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Turkey Coronavirus & updates

dunno if spreading false claims like ppl died here and there would have an effect.. some fear is needed specially our stoneheads

we should place more police rights shooting someone in the leg should not be punishable.. the best way is to give money punishment nothing is more loved in our nation than money..
Is that the test kit developed in Turkey or is it something we’re getting from abroad ? Akp and Rte don’t really share these kinds of small information. Which in turn makes them unreliable. How can people trust officials like this. If we developed it, they should broadcast it day and Night.

I am scouring for external sources. But can’t find anything to support the claim turkey sent 500.000 test kits to the US. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/m...avirus-coverup-disaster-waiting-happen-131817
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Well, ur looking for "external" sources and then ur biting to Arab funded or Gülen funded propaganda, I really dont understand ur logic

Towards ur questions, the recent 15 min tests are imported from China, we have Tests developed by ourselves already in the millions if not dozens of millions but the challenge are the diagnosis centers for these tests I think we had something like 12 and this will reach 36 centers in a couple of days. Furthermore the news of us exporting them to the US are also true, they asked for them and received them as well and we have been exporting this stuff for the past 2 months or so. Nothing huge actually.
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Well, ur looking for "external" sources and then ur biting to Arab funded or Gülen funded propaganda, I really dont understand ur logic

Towards ur questions, the recent 15 min tests are imported from China, we have Tests developed by ourselves already in the millions if not dozens of millions but the challenge are the diagnosis centers for these tests I think we had something like 12 and this will reach 36 centers in a couple of days. Furthermore the news of us exporting them to the US are also true, they asked for them and received them as well and we have been exporting this stuff for the past 2 months or so. Nothing huge actually.

Yes I know there risks involved when looking for more sources. I find it interesting that every hospital doesn't have a laboratory where they can conduct the tests. If every hospital has a laboratory with 2-3 labrats and we have lets say 100 hospitals with 15 minute tests we'd be pulling of 28800 tests a day without sleep.

Let's just say every test takes 30 min including reporting etc. And cut down work to 16 hours a day we'd still pull of 9600 tests a day.

I don't know how these centers are gping to be, but imo best solution would be to build hospitals that can run 100% independent.

Found this

1518 hospitals........ how many of them have labs ?
we already tested like 4k already yesterday in a single day, lets see when the numbers today get published but the aim is 10-15k tests a day and this will be accomplished in a couple of days.
Would they keep schools closed? Anybody? No idea? Just reports?

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