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Turkey faces wave of Afghan migrants: Interior minister

I agree what you say but they are raised in corrupt ways.
War part was generally over 15 years ago, today they kill for pennies. They are as corrupt as one can get.
It's unfortunate for the nation, but reality can't be ignored.

Im sure it is. But lets ask our self would we did the same if we will dealt their msfortune.

I like what Turkey is doing. Unfortunetly global media are more interested in hating Erdogan and vilifying turkey to take notice and report of turkish efforts in rehabilitating especially the young, and the children.. integrating then into schools, running varius workshops...their is a good and informative video TRT world.

I mean, there are not easy solutions and quick ones. But great man, great nations, do the right thing.
And would you realliy imitate hungarians, Poles, and the farright european scumm.. there has to be a difference beween us and them.
Im sure it is. But lets ask our self would we did the same if we will dealt their msfortune.

I like what Turkey is doing. Unfortunetly global media are more interested in hating Erdogan and vilifying turkey to take notice and report of turkish efforts in rehabilitating especially the young, and the children.. integrating then into schools, running varius workshops...their is a good and informative video TRT world.

I mean, there are not easy solutions and quick ones. But great man, great nations, do the right thing.
And would you realliy imitate hungarians, Poles, and the farright european scumm.. there has to be a difference beween us and them.

I see you hate them Poles, Hungarians etc. because they are racist and hate foreigners/muslims but in a jungle full of beasts to be tolerant means to lose yourself and your country. They know that because they experienced it duting their history and don’t want to do it again. It is not a coincidence that poorer and supposedly more racist countries like Hungary or Poland, or Lithuanian are much safer than all them beacons of multiculturalism, social justice and tolerance. They do the right thing for their own countries and their own nations and this is why their nations will survive forever which I can’t say for Turks if Turkey keeps on taking in all the human garbage of the Middle East.
I am sorry but I don’t want Afghan monkeys to move and settle in Turkey. Even in Iran and Pakistan which are much closer to them genetically and culturally you see how they make only problems and the locals despise the day their countries opened their doors to them. Turkey has enough human waste to deal with already that causes enough problems and can’t be integrated no matter what you do for it to take a million more and even worse.

I have no problems with Bosniaks, or Albanians, or Caucasians, or other Turkic people to be moving to Turkey- those are all nations that are friendly to Turkey and to the Turkish nation. They are part of Turkey’s fabric and culture and are all respectful and hard working people.
I don’t care if people are Muslim, Budhist or Christian. White, Black, Yellow, Green or whatever. I care only of their education, culture and respect towards the country that hosts them. I am sick and tired of parasites that come to a country that gives them shelter, money, food and everything and all they do in return is crime, rapes, selling drugs and complaining about those bad Turks or Kafirs.
brace yourselves turks, afghans are gonna start bad mouthing Turkey as well now!
Its a myth.
No one wants to go to stay in Hungary or Poland, much less Lithuanial. First two are just transit tates. Lithuanians are themself going west, the skilled labor. Polish and Hungarians too. But its a effective ellection platform in this particular moment in time. I
Polish themself ran to UK and America not long ago when Nazis came. Hungarians too,... About security, well;; polish gangs run eurpean amphetamine biznes for exmpl..
Germany, which hosts the most refugees in the west west crime rate in 2017 was lowest since 1992.
Warent some turkih tribes once refugees?
Sorry those arguments are half truths, ideologicly driven by the failed ideology of european style nationalism which brought us 2 fucking world wars. . Justo to be safe, Im no leftist eather...

All of those things I heard from white europeans about the turks in western europe. They think cause Im white Im on their side so they speak more freely.
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