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Turkey warns of ‘steps’ if Syria continues crackdown on protests

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Turkey warns of ‘steps’ if Syria continues crackdown on protests

Turkey’s foreign minister demanded yesterday that the Syrian government end its crackdown on a five-month-old uprising “immediately and unconditionally,’’ warning that unspecified steps would be taken otherwise.

The comments by the minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, who visited the Syrian capital, Damascus, just last week, were the latest addition to a semantic exercise in diplomatic ambiguity, as the United States, European countries, Turkey, and Syria’s Arab neighbors have sought to condemn the violence while giving President Bashar Assad the chance to change his response to the protests.

The Syrian government has ignored the condemnations. Just days after the visit by Davutoglu, who says he has visited Syria more than 60 times, the government sent military and security forces into the port of Latakia, the third city to fall target to a crackdown that activists say killed 260 people this month.

Since the beginning of August, government forces have retaken control of Hama, in central Syria, and Deir al-Zour, in the east, both of which witnessed demonstrations by hundreds of thousands of people earlier this summer.

In Hama, a Western official said security forces used antiaircraft guns against civilian buildings. The same tactic was used in Latakia over the weekend, activists said, as well as gunfire that originated from ships off the coast. The Syrian government denied that ships fired at Latakia.

Activists say 31 people have been killed since the beginning of the Latakia assault.

“This is our final word to the Syrian authorities: Our first expectation is that these operations stop immediately and unconditionally,’’ Davutoglu told a news conference in Ankara, Turkey. “If the operations do not end, there would be nothing more to discuss about steps that would be taken,’’ he said, without saying what that action might include.

Diplomats have said that they believe Turkey, during Davutoglu’s visit with Assad, gave the Syrian government two weeks to introduce sweeping changes. The precise nature of those changes remains unclear, but the window came amid a flurry of conversations between President Obama, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

No less apparent are the Syrian government’s intentions. It has continued to insist that it is facing a rebellion by armed Islamists funded from abroad. It described the violence in Latakia, where the crackdown began Saturday, as an issue of security forces pursuing men armed with machine guns, grenades, and explosive devices.

Some analysts have criticized Davutoglu’s visit to Syria, arguing that it only bolstered the credibility of the Syrian government at the very time the United States, European countries, and others were trying to isolate Assad’s leadership. The escalation in violence seems to have embarrassed Turkish officials, who had only last week urged at least a measure of patience in seeing whether Assad would act.

The Syrian military and security forces pressed on with raids in Latakia yesterday, especially on a southern neighborhood inhabited by Palestinian refugees and poor Syrians, but the violence appeared less pronounced than over the weekend.

Turkey warns of ‘steps’ if Syria continues crackdown on protests - The Boston Globe
Guys, Is there any possibility, TAF boys going to Syria......

Guys, Is there any possibility, TAF boys going to Syria......

Zero possibility and thats good thing.

Calling of the ambassador would be a right thing, but Turkey is not going to do that either, because AKP does not want to admit that their foreign policies were a total failure.
Zero possibility and thats good thing.

Calling of the ambassador would be a right thing, but Turkey is not going to do that either, because AKP does not want to admit that their foreign policies were a total failure.

i do agree with 500 here on the part on calling home the ambassador, not only that. we should put more pressure by imposing sanctions to. going to war is almost a zero posibility right now.
Zero possibility and thats good thing.

Calling of the ambassador would be a right thing, but Turkey is not going to do that either, because AKP does not want to admit that their foreign policies were a total failure.

You will see.Im saying just 2 week.We will attack in 2 week ;) (if assad continue to kill)
And will you attack Arabia and Bahrain and Iran, and Algeria? Turkiye should avoid becoming a part of the US policy makers attempt to hijack the Arab Spring
I think Turkey should not be used by the USA. They should simply keep out of this.
You will see.Im saying just 2 week.We will attack in 2 week ;) (if assad continue to kill)

there will be no attack. a war will cost this country a fortune, and as of right now that is something Turkey really dont need!
there will be no attack. a war will cost this country a fortune, and as of right now that is something Turkey really dont need!

What generally happens is the USA give incentives. Print some dollar (that they dont have) and say they will be your best friend forever and will love you forever and ask you to go and do thier dirty work. Normal tactics used.. Beware Turkey as they are regular liars.
i suggest you calm down who take out battle axes
Turkey is one of the most responsible and right-minded countries in the world and she will move on this way.. no time for adventures..
we dont need a war and we dont want neither if it specailly is not our war.. just wait and see how diplomacy goes
I think Turkey with the help of US, NATO and GCC going to invade Syria before or after the EID if the unprecedented brutality of this inhuman regime continues unabated. Let us see what will be the future scenario. Hope Turkey will intervene with the help of above alliance to liberate the Syrian muslims from munafiq (Hypocrite) and mulhid (Athiest) Alawite regime which has nothing to do with Islam and its teachings and belief. They are among the worst of deviant Shia sect.
And will you attack Arabia and Bahrain and Iran, and Algeria? Turkiye should avoid becoming a part of the US policy makers attempt to hijack the Arab Spring

Turkish government talked with West Countries.Its will be between just Syria and Turkey.No occupation, no map changes...

---------- Post added at 11:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 PM ----------

there will be no attack. a war will cost this country a fortune, and as of right now that is something Turkey really dont need!

Syria is working for Russia...We cant leave them alone...And our muslim brothers is killing every second.Yesterday Assad is attacked to Palestinians...
Understood ?

---------- Post added at 11:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 PM ----------

i suggest you calm down who take out battle axes
Turkey is one of the most responsible and right-minded countries in the world and she will move on this way.. no time for adventures..
we dont need a war and we dont want neither if it specailly is not our war.. just wait and see how diplomacy goes

Syria War is not connected with NATO.

we have the pkk issue to handle first. nereye zipliyon øyle. we need to concentrate on the amount of civilian and military casualities made by pkk on our soil, especially in ramadan!
Never really liked muslim countries threatning each other maybe turkey is playing up to america. Difficult task to keep in with Iran and America.

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