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Turkey kills 7 PKK terrorists crossing from Syria


Aug 18, 2010
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Turkey kills 7 Kurd fighters crossing from Syria

ISTANBUL | Fri Apr 1, 2011 5:40am EDT

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish security forces killed seven Kurdish militants early Friday after a large group of PKK fighters crossed over the border from Syria, Turkish military officials said.

It was the largest number killed in a firefight with the PKK, the Kurdistan Workers Party, since last summer.

The PKK called off a six-month long ceasefire in February raising fears that violence would pick up before a national election in Turkey on June 12.

Military operations were continuing in the area near the site of the clash by the town of Hassa in Hatay province, said the military officials, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Syria and Turkey went to the brink of war in 1998 over Syrian support for the PKK, but political and economic ties between Ankara and Damascus have flourished since then. Last year, Syrian security forces rounded up 400 suspected PKK.

Turkey is closely monitoring unrest that recently flared in Syria, and has encouraged Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to make political and economic reforms.

Separately, near Turkey's border with Iraq, witnesses reported seeing troops and equipment mobilized in Hakkari and Sirnak provinces.

Hundreds of troops are moving to the region in convoys amid the spring thaw, when fighting in the mountainous region traditionally picks up.

Helicopter gunships have pummeled the border area within Turkey for two days, security sources said.

Soldiers also patrolled remote areas further west in Diyarbakir, Tunceli and Bingol provinces in anticipation of clashes with the PKK after the group ended its one-sided truce.

The PKK took up arms in 1984 in a bid to carve out an ethnic homeland in southeastern Turkey, but has scaled back demands to greater political autonomy and cultural rights for Turkey's estimated 15 million Kurds.

Turkey kills 7 Kurd fighters crossing from Syria | Reuters

Month ago some guys here argued with me that PKK still operates in Syria. :rolleyes:
PKK still operates in Turkey as well. Noone argued that PKK does not operates in Syria. What are you smoking?
Yes its true. There are alot half kurdish/armenian pkk memebers in Syria..
Armenian PKK members? Maybe its time to bomb North Syria too. Al-Asaad know very well how to stop the peacfull people of Syria, but struggles with its Terrorists in the north.
captured weapons and equipment:

Captured weapons and equipment: 7 x M-16 Assault rifles, 1x Glock pistol, 4 kg A-4"Plastic explosives'', 5x RPG rockets+launcher, 14x handgrenades, 4x binoculars, 5x walkie-talkies, 40x magazines for M-16, 3x magazines for pistol, 3000x M-16 bullets, 60x bullets for pistol, 2x GPS devices, 2x digital cameras, 1x audio recorder device, 2x phones, 41x 100 US dollars, 4x radio etc..
lol joo is this all you bring as evidence after 1 month?.. you are really awesome))) captured terrorists on syria border doesnt prove what you have claimed..lets clarify what we have argued that time..
i said that
-pkk doesnt run by syria,
-yes they supported pkk once but syria is not old syria
-past is past, they dont support pkk anymore,
-terrorists can infilrate any country
-and terrorist who attacked İskenderun NB can be any terror cell from inside or out.. (you had no evidence that time about they came from syria, still you dont have)

and this is from your article.. exactly says the same thing what i have said before..
Syria and Turkey went to the brink of war in 1998 over Syrian support for the PKK, but political and economic ties between Ankara and Damascus have flourished since then. Last year, Syrian security forces rounded up 400 suspected PKK.
why dont you read what you have posted?
I said that PKK still operates from Syria. You argued with it. Now I have solid proof. Have a nice day.

Noone said that as i said before. You are twisting the matter. Show us one sentence of him.
I said that PKK still operates from Syria. You argued with it. Now I have solid proof. Have a nice day.
i argued with these below..
500 said:
- PKK is creation of Syria
- Please take a map and tell me where from could come terrorists which attacked Iskenderun naval base.
and i asked for evidences about your claims which you dont have one. all this article can prove that, unlike the past, syrian govn. and its security forces against a pkk existance in the lands of syria, which is what i have said before..

Have a good day

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