districts in cities where terrorists have reinforced bunkers, gov. asked civilians to leave the area while disposed of terrorists cells.

Recent example - remember massacre where it was supposedly Syria's army shelled hundreds of woman and children, which created so much media bashing of Assad? Later it appeared it was a lie, those woman and children were killed by terrorists (slit throats, etc), and they were relatives of Syria's government. Suddenly nobody mentions that massacre, and its ok for terrorists to do it, same as it happened in Libya.

Then few weeks later in West media it was announced similar massacre is done by Syria, over 100 dead, etc. But media got ahead of themselves, terrorists didnt managed to kill their assigned quota of civilians before army arrived and disposed of them, and of over 100 reported dead civilians, terrorists killed only 8.

That shows very well who defends who, and terrorists with full West/Arabs backing are killing woman and children.
so sad to see turkey now a running dog for the west.
that means you must be blind or an idiot because if you cant see the difference between a jet with no weapon on it and one with weapons and one with a big camera in the nose then what can i say

let me correct you .
they look the same to the eye of an observer on the ground even if they fly side by side .

you like eating dogs and some organs of dogs as indian members posted

so sad to see turkey now a running dog for the west.
that means you must be blind or an idiot because if you cant see the difference between a jet with no weapon on it and one with weapons and one with a big camera in the nose then what can i say

you can differentiate them when you go an Air show , but never when you are at the beach and the plan fly at 700km/h at a distance of at least 3-4km away . if you have served in military you would have known how human eye works(for example at 1km you see human as a small dot and a line under it and this is an object that is 40cm wide and 175cm long bigger than any camera ) and this is on a stationary target not one that moving at at least 700km and don't forget the bombs will be hidden in contrast to the airplane body at distance .
you can differentiate them when you go an Air show , but never when you are at the beach and the plan fly at 700km/h at a distance of at least 3-4km away . if you have served in military you would have known how human eye works(for example at 1km you see human as a small dot and a line under it and this is an object that is 40cm wide and 175cm long bigger than any camera ) and this is on a stationary target not one that moving at at least 700km and don't forget the bombs will be hidden in contrast to the airplane body at distance .

there is no role of naked eye when dealing with SAM....
well there is Anti aircraft gun that hit the turkey plane and they use human eye
by the way no RADAR can distinguish between an armed Airplane and one without any weapon .

What is your take on Downing of Iran Air flight 655 by USA in the year 1988? was that a mistake or deliberately destroyed
What is your take on Downing of Iran Air flight 655 by USA in the year 1988? was that a mistake or deliberately destroyed
Mistaking an armed Phantom with an unarmed one is possible,but taking a huge Airbus A300 with Tomcat by mistake is beyond idiocy.
One should have very low IQ to think that U.S didn't shot that Airliner intentionally.They wanted Iran to end the war with Iraq,so this was an alarm to Iran,killing more than 200 innocents and burning them alive in the sky was a big enough alarm.
U.S has proved to act like a perfect coward when it comes to its interests,remember Hiroshima?
I find it funny that Turkey did nothing when Israel killed its citizens but having a lot of hoopla over Syria - something suspicious!
I find it funny that Turkey did nothing when Israel killed its citizens but having a lot of hoopla over Syria - something suspicious!
Obviously Israel is a little big for Turkey,they may have a stronger army,but considering the influence that this tiny country has on the west,Turkey didn't do anything about it except asking for an apology.
Currently,any war between any 2 nations in ME is the worst thing that can happen in region.No one will benefit more from a new war in ME than warmongers and arm industries in the west.

Exactly. Only outsiders will benefit from yet another war in the Middle East.
Mistaking an armed Phantom with an unarmed one is possible,but taking a huge Airbus A300 with Tomcat by mistake is beyond idiocy.
One should have very low IQ to think that U.S didn't shot that Airliner intentionally.They wanted Iran to end the war with Iraq,so this was an alarm to Iran,killing more than 200 innocents and burning them alive in the sky was a big enough alarm.
U.S has proved to act like a perfect coward when it comes to its interests,remember Hiroshima?

Agreed, the two things cannot be compared. Many innocent civilian Armenian and Iranian people were killed in the American terrorist attack against passenger plain.
What US would do if a hostile state would send its fighter jets to US airspace? We all know the answer, and its not "order the pizza" :azn:


The same thing they did throughout the cold war when russian bombers violated US airspace over Alaska, send up some fighters to escort them out of US territory.

the same thing the brits, japanese, norweigans and south koreans do

Russian bombers 'intercepted in British airspace'

Russian Bombers Probe Norway
And Japan Airspace
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