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Turkey PM: No reconciliation with Israel until end of Gaza siege

Turkey, with its present pro-Islamic party, will naturally care about the Palestinians. However, i think there is more to this case than just simple 'muslim helping muslim'. I think it has become a matter of prestige too for Turkey, Iran and the Arab world to see which one will be the loudest anti-Israel and leading player in the Islamic world. Doesn't mean that Israel is not without its own mistakes though, it must face all consequences, but i just find it funny how that country is targeted while there are many other countries in the world where muslims are facing problems, yet they almost go unnoticed by the muslim world, it seems. It's Erdogan's strategy to reach out more to the Arab world (what you called neo-Ottomanism), which also shouldn't be neglected due humanitary help, but imo it would be wiser to not stick our nose too deep and surpass the point of no return in this matter and focus more on our own, Turkic, world.
Exactly right.
Pakistan recognizes Palestine; if it didn't what is your Ambassador from Palestine to Pakistan doing in my country ?

Palestine indebted To PakistanFor unflinching Support | CENTRELINE

Palestine Embassy Pakistan | Palestine Embassy Pakistan

So far as I know Pakistan has no Pact with Saudi Arabia & besides the Pilots were not sent to Saudi Arabia but to Egypt, Syria & Jordan !

My rants - Do you think I'm pleased to say these things ?

Over the years 45,000 Palestinians have graduated from Pakistani Universities & still we need to bring about Familiarity with Pakistan & the Region !

I have never asked you to hate Indians nor do I hate them myself - the deafening silence of Palestine & Palestinians on any of our Issues is what is sickening !

I genuinely wonder you are usually so calmed down and take everything in your stride but as soon as this issue is brought up all hell breaks loose :angel:
If you don't want to be on good terms with me it's your life I don't have a problem with that, just don't discredit my threads and tell me it's because of hatred against Jews just like KAL-EL and YZD and several Indians and Armstrong have done.
The fact alone, that you have a problem with all the rational posting people shows, that something is wrong with you not them.

And meantion the people if you are talking about them instead of beeing silly and talking behind them.
@Yzd Khalifa @KAL-EL @Armstrong
The fact alone, that you have a problem with all the rational posting people shows, that something is wrong you not them.

And meantion the people if you are talking about them instead of beeing silly and talking behind them.

I've spoken to them directly many times before, this isn't about rationality.

It's about what I described in the paragraph in my last post which you conveniently ignored.
The fact alone, that you have a problem with all the rational posting people shows, that something is wrong you not them.

And meantion the people if you are talking about them instead of beeing silly and talking behind them.
How ironic that the same guy calls everyone else cry baby. Take a look at his own posts to find out who the cry baby is. This guy can't write a post without insults so not worth of arguing. Oh and he calls everyone else who disagrees with him a "muslim hater" but look at his Jew phobia.
How ironic that the same guy calls everyone else cry baby. Take a look at his own posts to find out who the cry baby is. This guy can't write a post without insults so not worth of arguing. Oh and he calls everyone else who disagrees with him a "muslim hater" but look at his Jew phobia.

Show me where my insults are in this thread? I've spoken as civil as one can be.

So ironic you call me an 'idiot' and 'crybaby' while accusing me of insulting people in this thread.

Of course rather than relate to the topic this thread is used as a place to call shots against me.

If you guys have a problem with me, mention in me in the members club and we will discuss our problems together and let people decide who's right or wrong and leave it at that.
Every country in the world recognizes Palesstine.

Than what goddamn diplomatic relations are you talking about ? If Pakistan recognizes Palestine & your Ambassador is here in Pakistan at your Embassy - Who the hell should we have diplomatic relations with to expect diplomatic statements ?

Yeah, because back then you had ties with Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia wasn't involved in the war, it was other Arabic nations pilots.

We've always had ties with Saudi Arabia - They are our Brotherly Country but Pakistani Pilots flying in Syria, Jordan & Egypt were fighting because of Arab's going to War with Israel they were fighting because of the Palestinian Issue otherwise what are Arab-Israeli Wars worth to us ?

And? Over time Palestinians attended Pakistani universities, still the vast majority of the region is not familiar with Asia besides what they see off Al-Jazeera documentaries.

Apparently even a million Palestinians studying in Pakistan wouldn't change that apathy or indifference !

This is a rant because there's no end to it, you're a person that wouldn't be satisfied either way. Don't ask occupied people's to go study conflicts abroad when they are busy trying to gain sympathy with Arabic nations just like Kashmiris try to do so by sympathizing with outside world. No different than Palestinians, sure our conflict gets much attention but not much action. We were all alone in 2009.

I didn't know Occupied People suddenly loose the ability to use their tongues even when they are sending Ambassadors to Pakistan & their Leaders are visiting Pakistan multiple times over !

The Kashmiris don't even that & yet they support Palestine - Why ? Because they care - You guys don't !

I genuinely wonder you are usually so calmed down and take everything in your stride but as soon as this issue is brought up all hell breaks loose :angel:

I'm very Nationalistic & I support the Palestinian Cause but their indifference across the board makes me nauseous at times & down right disgusted at others !

You won't understand; You're a Martian living on Pakistani Land ! :whistle:
Erdogan can support Palestine but he has to keep Turkey's interest at the forefront, compensation for the families and admission of fault from Israel should be first and foremost. The lifting of the blockade should be a separate issue that Turkey pushes for, the families should not have to wait due to a request everyone knows the Zionists will not oblige.
Than what goddamn diplomatic relations are you talking about ? If Pakistan recognizes Palestine & your Ambassador is here in Pakistan at your Embassy - Who the hell should we have diplomatic relations with to expect diplomatic statements ?

We've always had ties with Saudi Arabia - They are our Brotherly Country but Pakistani Pilots flying in Syria, Jordan & Egypt were fighting because of Arab's going to War with Israel they were fighting because of the Palestinian Issue otherwise what are Arab-Israeli Wars worth to us ?

Apparently even a million Palestinians studying in Pakistan wouldn't change that apathy or indifference !

I didn't know Occupied People suddenly loose the ability to use their tongues even when they are sending Ambassadors to Pakistan & their Leaders are visiting Pakistan multiple times over !

The Kashmiris don't even that & yet they support Palestine - Why ? Because they care - You guys don't !

I'm very Nationalistic & I support the Palestinian Cause but their indifference across the board makes me nauseous at times & down right disgusted at others !

You won't understand; You're a Martian living on Pakistani Land ! :whistle:

Butt sahab hath hola :lol:

I am nationalistic myself though i have a different point of view for which you have very conveniently termed me as a martian yet i do understand the reasoning behind your statement.
Than what goddamn diplomatic relations are you talking about ? If Pakistan recognizes Palestine & your Ambassador is here in Pakistan at your Embassy - Who the hell should we have diplomatic relations with to expect diplomatic statements ?

You're asking for actions that could be be effective through diplomats, therefore diplomatic relations achieve diplomatic results. People don't go out and say they stand with so and so on this issue in front of the world because that's where their heart stands. If we ordinary people had our say things would be different, but this world isn't run by us. If you're asking for sympathy from ordinary people than you wouldn't make a fuss about it here. You don't know what's in people's hearts.

We've always had ties with Saudi Arabia - They are our Brotherly Country but Pakistani Pilots flying in Syria, Jordan & Egypt were fighting because of Arab's going to War with Israel they were fighting because of the Palestinian Issue otherwise what are Arab-Israeli Wars worth to us ?

The war wasn't only about the Palestinian issue, little of it was, it was an pre emptive attack by Israel. So I don't see what you're trying to imply here.

Apparently even a million Palestinians studying in Pakistan wouldn't change that apathy or indifference !

I don't see what point you're trying to make, people go study in various nations around the world, it's a diverse world.

I didn't know Occupied People suddenly loose the ability to use their tongues even when they are sending Ambassadors to Pakistan & their Leaders are visiting Pakistan multiple times over !

I told you the PA doesn't represent me or most Palestinians, we don't like them,

The Kashmiris don't even that & yet they support Palestine - Why ? Because they care - You guys don't !

So if any Kashmiris sympathize with us it's out if their heart and they care or not because desperate situation? It's different for everybody, I don't represent millions of Palestinians so I don't who cares or who doesn't but most aren't educated on the Asian region and most are in poverty.

Either way nothing will satisfy you. This rant nevertheless will go on and on and on. You can't get the answers you want here.

Erdogan can support Palestine but he has to keep Turkey's interest at the forefront, compensation for the families and admission of fault from Israel should be first and foremost. The lifting of the blockade should be a separate issue that Turkey pushes for, the families should not have to wait due to a request everyone knows the Zionists will not oblige.

This is what is happening don't worry, the rest is for complete normalization of ties apparently.
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Erdogan can support Palestine but he has to keep Turkey's interest at the forefront, compensation for the families and admission of fault from Israel should be first and foremost. The lifting of the blockade should be a separate issue that Turkey pushes for, the families should not have to wait due to a request everyone knows the Zionists will not oblige.

It's symbolic mate. All of the families said that they are going to use that money for aiding Palestinians.
Yes, i want Turkey to sink your ships, like you murdered our citizens. That will be a fair trade.
* Only person with IQ bellow 60 will start war with Israel over 9 Darwin award idiots.
* But person with IQ bellow 60 will never come to power in Turkey.

So sorry to disappoint u.

You kill 9 Turks and dont want war?
They tried to breach a legal blockade.

We should have sent a message in the same time frame,thats the point.
If u see 9 Israelis who want to deliver aid to PKK u can shoot them.

If we had sank a ship,you think there would be a war?

Every country in the world recognizes Palesstine.
Sorry to burst ur bubble:


No developed country recognizes Palestine.
You're asking for actions that could be be effective through diplomats, therefore diplomatic relations achieve diplomatic results. People don't go out and say they stand with so and so on this issue in front of the world because that's where their heart stands. If we ordinary people had our say things would be different, but this world isn't run by us. If you're asking for sympathy from ordinary people than you wouldn't make a fuss about it here. You don't know what's in people's hearts.

And I'm having considerable trouble understand why it remains ever so elusive to you that Pakistan & Palestine have diplomatic relations hence the Ambassador, hence the Embassy & hence the Presidential Visits to Pakistan !

The war wasn't only about the Palestinian issue, little of it was, it was an pre emptive attack by Israel. So I don't see what you're trying to imply here.

We didn't send our men to just 'one Arab Israeli War' & for us it was about the Palestinian Issue hence why Our Father responded so strongly even before the Creation of Pakistan, tabled & seconded Resolutions in favor of Pakistan at the UN when we had barely started walking & finally sent our boys to fight in the Arab-Israeli Wars !

I don't see what point you're trying to make, people go study in various nations around the world, it's a diverse world.

45,000 'people' don't go studying to 'nations around the world' on heavily subsidized fees & scholarships - They do so because the Patrons welcome them with Open Arms without expecting anything in return !

I can't imagine how many more Palestinians would need to come to Pakistan to know about 'the Region' !

What it shows is apathy nothing more !

I told you the PA doesn't represent me or most Palestinians, we don't like them

Abbas isn't the PA is it ? Neither were you Ambassadors since the late '80s from the PA were they ?

So if any Kashmiris sympathize with us it's out if their heart and they care or not because desperate situation? It's different for everybody, I don't represent millions of Palestinians so I don't who cares or who doesn't but most aren't educated on the Asian region and most are in poverty.

Either way nothing will satisfy you. This rant nevertheless will go on and on and on. You can't get the answers you want here.

Kashmiris sympathize because Palestinians are Muslims which makes them One of Us; the Palestinians should've cared instead of making such bloody excuses as being 'uneducated' - Do you think the Kashmiris sit through a 'Palestine 101' class every Sunday ?
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