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Turkey will closely follow Greek plans to revive oil bid in Aegean, says FM

Israel firms invest in US energy search off Greek Cyprus

NICOSIA – Agence France-Presse

Cyprus Commerce, Industry and Tourism Minister Neoclis Sylikiotis (L), John Tomich (C) Country manager Noble Energy and Gideon Tadmor (R) President and Chief Executive Delek Energy seen during the signing ceremony in Nicosia, Cyprus, 11 February 2013, in which Israel Delek companies assumed a 30 per cent stake in rights to a Cypriot offshore area where U.S. based Noble Energy discovered natural gas. EPA photo

Commerce Minister Neoclis Sylikiotis told reporters that the signing provided a "new era of Cyprus-Israeli strategic cooperation which includes economic and political dimensions".

Noble Energy Inc was the first to drill when awarded Block 12 after Greek Cyprus launched its energy search in 2007. In December 2011, Noble said it had discovered gas reserves of up to 8 trillion cubic feet (226.5 billion cubic metres), with an estimated value of 100 billion euros.

This would satisfy domestic needs for decades and could enable Greek Cyprus to become a regional player by exporting gas to Europe from 2019.

ENERGY - Israel firms invest in US energy search off Greek Cyprus
Greece action is similar to China's aggressive bids in the SCS. Such territorial fascist should be stopped immediately.
Turkey needs to reform's it navy among JMSDF lines...

Greece has the right to claim the Aegean sea, just like China has the right to claim the SCS. The Turks stole Anatolia anyways from the Byzantines. Did'nt Turkey steal enough land from Hellas? Just like the way Japs has stolen Taiwan in the 1890s and layed claim to the great lands and rocks of Daiyou Islands.

226.5 Billion cubic metres! Damn!

Good find of oil indeed but it does not fully belong to Turkey and they have no drilling rights in the S.Med unless the gain permits from the legitimate Cyrus government. Oil in the sea beds of the senkakau/Daiyou Islands also belong to the PRC and ROC of Taiwan.
Greece has the right to claim the Aegean sea,

On what basis? Specify
The Turks stole Anatolia anyways from the Byzantines. Did'nt Turkey steal enough land from Hellas?

Let me widen up your vocabulary knowledge..Its called Conquest..Not stealing..Educate yourself a little bit more

Good find of oil indeed but it does not fully belong to Turkey

And who said it fully belongs to Turkey?

and they have no drilling rights in the S.Med

Yes, we have

unless the gain permits from the legitimate Cyrus government

Not necessary
Greece has the right to claim the Aegean sea, just like China has the right to claim the SCS. The Turks stole Anatolia anyways from the Byzantines. Did'nt Turkey steal enough land from Hellas? Just like the way Japs has stolen Taiwan in the 1890s and layed claim to the great lands and rocks of Daiyou Islands.

Good find of oil indeed but it does not fully belong to Turkey and they have no drilling rights in the S.Med unless the gain permits from the legitimate Cyrus government. Oil in the sea beds of the senkakau/Daiyou Islands also belong to the PRC and ROC of Taiwan.

The Senkakau islands belong to Japan!
Its easy to make personal statement isnt it huh type052?
Who gave you the right the make such assumptions?
If you want to be taken serious then state facts not fiction.
We have evry right to demand a piece of the cake and nothing no one can do about it!
Guys, leave this lunatic alone. Do not take him serious. I do not wanna derail the topic but how pathetic his claim that South China sea belongs to China only :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Look at this map. Chinese claim almost reaches Malaysia, Brunei and Philippines:woot:

type052, negotiate with your government to stop occupation of Turkic land. I'm willing to move back.
My God . is this thread still going on ?

How much more ridiculous can one keep getting... enough I think ..
As long as Greeks are delusional thinking whole of Aegean sea is theirs.

It is not a delusion it is reality. I think you should begin to get in terms with it. ;)

The only way to change this is with the use of force. That means the masks will finally drop.

On the other hand, this may not be so good for you as you think. This is not the middle ages ;)
It doesn't matter bro! We were and still we are the owner of this region not for ages but more than decades!
It is not a delusion it is reality. I think you should begin to get in terms with it. ;)

The only way to change this is with the use of force.

Reality of whose? Yours? tell that to our admirals in the next Ephesus Maneuveur in the Aegean sea this year..and you are supposed to be an educated Greek, thinking of Aegean Sea belongs to Greece..Such delusion..And some people still wonder why Greece and Southern Cyprus are in such a mess...Dont have any penny to spend but still have big mouths

On the other hand, this may not be so good for you as you think. This is not the middle ages

True..Big powers will not give Greece the baby bottle when it cries anymore..So you guys better wake up from your delusions, try to fix your economy instead of alienating your neighbours..
Turkey to take steps at UN over Greek's claims on continental shelf

The Turkish Foreign Ministry announced on Friday that Ankara will take the necessary steps with the UN to respond to recent Greek claims over the continental shelf in the east Mediterranean.

Referring to a recent verbal note by Greece to the UN over Turkey's decision to grant hydrocarbon exploration permits for parts of the Mediterranean which the Greek government considers part of its continental shelf, the ministry added that Turkey will provide the necessary responses to Greece's claims, which raised the issue in its bilateral initiatives.

“Such claims by Greece over the issue have no basis in international law. Since 2007, according to licenses granted to the Turkish Petroleum Corporation [TPAO] by Turkey, the country has sovereign rights for the exploration and removal of natural resources in the east Mediterranean. Turkey will continue to use its rights given under international law,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The statement further added that Turkey will continue to take the necessary steps for the protection of its sovereign rights while also continuing to develop its relations with Greece. “Turkey will utilize the dialogue channel established for the resolution of these problems,” said the statement.

Meanwhile, Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos claimed that the areas Turkey had granted exploration permits for in the Mediterranean were deemed to fall under the Greek continental shelf. The Greek ministry said that “directly upon learning of Turkey's granting of permits, the Greek government proceeded with the appropriate démarches with Turkey.”

Turkey to take steps at UN over Greek's claims on continental shelf
Reality of whose? Yours? tell that to our admirals in the next Ephesus Maneuveur in the Aegean sea this year..and you are supposed to be an educated Greek, thinking of Aegean Sea belongs to Greece..Such delusion..And some people still wonder why Greece and Southern Cyprus are in such a mess...Dont have any penny to spend but still have big mouths

True..Big powers will not give Greece the baby bottle when it cries anymore..So you guys better wake up from your delusions, try to fix your economy instead of alienating your neighbours..

Every one's reality.

The rest in your post are just ...silly.
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