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Turkey Demands Syrian Army Exit Rebel Areas, Threatens Force

Sorry, not good enough. Sending tanks on another sovereign nations soil without its permission because some "organisation were threatening Turkey".

Turkiye has right to be in Syria

-- to fight terrorism ( the UN article 51 self defense )
-- over 10 million Syrians are with Turkiye
-- Radical sectarian Assad Regime is a terrorist who killed over 800.000 Syrian People and forced over 7 million Syrians to move from their lands to another countries including Turkiye
So you're correcting your previous implication that the UN recognition of Assad is of importance when determining the legality of Assad's actions in inviting Iranian proxies into Syria?


To remind you, here's what you said:

"He is a UN recognised leader of Syria, that's what matters. We're talking about the legality of the issue, not feelings."

You agree with me that UN recognition of Assad as the leader of SAR doesn't actually matter?

Clearly you're just going in circles now. I have made it clear to you that you're misinterpreting what I have said. Now either engage in a proper discussion regarding what I actually stated, or just feel free to have a debate with yourself regarding statement I never claimed.

My statement was essentially this: "Irans presence in Syria is entirely legal given it was done so on the invitation of the Syrian government". The Syrian government being the elected representative of the Syrian people.
Right now prime minister of Israel is being prosecuted.

Right, and that means elections are "free and fair" :crazy:

Again desperate personal attacks. Here some titles of Khamenei:

  • he is just spiritual leader, not political. LOLZ. I cant believe that person who is soi obsessed with Iran literally knows nothing about it.

Where is the political representative part? or have am I missing something. Hence why I said, pay attention.

If u think its not good enough - complain to UN.

You're the one making up the scenarios, not UN.

Well done, you finally managed to get it. :tup:

Turkiye has right to be in Syria

-- to fight terrorism ( the UN article 51 self defense )

It's not like Turkey is supporting terrorism in Syria, right? Don't play the victim.
Right, and that means elections are "free and fair" :crazy:
Thats independent courts, as for free elections, Israel has dozen parties from all spectrum. Prime minister has only 32 seats out of 120. He cant even form a coalition now.

Where is the political representative part? or have am I missing something. Hence why I said, pay attention.
Head of armed forces is political thing not spiritual. Even 3 year old child understand better than u.,

You're the one making up the scenarios, not UN.
U claim that Turkish actions in Syria are illegal. So go to UN.
Thats independent courts, as for free elections, Israel has dozen parties from all spectrum. Prime minister has only 32 seats out of 120. He cant even form a coalition now.

None of this proves any of your claim the elections are free and fair. Try again.

Head of armed forces is political thing not spiritual. Even 3 year old child understand better than u.,

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is Iran's spiritual leader


I never stated he was not also head of armed forces etc.

My comment was regarding the president being the political representation of Iran. Once again, pay attention.

U claim that Turkish actions in Syria are illegal. So go to UN.

It's not my job to take them to the UN. Go send a letter to Assad instead.
This is not a game, you want to see Turkey go to war with Russia? You think US will come to Turkey's aid?
no I dont want turkey to fight Russians criminals, but Putin is an evil dower and he's pushing millions of refugees towards the Turkish borders, he is the one causing all of this mess to begin with
It's not like Turkey is supporting terrorism in Syria, right? Don't play the victim.

Turkiye ,Egypt,S.Arabia,the US,the UK,France,Germany,etc supported FSA
and FSA is not terrorist organization ( ex Syrian Army soldiers created FSA to save Syrian people from being slaughtered by radical sectarian Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups )

but PKK/YPG , ISIS , Iran backed HEZBOLLAH are terrorist organizations

and never forget that Turkish Army cleaned Jarablus,Azaz,Rai,Dabıq,Al Bab,Afrin,Telabyad,Rasulayn from PKK/YPG and ISIS terrorists and Turkiye protect around 10 milllion Syrians from being slaughtered by radical sectarian Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups , Russiia , PKK/YPG and ISIS terrorists

This is not a game, you want to see Turkey go to war with Russia?

Russia can not fight with Turkiye for useless Idlib
( Russia will lose trillion dollars , millions of soldiers and Russia will lose Syria,Crimea ,Black Sea and Caucasia in a war against Turkiye )

its our territory and Turkiye has 83 million ultra nationalist warrior population also enough money and miliitary power
We have seen loser Russians in poor and unarmed weak Afghanistan in 10 years and USSR was collapsed
Russians can use Assad Regime as proxy nothing else ....
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Well done, you finally managed to get it.
What you talking about you deluded idiot? You dropped "UN recognised" from your definition. It is you who got it. The rest of what you said in that post is fine as it is purely subjective. Assad is acting within the confines of Syrian law. He was elected in a Syrian election. Now you and I will differ on whether that process was free and fair or transparent but that's subjective opinion. Fair enough.

Once again, thanks and well done.
its our territory and Turkiye has 83 million ultra nationalist warrior population also enough money and miliitary power
Jesus, you just have no bottom limited on bragging anything about your "Great TURK".
Jesus, you just have no bottom limited on bragging anything about your "Great TURK".

Great TURK

-- 6.000 km Great wall of China to stop the great warrior Turks
-- North of China was ruled by the Turks for centuries
-- India was ruled byy the Turks for centuries
-- Iran was ruled by the Turks between 960s and 1925
-- Anatolia was conquered by the Turks in 1071
-- Iraq,Syria,Egypt was ruled by the Turks for over 800 years
-- Russians were ruled by Turkic Tatars and Mongols until 1502
-- Roman Empire was destroyed by Turk-Hun and Germans
-- Byzantine Empire was destroyed by Turks
-- Greece,Bulgaria,Serbia,Romania,Hungary and all Balkans were ruled by the Turks for centuries
-- N.Africa including Libya , Algeria , Tunis were ruled by the Turks for centuries
-- and the Turks beat Crusaders ( British+French+Germans) in CRUSADES

TURK = WARRIOR with the best military history in the world

in a war , not only Turkish Army , but also 83 million population will fight against enemies
Great TURK

-- 6.000 km Great wall of China to stop the great warrior Turks
-- North of China was ruled by the Turks for centuries
-- India was ruled byy the Turks for centuries
-- Iran was ruled by the Turks between 960s and 1925
-- Anatolia was conquered by the Turks in 1071
-- Iraq,Syria,Egypt was ruled by the Turks for over 800 years
-- Russians were ruled by Turkic Tatars and Mongols until 1502
-- Roman Empire was destroyed by Turk-Hun and Germans
-- Byzantine Empire was destroyed by Turks
-- Greece,Bulgaria,Serbia,Romania,Hungary and all Balkans were ruled by the Turks for centuries
-- N.Africa including Libya , Algeria , Tunis were ruled by the Turks for centuries
-- and the Turks beat Crusaders ( British+French+Germans) in CRUSADES

TURK = WARRIOR with the best military history in the world

in a war , not only Turkish Army , but also 83 million population will fight against enemies
I have no interest nor time in debating this nonsense with the "infamous" MMME.
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