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Turkey's army on red alert, Syria in "real war", Spec. ops. in Syria

"Turkey will be gone" That's a sharp word. You smoke lotsa crack, punk.

Yes ,once Biological weapons are used ,Turkey will be gone.But Syria will be radioactive then. MAD =mutually assured destruction.
Can Turkiye understand Syria does not want a war with you they're in a civil war as we speak one which you have been fueling at the request of your NATO superiors, of course your not alone the Gulf sheikhs in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi have been also.

Now Turkiye really needs to stop this unnecessary military build up on the border with Syria, we know this is all a false military pretext to attack Syria because the international backed insurgency in Syria has failed to overthrow Pres. Assad.

If Turkiye wages war it will be an illegal and illegitimate war. Don't use bs human rights excuses either. Very nice of you Turkiye to use your strength to bully a weaker regional neighbor who you were once partnered with you guys still complain about Arabs back stabbing you at the behest of the British in WW I and now you are back stabbing Syria at the behest of NATO.
Yes ,once Biological weapons are used ,Turkey will be gone.But Syria will be radioactive then. MAD =mutually assured destruction.

Can f'ing NATO Turkiye understand Syria does not want a war with you they're in a civil war as we speak one which you have been fueling at the request of your NATO superiors, of course your not alone the Gulf sheikhs in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi have been also.

Now Turkiye really needs to stop this unnecessary military build up on the border with Syria, we know this is all a false military pretext to attack Syria because the international backed insurgency in Syria has failed to overthrow Pres. Assad.

If Turkiye wages war it will be an illegal and illegitimate war. Don't use bs human rights excuses either.

I dont think you both get the situation.

Turkey is financed by hot money. As long as hot money keeps Turkish economy running, it is ok for government to cause destruction on the other side of the border. As for the war, Turkey wont enter Syria. There are not enough hot money to make Turkey fight on the other side of border. When faced real threat, Turkey will back off. There wont be a biological, chemical or nuclear clash.

Turkish government and Turkish army are two separate entities. Even if government orders to fight, the officers wont be doing the order. They would just quit. They did it in 1990 in First Gulf war. They quit when ordered to invade Iraq with US forces. Time showed soldiers were right, US didnt go all the way to Baghdad. Otherwise Turkish soldiers would have fought against Saddam, paving the way for Kurdistan in early 90's.
I dont think you both get the situation.

Turkey is financed by hot money. As long as hot money keeps Turkish economy running, it is ok for government to cause destruction on the other side of the border. As for the war, Turkey wont enter Syria. There are not enough hot money to make Turkey fight on the other side of border. When faced real threat, Turkey will back off. There wont be a biological, chemical or nuclear clash.

Turkish government and Turkish army are two separate entities. Even if government orders to fight, the officers wont be doing the order. They would just quit. They did it in 1990 in First Gulf war. They quit when ordered to invade Iraq with US forces. Time showed soldiers were right, US didnt go all the way to Baghdad. Otherwise Turkish soldiers would have fought against Saddam, paving the way for Kurdistan in early 90's.

Thank you for your response.Hopefully,the Turkish military refuses to obey Erdogan and his madness.I guess there are some sane turks on this forum.Anyways my support for PKK in the previous thread for uncalled for and I apologise to the sane turks ,not the insane turks who want war.Control the govt and your intelligence appartus .They have been creating and funding a lot of terror groups alongside CIA,Mi-6,Mossad,ISI.

2012-18 have a number of prophecies of a major world war. Hopefully the Turks are smart to keep out of such things.
Thank you for your response.Hopefully,the Turkish military refuses to obey Erdogan and his madness.I guess there are some sane turks on this forum.Anyways my support for PKK in the previous thread for uncalled for and I apologise to the sane turks ,not the insane turks who want war.Control the govt and your intelligence appartus .They have been creating and funding a lot of terror groups alongside CIA,Mi-6,Mossad,ISI.

2012-18 have a number of prophecies of a major world war. Hopefully the Turks are smart to keep out of such things.

I aint expecting sympathy from Indians. Indians were on the side of British in 1910's, still on the same side in 2010's. For Indians, Armenians and Kurds are more valuable, I know that. And I dont judge you.

Thank you for your kind wishes for Turks.
I aint expecting sympathy from Indians. Indians were on the side of British in 1910's, still on the same side in 2010's. For Indians, Armenians and Kurds are more valuable, I know that. And I dont judge you.

Thank you for your kind wishes for Turks.

yes I know.Most indians are willing to stab each other for a few pennies. And also most indians are not aware that british empire was responsible for 1.8 billion deaths in india via famine,starvation,genocide and excessive coercive taxation(check Australian researcher Gideon Polya).Even today our nation is under British banking influence.

And for most indians ,survival and money is most valuable not nations.Why do you think we are having so many separatist movements and naxalite movement has gained extreme popularity among the tribals and poorer lower caste villagers ? Poverty and extreme exploitation.Atleast your nation was not plundered like how ours was.And most indians they are sellouts,only fight each other and are cowards.This is why India and Pakistan are fighting each other always.
yes I know.Most indians are willing to stab each other for a few pennies. And also most indians are not aware that british empire was responsible for 1.8 billion deaths in india via famine,starvation,genocide and excessive coercive taxation(check Australian researcher Gideon Polya).Even today our nation is under British banking influence.

And for most indians ,survival and money is most valuable not nations.Why do you think we are having so many separatist movements and naxalite movement has gained extreme popularity among the tribals and poorer lower caste villagers ? Poverty.Atleast your nation was not plundered like how ours was.And most indians they are sellouts.

British plundered India, Ottomans plundered Turkey. As much as British foreign to India, Ottomans are foreign to me. Dont despise your people. I see no difference. :D

There is no honorable nations, but there are honorable persons. They are the ones I value.
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