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Turkey is under threat!


May 3, 2009
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Lets get our heads out of the sand and look at this.

ISIS wins in Iraq = Bad news for Turkey
ISIS wins in Iraq and Syria = Even worse news for Turkey
ISIS stops its advance and establishes a de facto state leaving much of the Kurdistan outside Baghdad's control,therefore an independent Kurdistan = Very bad news for Turkey
Asad wins in Syria = Bad news for Turkey

I would like Turkish members to just explain this situation a lot better so we can see clearly why Turkey is gonna do in this mess as a regional power?
Lets get our heads out of the sand and look at this.

ISIS wins in Iraq = Bad news for TurkeyISIS wins in Iraq and Syria = Even worse news for Turkey
If ISIS wins in Iraq they will have heavy casualities but it is possible they win. Next target for ISIS will be Tehran where the Shia are. Not Istanbul. So ISIS is Iran's problem, not ours. We won't get involved in this war since there is nothing to gain for us. To win is to stay out.

ISIS stops its advance and establishes a de facto state leaving much of the Kurdistan outside Baghdad's control,therefore an independent Kurdistan = Very bad news for Turkey
Turkey is supporting independence of North-Iraq. Not bad at all. It will mean more control for Turkey. We already have heavy trade with them and have pipelines which Maliki doesn't want.

Asad wins in Syria = Bad news for Turkey
At the moment Assad doesn't have resources or menpower to do an attack on North-Syria. All nothern territories are controlled by the rebels. Assad is goner. He has gone through all his manpower and spend all his money.

I would like Turkish members to just explain this situation a lot better so we can see clearly why Turkey is gonna do in this mess as a regional power?
Your welcome.
If ISIS wins anything its bad news for the world because it will give other terrorist organisations hope that they can also win, which will be troubling.
Lets get our heads out of the sand and look at this.

ISIS wins in Iraq = Bad news for Turkey
ISIS wins in Iraq and Syria = Even worse news for Turkey
ISIS stops its advance and establishes a de facto state leaving much of the Kurdistan outside Baghdad's control,therefore an independent Kurdistan = Very bad news for Turkey
Asad wins in Syria = Bad news for Turkey

I would like Turkish members to just explain this situation a lot better so we can see clearly why Turkey is gonna do in this mess as a regional power?
Turkey wont do anything because our politians are thinking about the next elections, the times where Turkey invaded Islands to save its minoritys are gone with all the patriotic politians, now we have politians who stick to their chairs for decades and do everything to keep it.

Our FP is a big desaster, everytime someone hits us Davutoglu appears and says ''nobody should test our patience'', pkk is building road blockades and checks documents of drivers in our own territory, they kidnapp military personal so easy as if this country doesnt have a Army, they even dare take down the Flags from a Military post and what are the politians doing? Nothing exept of coming up with stupid excuses and threatenings.

Yes Turkey is in trouble, not because its weak but because of coward politians who screw everything just to keep their office in next term.
Are you really a turk?
Turkey cannot perform a policy to support independence of north Iraq, as kurd over there afterwards will surely make a territorial request frm Turkey.
It is indeed not good to Turkey this time, if ISIS finally succeeds to build a sunni Iraq, then Iraq kurd will have more reasons to get an official independence, that is a nightmare of Turkey.
actually, Kurd has seized Kirkuk in the name of resisting ISIS.
If ISIS wins in Iraq they will have heavy casualities but it is possible they win. Next target for ISIS will be Tehran where the Shia are. Not Istanbul. So ISIS is Iran's problem, not ours. We won't get involved in this war since there is nothing to gain for us. To win is to stay out.

Turkey is supporting independence of North-Iraq. Not bad at all. It will mean more control for Turkey. We already have heavy trade with them and have pipelines which Maliki doesn't want.

At the moment Assad doesn't have resources or menpower to do an attack on North-Syria. All nothern territories are controlled by the rebels. Assad is goner. He has gone through all his manpower and spend all his money.

Your welcome.
turkey has other things to worry about like making turkic union problem in middle east are for those who make it like iranians and arabs we should stay out of it
Are you really a turk?
Turkey cannot perform a policy to support independence of north Iraq, as kurd over there afterwards will surely make a territorial request frm Turkey.
It is indeed not good to Turkey this time, if ISIS finally succeeds to build a sunni Iraq, then Iraq kurd will have more reasons to get an official independence, that is a nightmare of Turkey.
actually, Kurd has seized Kirkuk in the name of resisting ISIS.

Armenians requesting land from Turkey for almost a centuary.... our response is" No one can claim a pebble from Turkey" Our borders drawn by blood. Only blood can can undo our borders. Anyone in the region can try....
Are you really a turk?
Turkey cannot perform a policy to support independence of north Iraq, as kurd over there afterwards will surely make a territorial request frm Turkey.
It is indeed not good to Turkey this time, if ISIS finally succeeds to build a sunni Iraq, then Iraq kurd will have more reasons to get an official independence, that is a nightmare of Turkey.
actually, Kurd has seized Kirkuk in the name of resisting ISIS.
Iraq will fragment into Sunni, Shia and Kurd.

For Kurds to have independence they need our support.

If they don't listen to us, we can unleash the wrath of the sunni on them.
I don't think so, how Ottoman empire was disintegrated into pieces?

Armenians requesting land from Turkey for almost a centuary.... our response is" No one can claim a pebble from Turkey" Our borders drawn by blood. Only blood can can undo our borders. Anyone in the region can try....
Lets get our heads out of the sand and look at this.

ISIS wins in Iraq = Bad news for Turkey
ISIS wins in Iraq and Syria = Even worse news for Turkey
ISIS stops its advance and establishes a de facto state leaving much of the Kurdistan outside Baghdad's control,therefore an independent Kurdistan = Very bad news for Turkey
Asad wins in Syria = Bad news for Turkey

I would like Turkish members to just explain this situation a lot better so we can see clearly why Turkey is gonna do in this mess as a regional power?

I wonder how many here are like me who have been taken by surprise by the ISIL/ ISIS.

Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant

@atatwolf, if this organisation succeeds like it appears it will, no nation in the region will remain insulated from its effect.

This is not a problem for Turkey alone but all including Iran, Af , Pak & India too. Disturbance in the region is never a good idea & no one knows this better than us all.
it is not necessary, Modern Turkey was able to keep its kurd part not because Ataturk was wise enough or Turkey soldiers were brave, but because superpowers at that time, British and French, cannot make an agreement over the restructuring plan over the Ottoman empire.
You can look into wikipedia for more knowledge.
it is not necessary, Modern Turkey was able to keep its kurd part not because Ataturk was wise enough or Turkey soldiers were brave, but because superpowers at that time, British and French, cannot make an agreement over the restructuring plan over the Ottoman empire.
you are too lost we crash our enemy so hard in war of indecency which make them fear to lose what they got no body think that after ottoman defeats turks could crush their enemies in 3 different front with empty hands but we did , it was so risky for both side to fight more so the wisest thing had done pace !
it is not necessary, Modern Turkey was able to keep its kurd part not because Ataturk was wise enough or Turkey soldiers were brave, but because superpowers at that time, British and French, cannot make an agreement over the restructuring plan over the Ottoman empire.

Nope, they agreed between themselves
Treaty of Sèvres - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But we kicked every one of them and their pawns in our worse condition.

Look... your knowledge about the region and Turkey is very very poor. You just heard something and didn't investagate it througly. You need to do more reseaarch before engaging any Turks on PDF regarding history of Turkey.
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