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Turkey intends to participate in Iran-P5+1 talks


Dec 30, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has expressed his country’s willingness to attend future nuclear talks between Iran and the six major world powers (the P5+1).

Speaking at the 49th Munich Security Conference on Monday, the Turkish minister proposed the formation of 5+3 group in the talks over Iran’s nuclear energy program with the inclusion of Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said on Sunday that the next round of comprehensive talks between Iran and the P5+1 -- China, Russia, France, Britain, and the US plus Germany -- would be held in Kazakhstan on February 25, 2013.

Iran and the P5+1 have held several rounds of talks with main focus on Iranian nuclear energy program. The last round of negotiations between the two sides was held in Moscow in June 2012.

The United States, Israel, and some of their allies have repeatedly accused Iran of pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program.

Iran argues that as a signatory to the NPT and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it is entitled to develop and acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

Meanwhile, Israel as the only possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East, is widely known to have between 200 and 400 nuclear warheads.

The Israeli regime rejects all the regulatory international nuclear agreements -- the NPT in particular -- and refuses to allow its nuclear facilities to come under international regulatory inspections.

PressTV - Turkey intends to participate in Iran-P5+1 talks
Iran needs to show Turkey the finger.
Turkey is trying to act like some sort of regional player, so far they only managed to send arms to terrorists in Syria and that's them trying to desperately cut Iran's ties to Syria and to try and increase their own influence.

Turkey is anything but a regional player, they are dependant on Iran for 45-50% of their energy imports and rely on NATO to defend them.

Iran needs to by no means allow Turks or Al sauds to join in these talks. both are enemies of Iran.
Why not include Zulu nation and Moldavia in the group and make it 5+3+2 ?


Iran needs to show Turkey the finger.
Turkey is trying to act like some sort of regional player, so far they only managed to send arms to terrorists in Syria and that's them trying to desperately cut Iran's ties to Syria and to try and increase their own influence.

Turkey is anything but a regional player, they are dependant on Iran for 45-50% of their energy imports and rely on NATO to defend them.

Iran needs to by no means allow Turks or Al sauds to join in these talks. both are enemies of Iran.
Very well played trying to provoke the 2 sides against each other.
Turks and Saudi's are enemies of Iran? Really? Well, if you say so it must be true. I'll make sure I won't leave home without my keyboard (warrior, get it?), in case I run in to some Iranians. Hey, I gotta do my part right?

Sorry about that, back to topic:
In the past Turkey supported Iran about this nuclear dispute in the past. Why would they change their stance now? I know there is the Syria issue, but not sure if this issue will have any influence on the negotiations for the nuclear talks. I mean, there is always the potential that countries have conflicting interests, but that usually doesn't mean they aren't making deals on other issue's.
problem isn't conflict, but trust.
These countries can have their meetings but in end Iran will still be a nuclear nation and Top Performing nation in Muslim world
perhaps Germany of Asia
Iran needs to show Turkey the finger.
Turkey is trying to act like some sort of regional player, so far they only managed to send arms to terrorists in Syria and that's them trying to desperately cut Iran's ties to Syria and to try and increase their own influence.

Turkey is anything but a regional player, they are dependant on Iran for 45-50% of their energy imports and rely on NATO to defend them.

Iran needs to by no means allow Turks or Al sauds to join in these talks. both are enemies of Iran.
You miss the good old times dont you?
These countries can have their meetings but in end Iran will still be a nuclear nation and Top Performing nation in Muslim world
perhaps Germany of Asia
To be honest, I don't want to see Iran have any nuclear warheads. On that note, I don't want to see Turkey with nuclear weapons either. Nuclear weapons go against every teachings of our religion, so there is no point in having them if you can't use them.

Ye, nuclear weapons to deter any potential enemy. Mutually assured destruction for the win right? What a terrifying world we live in.

I would also argue against nuclear power plants. I know that Turkey is planning to make 2 or 3 of these. The energy is clean, but there is a potential for disaster (Fukushima). Countries like Japan and Germany are planning to close their power plants for instance. I understand Nuclear energy can sustain quite a bit of a countries energy requirements, but... I don't know. Maybe you guys can convince and assure me that Nuclear power plants are low risk & safe.
To be honest, I don't want to see Iran have any nuclear warheads. On that note, I don't want to see Turkey with nuclear weapons either. Nuclear weapons go against every teachings of our religion, so there is no point in having them if you can't use them.

Ye, nuclear weapons to deter any potential enemy. Mutually assured destruction for the win right? What a terrifying world we live in.

I would also argue against nuclear power plants. I know that Turkey is planning to make 2 or 3 of these. The energy is clean, but there is a potential for disaster (Fukushima). Countries like Japan and Germany are planning to close their power plants for instance. I understand Nuclear energy can sustain quite a bit of a countries energy requirements, but... I don't know. Maybe you guys can convince and assure me that Nuclear power plants are low risk & safe.
Nuclear plants are allmost NO risk if they use Thorium instead of Uranium,check this out.
Thorium fuel cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I would also argue against nuclear power plants. I know that Turkey is planning to make 2 or 3 of these. The energy is clean, but there is a potential for disaster (Fukushima). Countries like Japan and Germany are planning to close their power plants for instance. I understand Nuclear energy can sustain quite a bit of a countries energy requirements, but... I don't know. Maybe you guys can convince and assure me that Nuclear power plants are low risk & safe.

Fukushima though was a very old and outdated reactor (built in 1971) facing one of the biggest Tsunamis ever recorded.

These two conditions are very unlikely to be repeated.

And they could have stopped the meltdown if only they had pumped seawater earlier... they didn't do it because they wanted to preserve the reactor and continue using it. It was a big human error, just like Chernobyl where they deliberately turned off the safety system for testing.
that will complicate the issues, P5+1 is enough... and there is already issues going on... so what will happen when you add two more western supporters?
Very well played trying to provoke the 2 sides against each other.
Turks and Saudi's are enemies of Iran? Really? Well, if you say so it must be true. I'll make sure I won't leave home without my keyboard (warrior, get it?), in case I run in to some Iranians. Hey, I gotta do my part right?

Sorry about that, back to topic:
In the past Turkey supported Iran about this nuclear dispute in the past. Why would they change their stance now? I know there is the Syria issue, but not sure if this issue will have any influence on the negotiations for the nuclear talks. I mean, there is always the potential that countries have conflicting interests, but that usually doesn't mean they aren't making deals on other issue's.

Save your breath they are not capable of understanding the fact Turkiye also dont like the Israel's special position when it comes to nukes.For those Iranians brainwashed by regime 7/24 there is side of good which means full support for Iranian mullahs' expansionist policies and there is side of evil(Zionists) which happens to be rest of the world who dont agree with Iranian mullahs' expansionist policies.

They are too blind to relaize Turkiye would take Iran's side in nuclear talks againts Israel if she ever allowed to join.
We should give Turkey the fat sausage...

They are not to be trusted, never have been. Why invite another NATO ally and US puppet?

Turkish people and government need to mind their own business and stop trying to butt in on Iranian affairs.
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