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Turkey: explosion outside US embassy in Ankara

The Turkish police will get to the bottom of this. There are Americans who have traveled to Ankara who think more highly of Turkish police professionalism than of our own Homeland Security.
This is what happens when you support terrorist organization like FSA that could have joined PKK as well to spread chaos in the Region.

Everyone wants assad gone in one way or another but by inviting terrorists [upon arab-US brilliant ideas] to do the Job you have always the danger as Pakistan is facing for supporting US against soviets creating a US-Pak-Afghan jihadis that are now haunting afghanistan and Pakistan.
as written by Jamaal Yelmaaz... the guy was a DHKP-C (Revolutionary People's Liberation Party–Front) militant here we are talking about a marxis-leninist terrorist group and the guy is a terrorist who was released from prison because of his health conditions.

recently there was a huge opreation against DHKP-C and many of its ''members'' (almost 50 I guess) were arrested. Obviously this is/must be the main reason for the attack
Last week When police force on solid intelligence information started an operattion againist cell hauses of that Stalinist DHKP-C linking with international espionage(Greece, Syria,Iran) main opposition party leader of Turkey have harshly slamed government and prime minister and said you break democratic rights of citizens, they are more patriotic than you.

DHKP-C something like communist version of Al-Qaida..It has pretty dark past..many time used by malicious internal and external powers in provakative attacks..last year they attacked less risky targets like police men in traffic duty or guard at hospitals and killed 4-5 police by assassination way..

irony is that, majority of members of that terorist org. consist of students of best universities of turkey and they still champion Stalinist kind of a communist regime ,in 21.century..but they have zero level suppotance by people..
at the moment they act alongside with PKK and Assad regime..
Something smells funny here, might as well be a part of the crack down on the left.
Why would they target an US embassy?
My bet is on Al Qaeda. Because of Mali.

doubtful....they could have attacked any other US target in MENA region

my instincts tell me it was a Kurdish rebel/seperatist group....the job was 'out-sourced' likely. The timing is interesting (Hillary Clinton's last day as Sec. State

all speculation though
Any information released by Turkish Intelligence ?
:coffee: let's blame Syria and Alasad for everything, while we going at it. I blame Alasad for sinking the Titanic, Global warming, some random star died in the universe it was Alasad fault, everything is Alasad fault and Syria's fault...
some haters here....
The Turkish government just blamed Syria somehow, by saying that party is associated with Syria.. :coffee:

Tomorrow we shall blame Syria and Iran for Challenger incident...
Assad remained with very few messengers left, so he is not capable of sending loud messages anymore....
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