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Turkey warns against Kurdish self-rule in Syria


Jan 13, 2010
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Russian Federation
Turkey has reacted to a recent declaration of provisional self-rule by Kurdish fighters in neighboring Syria, stressing the significance of territorial integrity of the war-torn Arab country.
"Turkey cannot permit a fait accompli, there is no question of accepting such a thing in Syria," Turkish President Abdullah Gul said in a televised speech on Friday.

"We cannot allow Syria, which is faced with major chaos, to disintegrate," Turkish president stressed.

On November 11, Kurdish fighters in northwestern Syria announced provisional self-rule in areas under their control.

The Kurdish forces have gained control over the territories near the Turkish border, after months-long clashes with Takfiri militants fighting the Syrian army in the Kurdish areas.

The Kurds in Syria are dominated by the Democratic Union Party, a party that is close to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) militants, who have been fighting for a Kurdish homeland in southeastern Turkey.

Ankara’s decades-long armed conflict with the PKK has claimed nearly 40,000 lives. The Turkish government is currently trying to strike a peace deal with the group.

Syria has been gripped since March 2011 by a deadly unrest fueled by foreign-backed militants, who are trained and funded by the Western powers and their regional allies -- especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.

Turkey warns against Kurdish self-rule in Syria > Strategic-Culture.org - Strategic Culture Foundation
Haha. And what power does Turkey have? They have already tried everything in their hands to destroy Kurdish dreams in Rojava. If they want to deny Kurds their right to autonomy, they will have to invade. And they do not dare to invade because that would mean all out war with PKK.

First time PYD declared that they would go for autonomy, a lot of the people on this board were quick to start chest beating and that Turkey would not allow it. What has happened since? The Turkish backed FSA has been thrown out of the Kurdish areas and the Kurds now control all the way from Hasaka til Til Abyad and Efrin.
AKP supported terrorists and chaos in Syria, now they have to live according to their idiotic decisions...

Syria will never divide, that is the west's wet dream...
That is what Assad and his father should thought of before supporting PKK terrorist against Turkey. If you support terrorism against us, you will regret it! Assad only has to point a finger towards supporting Kurdish terrorism and a tsunami will hit him.

Haha. And what power does Turkey have? They have already tried everything in their hands to destroy Kurdish dreams in Rojava. If they want to deny Kurds their right to autonomy, they will have to invade. And they do not dare to invade because that would mean all out war with PKK.
What power does Turkey have? Turkey has second biggest army in NATO after US. Kurdish semi-autonomy will ONLY be allowed in Iraq. This way if Barzani dog decides to go the terrorist way, he will be isolated from North, West and South effectively hemming in the terrorist state. PKK doesn't have power in Syria, Syria is open planes so terrorist don't have place to hide. With the new helicopters, satalite and UAV it would be good exercise for our military to do some "duck shooting".
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What power does Turkey have? Turkey has second biggest army in NATO after US. Kurdish semi-autonomy will ONLY be allowed in Iraq. This way if Barzani dog decides to go the terrorist way, he will be isolated from North, West and South effectively hemming in the terrorist state. PKK doesn't have power in Syria, Syria is open planes so terrorist don't have place to hide. With the new helicopters, satalite and UAV it would be good exercise for our military to do some "duck shooting".

PKK is not in Syria. So you are going to hunt down completely different people that have never hurt Turkey? Im not sure that the rest of the world would like that. Even if Turkey does attack West Kurdistan, then PKK will start a total war with Turkey and blow up those pipelines between Turkey and KRG which in the end would increase the aid that Barzani gives to PKK. And I think there are a couple of countries that are becoming increasingly anti- Turkey in the region who would love to arm PKK with heavy weapons this time around.
PKK is not in Syria. So you are going to hunt down completely different people that have never hurt Turkey? Im not sure that the rest of the world would like that. Even if Turkey does attack West Kurdistan, then PKK will start a total war with Turkey and blow up those pipelines between Turkey and KRG which in the end would increase the aid that Barzani gives to PKK. And I think there are a couple of countries that are becoming increasingly anti- Turkey in the region who would love to arm PKK with heavy weapons this time around.

a total war :)

Only thing that will start is a total PROPAGANDA war. :lol:
PKK is not in Syria. So you are going to hunt down completely different people that have never hurt Turkey? Im not sure that the rest of the world would like that. Even if Turkey does attack West Kurdistan, then PKK will start a total war with Turkey and blow up those pipelines between Turkey and KRG which in the end would increase the aid that Barzani gives to PKK. And I think there are a couple of countries that are becoming increasingly anti- Turkey in the region who would love to arm PKK with heavy weapons this time around.
Total war hahahahahaha, at the end PKK will loose and pipeline will be there after we burried the corpes of the terrorist. Barzani also won't live longer than couple of weeks if he starts full out war against Turkey. The gloves will come off and your lights will go out. PKK doesn't have airplanes, airdefence, armor or anything else. Barzani's army is also not made to fight a war with modern army like Turkey. Barzani's army is made to fight Arabs in the south. All out war with Turkey would be suicide for PKK since it would give reason for Turkey to invade and clear the caves in Iraq where the animals hide.
Total war hahahahahaha, at the end PKK will loose and pipeline will be there after we burried the corpes of the terrorist. Barzani also won't live longer than couple of weeks if he starts full out war against Turkey. The gloves will come off and your lights will go out. PKK doesn't have airplanes, airdefence, armor or anything else. Barzani's army is also not made to fight a war with modern army like Turkey. Barzani's army is made to fight Arabs in the south. All out war with Turkey would be suicide for PKK since it would give reason for Turkey to invade and clear the caves in Iraq where the animals hide.

And what would you do once PKK starts a civil war in the cities? And what will you do when PKK starts warfare in the cities? We know they are capable of it. Turkey can not even fight the PKK in the mountains. How the hell are they going to cope with them in an all out war situation that would hit cities too? Are you even thinking about the consequences or are you just living in your chauvanist fantasy world?

Airplanes, armor etc. will not work in the mountains. The only way for Turkey to defeat PKK in the mountains is either by dropping a small nuke there or try to take over the mountains with infantry.

Barzani would not start a war with Turkey. Instead he would send Peshmerga heavy weaponry to PKK and further strengthen PKK.
Kurds waiting Baghdad apology, MP Taifour
Kurds waiting Baghdad apology, MP Taifour : Aswat Al Iraq

BAGHDAD/ Aswat al-Iraq: Parliamentary Deputy Speaker Aref Taifour called the federal government to submit an apology for the Kurdish people for the atrocities of the previous governments.

He pointed out that "some are still believing that the Kurds are second-grade citizens", calling Iraqi officials to follow the Turkish type of behavior in their apology to the Kurds".

The call of MP Taifour was proclaimed after few days of Kurdish region government demand that the central government of Baghdad "should pay $384 billion to Kurdistan in compensation of four-decades of atrocities against the Kurdish people".

Theyr getting 17% which is around $ 20 billion yet still hate us, you see why we want to cut all of it.. we are paying people that hate us.
And what would you do once PKK starts a civil war in the cities? And what will you do when PKK starts warfare in the cities? We know they are capable of it. Turkey can not even fight the PKK in the mountains. How the hell are they going to cope with them in an all out war situation that would hit cities too? Are you even thinking about the consequences or are you just living in your chauvanist fantasy world?

Airplanes, armor etc. will not work in the mountains. The only way for Turkey to defeat PKK in the mountains is either by dropping a small nuke there or try to take over the mountains with infantry.

Barzani would not start a war with Turkey. Instead he would send Peshmerga heavy weaponry to PKK and further strengthen PKK.
Ok, go and start a war in the cities. Go shoot women and children and blow bombs in schools. PKK will loose moral battlefield and then.... the tsunami and backlash will come to HQ of PKK in Iraq, every inch of Iraq will be searched and every cave will be blown out until every single of you is under 2 feet under dirt. From Syria PKK can't attack, there are open planes. Only safeheaven of PKK is those caves and our airforce can't penetrate those. But when Turkish army invades only a cheap handgrenade will do the job to smoke you out.
Total war hahahahahaha, at the end PKK will loose and pipeline will be there after we burried the corpes of the terrorist. Barzani also won't live longer than couple of weeks if he starts full out war against Turkey. The gloves will come off and your lights will go out. PKK doesn't have airplanes, airdefence, armor or anything else. Barzani's army is also not made to fight a war with modern army like Turkey. Barzani's army is made to fight Arabs in the south. All out war with Turkey would be suicide for PKK since it would give reason for Turkey to invade and clear the caves in Iraq where the animals hide.

First of all Barzani represents the traditional Kurds and PKK is another thing. Same as akp vs chp, Barzani has better ties with Erdogan than with PKK.. Truth is CHP and some leftist parties has better relationships with PKK than with AKP.
Kurds waiting Baghdad apology, MP Taifour
Kurds waiting Baghdad apology, MP Taifour : Aswat Al Iraq

BAGHDAD/ Aswat al-Iraq: Parliamentary Deputy Speaker Aref Taifour called the federal government to submit an apology for the Kurdish people for the atrocities of the previous governments.

He pointed out that "some are still believing that the Kurds are second-grade citizens", calling Iraqi officials to follow the Turkish type of behavior in their apology to the Kurds".

The call of MP Taifour was proclaimed after few days of Kurdish region government demand that the central government of Baghdad "should pay $384 billion to Kurdistan in compensation of four-decades of atrocities against the Kurdish people".

Theyr getting 17% which is around $ 20 billion yet still hate us, you see why we want to cut all of it.. we are paying people that hate us.

Iraq has to compensate directly to the many victims of al Anfal campaign and Halabja. Last I heard, the victims were still waiting for compensation. If Iraq does not do that then of course KRG will use it as a political pressure against the central government. The sooner Iraq pays compensation to the individuals the sooner they will stop hearing from KRG.
First of all Barzani represents the traditional Kurds and PKK is another thing. Same as akp vs chp, Barzani has better ties with Erdogan than with PKK.. Truth is CHP and some leftist parties has better relationships with PKK than with AKP.
Yeah? Im not a CHP voter but who is making peace talks with PKK now?
Ok, go and start a war in the cities. Go shoot women and children and blow bombs in schools. PKK will loose moral battlefield and then.... the tsunami and backlash will come to HQ of PKK in Iraq, every inch of Iraq will be searched and every cave will be blown out until every single of you is under 2 feet under dirt. From Syria PKK can't attack, there are open planes. Only safeheaven of PKK is those caves and our airforce can't penetrate those. But when Turkish army invades only a cheap handgrenade will do the job to smoke you out.

Who is talking about killing civilians? Last I checked, Turkey was accused by ECHR for killing civilians and for extrajudicial killings. I created a topic about it.

A war in the cities would ruin Turkey economy within weeks.

Again, PKK is not present in Syria so how are they going to attack? If we talk about PYD however then I am sure that some countries in the region would not mind giving them heavy weapons to damage Turkey. Especially after Turkey involvement in Syria war.

Also, how many times have you tried invading Qandil with infantry? It is simply not possible. The infantry can enter maybe 5-10 km into Qandil, but the PKK camps are deep inside Qandil. Maybe 30-40 km inside. Turkish infantries would never reach that point. They never have before and they never will.
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