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Turkey faces wave of Afghan migrants: Interior minister

The wave is reaching Bosnia. Cause its the one of the border areas with EU. It still is menagable and havent reached the level of crisis. But its not excluded if not reacted promptly.
So I cant blame them, nor do I cant find in my heart to look them as somekind of thereat or with somekind of hate.
I myself come from the nation who not long ago seeked refuge, my family member those who survived serbian etnick cleansing found them self in similiar situation... and even fruther back going to withdrawinf of Ottoman Empire , Balkan wars... many of mine ppl and family members lived thru the same: mostly finding it in ottoman lands, whats now Turkey.

One thing to remember no one becomes an refugee by choice. Ask yourself would you leav e your home, your country, left everything you ever known for uncertany in some strange land if you had a choice? Of couse not. They are victims. And if ppl need someone to be angry at it, to hate em for this problem, its the ppl who made them leave, who took the last hope from them that they have a future in their own home. Refugees are not there by free choice, they are made by other ppl, curse their soles. And dont forget that history icomes in cycles, we are today the lucky ones, tomorow we may become them in need of help, or at least compassion.

Whats Turkey did with regards to this issues, for Syrians for ecxmpl... its indeed remarakble. And they had any excuse to not do so. But they did it. Not looking for a praise from the West, or others.. They did only honorble thing. If I was a Turk, I would be so proud for my Country and how it reacted to this issue. SHowing the way how to behave in such times, and giving a lessons to those hypocrites in the west nonstop lecuring Turkey in human rights and shit..
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The solution is simple:saturation bombing whenever they approach in groups towards our border. Public executions of smugglers that aid them and life sentences for any officials that could be involved (taking bribes from smugglers etc.) But the spineless politicians and their spineless backers will never allow such thing. I will consider emigrating if we keep taking in the scum of the planet into our borders.
I was suspecting some Arabs in coordination with the West regarding this issue then read something interesting:

UAE, US pull strings of dirty migration game targeting Turkey

It deserves a consideration. If true then it's successful but I can't say the same about it's success regarding Iran. Additionally, our fight against FETO isn't over.
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Id rather Syrian's then Afghan's and Pakistani's. Give them a free tour bus to Europe.
Turk brothers learn the lesson from Pakistan.
These Afghans only know how to do backstabbing.
They would destroy your beautiful country and culture. Better stay away from these scums. Throw them out.
i mean kabulistan ruled by its mayor ghani of kabul
every week several thugs explode themselves in Kabulistan.
Afghanistan future is doomed b/c of west global war against Soviet union in 80's and later against Taliban in 00's.
west must get all of the Afghan people as refuge b/c west destroyed it.
every week several thugs explode themselves in Kabulistan.
Afghanistan future is doomed b/c of west global war against Soviet union in 80's and later against Taliban in 00's.
west must get all of the Afghan people as refuge b/c west destroyed it.
well im not full western if born and having citizenship there is considered that as my family are from pakistan
Surprisingly, a high number of these "Afghans" speak Turkish, unlike the Syrians.

The ones who speak Turkish are most probably people with Turkic heritage we can keep them but we should either send the rest to Europe or back to Iran.

Send them back to Iran.. and seal your border.
They are security risk, and they are not there by accident...

The wave is reaching Bosnia. Cause its the one of the border areas with EU. It still is menagable and havent reached the level of crisis. But its not excluded if not reacted promptly.
So I cant blame them, nor do I cant find in my heart to look them as somekind of thereat or with somekind of hate.
I myself come from the nation who not long ago seeked refuge, my family member those who survived serbian etnick cleansing found them self in similiar situation... and even fruther back going to withdrawinf of Ottoman Empire , Balkan wars... many of mine ppl and family members lived thru the same: mostly finding it in ottoman lands, whats now Turkey.

One thing to remember no one becomes an refugee by choice. Ask yourself would you leav e your home, your country, left everything you ever known for uncertany in some strange land if you had a choice? Of couse not. They are victims. And if ppl need someone to be angry at it, to hate em for this problem, its the ppl who made them leave, who took the last hope from them that they have a future in their own home. Refugees are not there by free choice, they are made by other ppl, curse their soles. And dont forget that history icomes in cycles, we are today the lucky ones, tomorow we may become them in need of help, or at least compassion.

Whats Turkey did with regards to this issues, for Syrians for ecxmpl... its indeed remarakble. And they had any excuse to not do so. But they did it. Not looking for a praise from the West, or others.. They did only honorble thing. If I was a Turk, I would be so proud for my Country and how it reacted to this issue. SHowing the way how to behave in such times, and giving a lessons to those hypocrites in the west nonstop lecuring Turkey in human rights and shit..

You need to be careful with current Afghan generation raised by US and Iran, mutually.
They are worst than animals, no comparison with refugees you know.
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Send them back to Iran.. and seal your border.
They are security risk, and they are not there by accident... US and Iran are sending them on long term plan.

You need to be careful with current Afghan generations raised by US and Iran, mutually.
They are worst than animals, no comparison with refugees you know.

They are raised by war and destruction. Sorry as a muslim, as a human being I cannnot think like that.
Have you seen a war, survived anything remotly similiar to what these ppl did? I did. And it was a quick one, 4 years. Hell, Afghan war is old enough to get a driving licence, scores of childfreng] grown up knowing nothing more then war. Is that their fault? Dont judge others before you have a chance to walk in their shoes.
Of course there are bad ppl among them, as in any other nation... They are the easy victims, easy targets to put the blame cause thej dont have a voice. Yes refugees are the problem, but those who made them refugees are geting red carpets,l nobel prizes etc..

Im sorry that my country isnt in a shape to do more. We are transit destination for a reason.
They are raised by war and destruction. Sorry as a muslim, as a human being I cannnot think like that.
Have you seen a war, survived anything remotly similiar to what these ppl did? I did. And it was a quick one, 4 years. Hell, Afghan war is old enough to get a driving licence, scores of childfreng] grown up knowing nothing more then war. Is that their fault? Dont judge others before you have a chance to walk in their shoes.
Of course there are bad ppl among them, as in any other nation... They are the easy victims, easy targets to put the blame cause thej dont have a voice. Yes refugees are the problem, but those who made them refugees are geting red carpets,l nobel prizes etc..

Im sorry that my country isnt in a shape to do more. We are transit destination for a reason.

I agree what you say but they are raised in corrupt ways.
War part was generally over 15 years ago, today they kill for pennies. They are as corrupt as one can get.
It's unfortunate for the nation, but reality can't be ignored.
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