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Turkey considers French missile defence bid after restoring arms trade ties

If you refuse to cut relation with France's Amernia genecode recogniation, more countries will follow the same. Israel react angry at Holocaust similarly.

I didn't know court rejected the law. It is very serious affect Turkey. Well, ahem. You have to understand how some Pakistani feel. I am not trying to troll here as per my explanation.

I would say again with due respect. NATO is war against Pakistan and killing our soldiers recently. So NATO, romantic relations with Turkey, make it very complicated our special relation with Pakistani perspectives and angers. Sister, I gave you two choices- NATO or Pakistan depend on your country interests?
hell raptor as if pakistan has any thing stratagic to offer to turkey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anything other than american is good for turkey I think. They need to diversify their source and an EU consortium won't raise
eye brows from the yankis. A TOT will also help turkey to garner skills for indigenous air defence system. But turkey should
consider S400 if it is offered.
NATO is ruining Pakisntan and slowly drag her to destruction with civil unrest but the biggest criminal in that is the inefficent politicans in Pakistan... Pakistan is a country of 170+ million with nuclear weapons and has one of the top ten land armies in this world... Politicans cannot or purpesly don't use that potential and they are the biggest contributor to that fact and not Turkey.

Turkey helped Pakistan in all of its problems as long as I lived so why attacking Turkish interest or trolling Turkish topics on PDF? Although Turkey couldn't convice NATO to apoligise to Pakistan we were the ones who requested an urgent meeting to discuss PNato attacking Pakistan outpost and we were the ones who made it a major topic for other major meeting of NATO....

I appreciate it very much as I acknowledge Turkey contribution and support Pakistan in every ways. Two brothers are having good time and great best friend, one day a big boss ask one of brother to work with him, other brother became anger toward big boss. That's what NATO relation with Turkey bother me a bit. Yes, i know the biggest criminal is our own government, we are fixing them everyday.

Not just Turkey, you can see my previous posts insulting against Pakistan's government and Army for the lack of protections on citizens, every Pakistan have right to be angers for whatever the reasons. I apologize if I insult anything to your country or your founder. West and NATO is just messing up to all of us, they had a good laugh. We fail to protect our own people, many people died everyday. Should I smile, fake muslims kill many muslims bloodshed?

Sorry, sister. I will refrain my words back.

hell raptor as if pakistan has any thing stratagic to offer to turkey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am surprised, you are still here to follow me, lol. You from Sudan or which country? Did you discuss any topics or follow me??? Awesome!
I appreciate it very much as I acknowledge Turkey contribution and support Pakistan in every ways. Two brothers are having good time and great best friend, one day a big boss ask one of brother to work with him, other brother became anger toward big boss. That's what NATO relation with Turkey bother me a bit. Yes, i know the biggest criminal is our own government, we are fixing them everyday.

Not just Turkey, you can see my previous posts insulting against Pakistan's government and Army for the lack of protections on citizens, every Pakistan have right to be angers for whatever the reasons. I apologize if I insult anything to your country or your founder. West and NATO is just messing up to all of us, they had a good laugh. We fail to protect our own people, many people died everyday. Should I smile, fake muslims kill many muslims bloodshed?

Sorry, sister. I will refrain my words back.

Believe me my hate towards NATO can rival Al-Qaeda but I can see the realty that Turkey needs NATO nut its a double edged sword that cost us maybe more than its worth...

Our wasted youth because of Gladio based military coups, massacres that were created by special agents, emberassing our whole nation with putting bags in their head and not apoligising but until we reach 2+ trillion economy we would be toast in an enviroment such as Middle East while having neighbours such as Greece in NATO and Russia.
Believe me my hate towards NATO can rival Al-Qaeda but I can see the realty that Turkey needs NATO nut its a double edged sword that cost us maybe more than its worth...

Our wasted youth because of Gladio based military coups, massacres that were created by special agents, emberassing our whole nation with putting bags in their head and not apoligising but until we reach 2+ trillion economy we would be toast in an enviroment such as Middle East while having neighbours such as Greece in NATO and Russia.

I feel it is our duty as Pakistani to provide nuclear weapons umbrella to protect Turkey from surrounding enemies so they wouldn't attack your country and people. I guess, NATO will do better and more benefit to your country. Thanks for great discussion! :enjoy:
I feel it is our duty as Pakistani to provide nuclear weapons umbrella to protect Turkey from surrounding enemies so they wouldn't attack your country and people. I guess, NATO will do better and more benefit to your country. Thanks for great discussion! :enjoy:

Well Turkey does not need any protection. Having nuclear weapons means nothing. Pakistans has these weapons, but the US is still attacking people in your country. It seems that nuclear weapons are no detterent.
BTW i heard turkey is starting a nuclear proogram; I hope we get are own nukes without forigen help, like some countries...

P.S. Don't get me wrong, i have nothing against Pakistan being allies with turkey; i actually want strong relations between turkey and pakistan.
Well Turkey does not need any protection. Having nuclear weapons means nothing. Pakistans has these weapons, but the US is still attacking people in your country. It seems that nuclear weapons are no detterent.
BTW i heard turkey is starting a nuclear proogram; I hope we get are own nukes without forigen help, like some countries...

P.S. Don't get me wrong, i have nothing against Pakistan being allies with turkey; i actually want strong relations between turkey and pakistan.

What is that supposed to mean ? Ours was a completely indigenous program !
What is that supposed to mean ? Ours was a completely indigenous program !

Why are you reacting like this bro!? I did not say Pakistan; i was refering to Irans program; there are russian scientist helping them.....
I feel it is our duty as Pakistani to provide nuclear weapons umbrella to protect Turkey from surrounding enemies so they wouldn't attack your country and people. I guess, NATO will do better and more benefit to your country. Thanks for great discussion! :enjoy:

First try protecting your country from weekly talibans attack and then talk about protecting other nations first.
listen mate , we are not 5 trillion economy , we dont have 5th generation fighter we make , we dont make engines , dont you think we want to be strong and totally independent in foreign policy? are we dumb? no but sometimes you have to make allies if you are not the strongest , this is same for other middle/upper strength countries then their is top strength then super

I appreciate it very much as I acknowledge Turkey contribution and support Pakistan in every ways. Two brothers are having good time and great best friend, one day a big boss ask one of brother to work with him, other brother became anger toward big boss. That's what NATO relation with Turkey bother me a bit. Yes, i know the biggest criminal is our own government, we are fixing them everyday.

Not just Turkey, you can see my previous posts insulting against Pakistan's government and Army for the lack of protections on citizens, every Pakistan have right to be angers for whatever the reasons. I apologize if I insult anything to your country or your founder. West and NATO is just messing up to all of us, they had a good laugh. We fail to protect our own people, many people died everyday. Should I smile, fake muslims kill many muslims bloodshed?

Sorry, sister. I will refrain my words back.

I am surprised, you are still here to follow me, lol. You from Sudan or which country? Did you discuss any topics or follow me??? Awesome!
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