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Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

Meengla said:
I am not military expert but I think Turkey will eventually prevail in a one-to-one over Israel because Turks have the will to take a lot of casualties which Israelis don't have as much. And modern wars are not going to be fought directly between powerful states directly--they use proxies. However strong Israeli military may be Israel cannot survive month long rain of all sorts of missiles destroying Israel. It is a much smaller country than Turkey.
The only ace card Israel has its nukes. Well, what IF Pakistan supplies Turkey its nukes? Pakistanis consider Turks as their near blood-brothers and will never let Turkey be blackmailed by anyone's nukes. I am NOT necessarily saying Pakistan should but it will probably happen.

This song suits for your comment enjoy.:tup:

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you guys are talking about IDF like they are immortals, didn't hezbollah show who is the boss in lebanon?
turkey in my opinion is the most powerful nation. and please dont bring up the nukes, israel has no balls to use nukes, an attack on turkey will be an attack on NATO.

thats their policy
btw, there isnt going to be any war between them. turkey will face severe consequence from USA, because the USA owns the world and israel owns the US.

but lets assume there a war between israel and turkey ONLY. the result will be what iranian PM said :D
you guys are talking about IDF like they are immortals, didn't hezbollah show who is the boss in lebanon?
turkey in my opinion is the most powerful nation. and please dont bring up the nukes, israel has no balls to use nukes, an attack on turkey will be an attack on NATO.

thats their policy

if israel uses nuke ultimate loser will be israel.. So please leave this nuke discussion aside...... Israel is developed in case of military technology, So as for turkey!!! IDF has been successful till today because it fought against unskilled forcess.. They never fought a western type well trained military that turkey has. .. .ls to use nukes, an attack on turkey will be an attack on NATO.

thats their policy[/QUOTE]

if israel uses nuke ultimate loser will be israel.. So please leave this nuke discussion aside...... Israel is developed in case of military technology, So as for turkey!!! IDF has been successful till today because it fought against unskilled forcess.. They never fought a western type well trained military that turkey has. .. .
if israel uses nuke ultimate loser will be israel.. So please leave this nuke discussion aside...... Israel is developed in case of military technology, So as for turkey!!! IDF has been successful till today because it fought against unskilled forcess.. They never fought a western type well trained military that turkey has. .. .ls to use nukes, an attack on turkey will be an attack on NATO.

thats their policy

Sorry, they`ll still lose. They as all enemies of Israel that try to win a war and lose, they will claim a magnificent victory.
Sorry, they`ll still lose. They as all enemies of Israel that try to win a war and lose, they will claim a magnificent victory.

no they wont, turkey is larger and much more powerful.
but your right, turkey will probably lose in the end, but not of israel. but because US will give israel intelligence reports which will be a major factor.

you see, israel cant do **** on its own. it always has daddy US to support it with vetos, hardware etc
How cute !! recently turkey used fighter plane and heavvy guns to attack own citizens aka kurds as well those in Iraq. 100+ terrorists were killed ... now guess how many were terrorists or poor civilians.:toast_sign:
I'm amazed that how people are saying "Oh Israel would do this and that" ..Are you effin kidding me?

Turkey will not only defeat Israel,they will demolish IDF ! If war continued for 40 days...Israel won't even have any soldiers left to fight..Turkey,on the other hand,is a relatively large country.Larger than England,France and spain ;) (Given that U.S doesn't intervene..which is impossible :) )

There would be NO war...so calm down.Israel and Turkey are sane countries..They aren't THAT stupid to go to war ...
Sorry, they`ll still lose. They as all enemies of Israel that try to win a war and lose, they will claim a magnificent victory.

Its very true. Turkey will lose miserably and after two years, internet trolls will start quoting conspiracy theories and claim a Turkish victory. Turkey must wake up and perform a reality check. This will not be conflict between equals. In terms of technology, there is no parity. The balance is tilted hugely in israel's favour. In terms of military preparedness, there is no parity (Israel is superior) . In terms of intelligence and covert ops, there is still no parity (favour towards Israel).

Turkey, its just those hormones acting up. Relax and take a hit for the team.
I'm amazed that how people are saying "Oh Israel would do this and that" ..Are you effin kidding me?

Turkey will not only defeat Israel,they will demolish IDF ! If war continued for 40 days...Israel won't even have any soldiers left to fight..Turkey,on the other hand,is a relatively large country.Larger than England,France and spain ;) (Given that U.S doesn't intervene..which is impossible :) )

There would be NO war...so calm down.Israel and Turkey are sane countries..They aren't THAT stupid to go to war ...

You obviously don`t know much about the IDF or the Turkish military. There is a reason why Israel was the seller and Turkey the buyer of Military technology.
Turkey guarantees the right of passage in international waters. This is the basic right of maritime law and not a provocation obviously. So its Israel whether they engage a war in international waters or not. All Turkey does is defending its right.
This is what they say. If they say it,i think they will do. Right of passage is a right,noone enters israeli controlled waters so its israel whether they unrightfully attack or not.
The current naval blockade is deemed legal by the UN. The truth is that a blockade can extend as far into international waters as the blockading power can enforce the blockade.

International Humanitarian Law - London Declaration 1909
Art. 18. The blockading forces must not bar access to neutral ports or coasts.
If a Turkish navy ship made it clear that Turkey will be part of a blockade runner fleet, and since a blockade is an act of war, this mean Israel, as the blockading power, can legally board any ship with said intention, and if there are resistance, Turkey and Israel will technically be at war.

I doubt Turkey is willing to risk war and probably a naval defeat for a few supplies that NGOs can deliver with much less hassles.

What will happen is Turkey, in order to salvage face, will escort these 'humanitarian' supply ships towards Gaza, broadcast intention to dock at a neutral port, then will actually head for said neutral port. The Israeli Navy will warily watch and will be ready for any course changes. Then once these 'humanitarian' supply ships delivered their goods to said neutral port and let real humanitarians take over, propaganda will be in abundance on how Israel was 'scared' into inaction by a muslim navy.
Its very true. Turkey will lose miserably and after two years, internet trolls will start quoting conspiracy theories and claim a Turkish victory. Turkey must wake up and perform a reality check. This will not be conflict between equals. In terms of technology, there is no parity. The balance is tilted hugely in israel's favour. In terms of military preparedness, there is no parity (Israel is superior) . In terms of intelligence and covert ops, there is still no parity (favour towards Israel).

Turkey, its just those hormones acting up. Relax and take a hit for the team.

And here comes the apologist for Israel :lol: Israel is just too small for Turkey.In one on one (without US),Turkey would demolish Israel . . .

You obviously don`t know much about the IDF or the Turkish military. There is a reason why Israel was the seller and Turkey the buyer of Military technology.

I do know about IDF and thats why I'm here on a defence forum.As I said above,Israel is just too small.No one is denying your technological advantage but in a relatively long war--there is no chance in heaven that Israel would survive the attrition.
I do know about IDF and thats why I'm here on a defence forum.As I said above,Israel is just too small.No one is denying your technological advantage but in a relatively long war--there is no chance in heaven that Israel would survive the attrition.
What attrition? A war with Israel wouldn't last more than a few days before the aggressor ( read turkey) assumes a defensive stance. A prolonged war would result in turkey re-visiting the stone ages.....and staying there...I suppose it has some nostalgic value.
In addition, to even think the US will not rise in defence of Israel is just plain stupid.
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