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Turkey Coronavirus & updates

I really hope TR is making those ventilators/mask/meds/tests... h24/7...
You guys are maybe 2 weeks behind Europe...
There is no problem with the mask and test kit. PCR kits are producing right now, and about to ensure inventory security in rapid diagnostic kits. Turkey test kit aids continues, currently helping more than 10 countries. As for the medical ventilator, a national mobilization seems to begin. As a campaign starter Baykar Makina decided to support the Biosys company with an order of 250 machines in order to deliver it to those in need or to present it to brotherly countries. As this studies and products is directly supported within Aselsan medical technologies investments, its production quantities can be expand in a short time.



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They should be fined and if they continue- jailed

This is the biggest problem my friends

I will open up that borderwall thread very soon, very worrying when u also look at the future of the nations in our surroundings- futureless.

turkey had some kind of toilet paper shortage? I cant understand this toiled paper thing do we have so many ppl cleaning their butts with paper instead of water? :D

:) they should buy this here at least:

It's really old, man... :D
Today, that's more like Turkish style, you still need to use toilet paper by the way, otherwise ewww :D

Anyways, take care all of you...

I am just joking.. in old villages we use that thing if we are in turkey.. but most have now normal toilets..

yes you are right and the waste of paper will be much lesser if you use water.. but I noticed we have much lesser toilet paper in turkey than here in germany if you see the pallets of toiletpaper like mountains in our german stores compared it to the ones in turkey you will wonder for what the germans use so much paper..
I am just joking.. in old villages we use that thing if we are in turkey.. but most have now normal toilets..

yes you are right and the waste of paper will be much lesser if you use water.. but I noticed we have much lesser toilet paper in turkey than here in germany if you see the pallets of toiletpaper like mountains in our german stores compared it to the ones in turkey you will wonder for what the germans use so much paper..
You know better but your case makes you wonder the times when there was no toilet paper in Europe lol

How is it in the Arab world?
Most of them, are either under some sort of lockdown and Curfew, with their few dozen cases.
But the countries who are high spots with limited to no "restrictions" are Egypt/Iraq/Syria.

There is no problem with the mask and test kit. PCR kits are producing right now, and about to ensure inventory security in rapid diagnostic kits. Turkey test kit aids continues, currently helping more than 10 countries. As for the medical ventilator, a national mobilization seems to begin. As a campaign starter Baykar Makina decided to support the Biosys company with an order of 250 machines in order to deliver it to those in need or to present it to brotherly countries. As this studies and products is directly supported within Aselsan medical technologies investments, its production quantities can be expand in a short time.




So can any Turk buy masks anywhere as he/she wishes?
Can anyone ask to be tested when they have few symptoms , like in SK,SING? or is it restricted to hospitalized cases?
As for ventilators, are we sure the country has enough... like few dozens of thousands?

I don't want to be pessimistic... But Everyone, including those who are doing the best in this crisis... found themselves in need of more when the rise happen...
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