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Turkey PM: No reconciliation with Israel until end of Gaza siege

Stop playing around you got what i mean, period.

You know he does the same thing whenever I express my anger at how not a single Palestinian of note ever had the common decency of supporting Pakistan on any issue & yet every year thousands of Pakistanis take to the street to express solidarity with Palestinians, Pakistan has sent Combat Pilots & Military Men in the Arab Israeli Wars & has struck up a perpetual state of enmity with Israel for them; I wouldn't expect the Palestinians to pick up arms & conquer Kashmir or to shout themselves hoarse at the UN supporting Pakistan but nothing....not once could any of them be bothered with supporting us on any of our issues - Sad isn't it ?
Im not asking for any help, im just saying we was allways alone why are we creating more problems if we allready have enough of them?
I know what you meant(kulak atsinlar)and your are right;)

Says a NATO country leader who never shoot 1 bullet to the JEWS
Erdogan make zionist Al Qaeda enter to destroy Syria for the JEWS

Erdogan is just like JEW USA making as if they are not friend of zionist Al Qaeda

Why should we have shot a bullet at Jews?
To make you feel better,to belong to your gang?
Initiaton or what,why?
You know he does the same thing whenever I express my anger at how not a single Palestinian of note ever had the common decency of supporting Pakistan on any issue & yet every year thousands of Pakistanis take to the street to express solidarity with Palestinians, Pakistan has sent Combat Pilots & Military Men in the Arab Israeli Wars & has struck up a perpetual state of enmity against Israel for them; I wouldn't expect the Palestinians to pick up arms & conquer Kashmir or to shout themselves hoarse at the UN supporting Pakistan but nothing....not once could any of them be bothered with supporting us on any of our issues - Sad isn't it ?

So you're playing this game again, even though we've gone over it many times and I already understood what you meant out of it, in the end it's about diplomatic ties. You won't get any diplomatic statements without diplomatic ties.

@KingMamba @Aamna14 are witnesses to your game here....
No I didn't, your point was moot and I gave an example as to why it is. Of course you can't come back with anything besides making statements that make absolutely no sense.

I don't know how this Jews could upset someone.
Listen stupid kid i have enough of you giving me names and your fucking insults get lost stupid peace of shit, i tryed to be polite with the whole time but your going on my nerves.

No fucking body was helping us on our problems, espacially not our ''Muslim brothers'' so we shouldnt stick our nose in arabs internal problems, did you get me now?
So you're playing this game again, even though we've gone over it many times and I already understood what you meant out of it, in the end it's about diplomatic ties. You won't get any diplomatic statements without diplomatic ties.

@KingMamba @Aamna14 are witnesses to your game here....

There is no game over here; only you & your perpetual state of victimhood !

And : After the Palestinian Declaration of Independence on November 15, 1988, Pakistan then recognized the State of Palestine on 16 November 1988 and had established full diplomatic relations with it by the end of 1989.

I can't imagine what more 'diplomatic ties' do you want !
Listen stupid kid i have enough of you giving me names and your fucking insults get lost stupid peace of shit, i tryed to be polite with the whole time but your going on my nerves.

No fucking body was helping us on our problems, espacially not our ''Muslim brothers'' so we shouldnt stick our nose in arabs internal problems, did you get me now?

This isn't an Arabic internal affair, and Palestinians aren't part of GCC or Arabic affairs. This is an humanitarian issue.

And no where in my post did I insult you or call you names, if you can't make a legitimate point then stop trying to. This is what debates are meant for, you can't expect to get your way and neither do I expect to get my way often times.

Calling an adult a kid won't get you anywhere either, it's clear you came to this thread to pick a fight and your opinion is not based off a reality and rather your hatred of me.
I don't know how this Jews could upset someone.
So what is this then, why did you edited it?
Its obviously that you was referring to me, not that beeing Jew was an insult for me but people like you think this way.

Calling an adult a kid won't get you anywhere either, it's clear you came to this thread to pick a fight and your opinion is not based off a reality and rather your hatred of me.
Stop acting innocent or do i have to repost your insults againt me two days ago?

Stop bellydancing and stand behind your words.
There is no game over here; only you & your perpetual state of victimhood !

And : After the Palestinian Declaration of Independence on November 15, 1988, Pakistan then recognized the State of Palestine on 16 November 1988 and had established full diplomatic relations with it by the end of 1989.

I can't imagine what more 'diplomatic ties' do you want !

If you're expecting diplomatic statements than ask the PA government for diplomatic statements. I don't know how the PA operates or their current relations with the Pakistani government. Every time I have this discussion with you in the end it's all about politics.

This is a normal thing btw, many countries around the world recognized the Palestinian right to statehood. As for the 67 Israeli war against Arabic nations this has nothing to do with Palestinians. The events following the war had devastating effects. And Pakistan sent pilots because they have pact with Saudi Arabia basically.

Of course your rants as usual have no basis, if you're speaking of Arabs I agree Arabs should extend their outreach to allies of theirs. However not everyone is familiar with Asian region and history of region. I always call for increased awareness for all just Muslim causes. We still are also wrong in many ways and if it means for you that I need to start hating Indians just like some Arabs here want me to break ties with Iranians I'm sorry they are humans too, each side has it's faults.
may God bless Greece, and hopefully they recover Constantinople because That is rightfully Greek land. And may all the Mongol invaders leave France and all of Europe and return back to their own homelands, parasites are not needed in Europe. :agree::sniper::taz:

Come and Take It

So what is this then, why did you edited it?
Its obviously that you was referring to me, not that beeing Jew was an insult for me but people like you think this way.

Read the sentence, I obviously meant to type news and my IPad autocorrected me.

Stop acting innocent or do i have to repost your insults againt me two days ago?

Stop bellydancing and stand behind your words.

Go back a few weeks, I was speaking to you in the best manners and told you we should get along and reached out as much as I could. I thought you would look at things from a little different perspective, yet a few days ago you go on my thread and make that 'Jew hating' comment out of nowhere. You insist on it being that way, not me. Whenever any of us discuss a serious issue all you look at is one negative poster to generalize all of us. This is what you and others do, it's like trying to discredit my threads and diverting attention from the topic that is way more controversial than what one banned member said.
Listen stupid kid i have enough of you giving me names and your fucking insults get lost stupid peace of shit, i tryed to be polite with the whole time but your going on my nerves.

No fucking body was helping us on our problems, espacially not our ''Muslim brothers'' so we shouldnt stick our nose in arabs internal problems, did you get me now?

Please forward the colored part to Mr. Erdogan. And If you can take it all the way to the Mullah please do so.
If you're expecting diplomatic statements than ask the PA government for diplomatic statements. I don't know how the PA operates or their current relations with the Pakistani government. Every time I have this discussion with you in the end it's all about politics.

Pakistan recognizes Palestine; if it didn't what is your Ambassador from Palestine to Pakistan doing in my country ?

Palestine indebted To PakistanFor unflinching Support | CENTRELINE

Palestine Embassy Pakistan | Palestine Embassy Pakistan

This is a normal thing btw, many countries around the world recognized the Palestinian right to statehood. As for the 67 Israeli war against Arabic nations this has nothing to do with Palestinians. The events following the war had devastating effects. And Pakistan sent pilots because they have pact with Saudi Arabia basically.

So far as I know Pakistan has no Pact with Saudi Arabia & besides the Pilots were not sent to Saudi Arabia but to Egypt, Syria & Jordan !

Of course your rants as usual have no basis, if you're speaking of Arabs I agree Arabs should extend their outreach to allies of theirs. However not everyone is familiar with Asian region and history of region. I always call for increased awareness for all just Muslim causes. We still are also wrong in many ways and if it means for you that I need to start hating Indians just like some Arabs here want me to break ties with Iranians I'm sorry they are humans too, each side has it's faults.

My rants - Do you think I'm pleased to say these things ?

Over the years 45,000 Palestinians have graduated from Pakistani Universities & still we need to bring about Familiarity with Pakistan & the Region !

I have never asked you to hate Indians nor do I hate them myself - the deafening silence of Palestine & Palestinians on any of our Issues is what is sickening !
Go back a few weeks, I was speaking to you in the best manners and told you we should get along and reached out as much as I could. I thought you would look at things from a little different perspective, yet a few days ago you go on my thread and make that 'Jew hating' comment out of nowhere. You insist on it being that way, not me. Whenever any of us discuss a serious issue all you look at is one negative poster to generalize all of us. This is what you and others do, it's like trying to discredit my threads and diverting attention from the topic that is way more controversial than what one banned member said.
Your still accusing me, you have serious problems, this is the last response regarding this issue from me to you.
Pakistan recognizes Palestine; if it didn't what is your Ambassador from Palestine to Pakistan doing in my country ?

Palestine indebted To PakistanFor unflinching Support | CENTRELINE

Palestine Embassy Pakistan | Palestine Embassy Pakistan

Every country in the world recognizes Palesstine.

So far as I know Pakistan has no Pact with Saudi Arabia & besides the Pilots were not sent to Saudi Arabia but to Egypt, Syria & Jordan !

Yeah, because back then you had ties with Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia wasn't involved in the war, it was other Arabic nations pilots.

My rants - Do you think I'm pleased to say these things ?

Over the years 45,000 Palestinians have graduated from Pakistani Universities & still we need to bring about Familiarity with Pakistan & the Region !

I have never asked you to hate Indians nor do I hate them myself - the deafening silence of Palestine & Palestinians on any of our Issues is what is sickening

And? Over time Palestinians attended Pakistani universities, still the vast majority of the region is not familiar with Asia besides what they see off Al-Jazeera documentaries.

This is a rant because there's no end to it, you're a person that wouldn't be satisfied either way. Don't ask occupied people's to go study conflicts abroad when they are busy trying to gain sympathy with Arabic nations just like Kashmiris try to do so by sympathizing with outside world. No different than Palestinians, sure our conflict gets much attention but not much action. We were all alone in 2009.

Your still accusing me, you have serious problems, this is the last response regarding this issue from me to you.

I made a thread related to Israel recently. You didn't read the content of the thread nor post anything relevant to it. You came and made an unnecessary post related to a banned poster which took attention of topic and made it like the thread had no meaning. These aren't accusations this is the reality of you.

@al-Hasani and others are witnesses to my outreach to you and Faujhistorian for example. I reached out to him and he kept trolling me, this is when Hasani agreed with me that he is a troll.

If you don't want to be on good terms with me it's your life I don't have a problem with that, just don't discredit my threads and tell me it's because of hatred against Jews just like KAL-EL and YZD and several Indians and Armstrong have done.
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