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Turkey beefs up military presence near Syria border after clashes


Mar 31, 2013
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Turkey beefs up military presence near Syria border after clashes

Turkey is beefing up its military presence along the Syrian border following clashes between People’s Defense Units (YPG), the militant wing of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), and al-Qaeda linked al-Nusra Front.

Turkish F-16 jets and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) were scrambled from their base in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır for patrolling over the border town of Ras al-Ayn, daily Hürriyet reported citing İhlas News Agency.

YPG and al-Nusra Front have been engaged in a fight for three days in the Syrian town of Ras al-Ayn, near the Turkish border town of Ceylanpınar in the southeastern province of Şanlıurfa.

The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) also dispatched soldiers and tanks to the border. Turkey had returned fire into Syrian territory first on June 17, after shots fired from the Syrian side killed one Turkish citizen and seriously wounded another one.


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The Turkish military announced on Saturday that five Turkish soldiers were injured after they were hit by fire opened from Syria on Friday night.

The statement from the General Staff on Saturday an unknown number of people were either killed or injured in the Syrian side after Turkish troops returned fire. The military said the Turkish soldiers bombarded Syria with mortars, anti-aircraft systems and rocket launchers after the incident.

According to the military, three soldiers were injured in the initial fire from the Syrian side and that two more were injured in a second fire opened while the injured soldiers were being transported. The statement added that none of the injured soldiers are in serious condition.

The military earlier said gunmen opened fire on a border post which is charged with overseeing smuggling on border near Kıyıgören village in Hatay's Altınözü district, home to thousands of refugees.

Decleration of Turkish General Staff :

Türkiye-Suriye Hududunda, 2’nci Hudut Alay Komutanlığı Kıyıgören Hudut Karakolu sorumluluk bölgesinde saat 17.30'da Asi Nehri kenarı boyunca iki Taktik Tekerlekli Zırhlı Araç (TTZA) ile devriye görevi icra edilirken, siyasi sınıra 10 metre mesafede, Asi Nehri'nin Türkiye tarafında içinde mazot olduğu değerlendirilen bidonlar tespit edilmiştir.
Bir TTZA'nın himayesinde, diğer bir TTZA'dan indirilmiş personel tarafından mazot dolu bidonlar nehirden çıkarılmaya çalışılırken, Suriye tarafından sık ağaçlıklı bir bölgeden ateş açılmıştır.
Açılan ilk ateşte bir uzman çavuş ve bir er hafif şekilde yaralanmıştır.
Ateşin geldiği Suriye tarafındaki bölgeye piyade tüfeği ve makineli tüfekle karşı ateş açılmış, bölgeye takviye olarak bir Zırhlı Muharebe Aracı (ZMA) daha sevk edilmiştir.
Yaralıların tahliyesi esnasında Suriye tarafından pompalı tüfekle ikinci bir ateş açılmış ve açılan ateş sonrasında iki astsubay ve bir er hafif şekilde yaralanmıştır. Bu ateşe de angajman kuralları çerçevesinde ZMA topu, roketatar, uçaksavar, bombaatar ve hafif silahlarla karşılık verilmiş, bölgeden birliklerimiz üzerine ateş edilen su pompası binası ateş altına alınarak tahrip edilmiştir.
20 Temmuz 2013 saat 01.00'de tahrip edilen söz konusu su pompası binasına 10-15 kişilik silahlı bir grubun yaklaştığı tespit edilmiş, önce havaya uyarı amaçlı atış yapılmıştır. Uyarı atışından sonra, Suriye tarafındaki silahlı grup tarafından hudut birliği personeline hedef gözetmeksizin 10-15 el ateş açılmıştır. Bu ateşe de angajman kuralları çerçevesinde bombaatar, uçaksavar ve makineli tüfek ile karşılık verilmiştir. Silahlı çatışma sonucunda Suriye tarafındaki saldırganların ölü ve yaralılarının olduğu öğrenilmiştir.
Hafif yaralı olan bir astsubayımızın tedavisi Kıyıgören Hudut Karakolunda yapılmıştır. Diğer yaralı dört personelimiz Antakya Devlet Hastanesi ve Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Araştırma Hastanesine sevk edilmiştir. Olayda yaralanan personelimizin hayati tehlikeleri bulunmamaktadır.

Genelkurmay Baþkanlýðý Resmi Kurumsal Ýnternet Sitesidir - Anasayfa - Turkish General Staff Official Web Site - Main Page
about damn time we take some action

Syria is turning into a new somalia , Assad has given kurds autonomy in Hassaka province and is concentrating mostly in creating a homeland for his sect in central syria connected with his strongholds on the costal provinces of latakia and tartus .

Now Syria is basically partitioned now and at some point Turkey will be forced to set up a buffer zone inside that country, there is no longer a central government there capable of controlling whats going on there, various militiant groups are fighting each other now and Assad himself is only one among various warlords.
this is my comment from a similar thread :

what's funny is that AKP didn't have to fear the Kurds when Turkey and Syria were at peace... chaos is contagious... anyways, those towns will be brought back under control after the SAA finishes its job in major cities... leaving the town with the Kurds (for now) will keep Turkey on the edge...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...-after-celebrating-victory.html#ixzz2Zf2y4WcS
this is my comment from a similar thread :

what's funny is that AKP didn't have to fear the Kurds when Turkey and Syria were at peace... chaos is contagious... anyways, those towns will be brought back under control after the SAA finishes its job in major cities... leaving the town with the Kurds (for now) will keep Turkey on the edge...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...-after-celebrating-victory.html#ixzz2Zf2y4WcS

The source you shared is a different issue.

Let's say Assad clears all the FSA forces and be victorious at the end. What will happen to Kurds ? Do you think Assad will let Kurds with the same kind of autonomy as KRG ?
this is my comment from a similar thread :

what's funny is that AKP didn't have to fear the Kurds when Turkey and Syria were at peace... chaos is contagious... anyways, those towns will be brought back under control after the SAA finishes its job in major cities... leaving the town with the Kurds (for now) will keep Turkey on the edge...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...-after-celebrating-victory.html#ixzz2Zf2y4WcS

Don't fall off your chair of joy. Let me remind you that your dear leader Assad's father did the number 2 in his pants last time he went all cocky and macho:

In late September 1998, Turkish military chief of staff Huseyin Kivrikoglu accused Syria of using terrorism to wage "undeclared war" against Turkey. Ankara also was threatening military action to force an end to Syrian support for the PKK, and reportedly sent 10,000 reinforcements to its Syrian border. Over the years, Ankara had occasionally warned Syria that it would "suffer consequences" if it continued to support the PKK. But never before had the threats been made so insistently, repeatedly, and explicitly over a short period of time.

Early on, Assad apparently decided that he could not take on the Turks. As Turkish threats heated up, Syria's rhetoric suddenly cooled off. Damascus emphasized the need for "discussions." With its troops overwhelmingly based in Lebanon and the Golan, Syria never even reinforced its lightly policed Turkish border. It is likely that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak -- who visited Damascus and Ankara to mediate, and hosted Assad in Cairo shortly thereafter -- helped convince the Syrian president that the Turks were serious about taking military action of some sort.

As Syria, in effect, sued for peace, senior Syrian and Turkish bureaucrats met in Adana, Turkey, on October 19 and 20. Turkey insisted that the only topic on the agenda would be Syrian support for terrorism, and the October 20 agreement reflected that viewpoint. With the exception of one mention of "reciprocity", the agreement was a catalogue of Syrian undertakings to halt virtually all forms of support for the PKK with which Ankara had charged Damascus.
One killed during clashes on Turkey-Syria border

The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) yesterday returned fire at eight people who were trying to illegally enter Syria from the southern province of Hatay's Bükülmez neighborhood at around 5 p.m., killing one.

Guards at the Bükülmez border post warned the group twice to desist, but the group answered with 10 to 15 shots, a statement from the army said, addding that the security guards fired at the group withing the bounds of the rules of engagement.

One person in the group was reportedly shot dead during the clashes.

Source: LOCAL - One killed during clashes on Turkey-Syria border
One killed during clashes on Turkey-Syria border

The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) yesterday returned fire at eight people who were trying to illegally enter Syria from the southern province of Hatay's Bükülmez neighborhood at around 5 p.m., killing one.

Guards at the Bükülmez border post warned the group twice to desist, but the group answered with 10 to 15 shots, a statement from the army said, addding that the security guards fired at the group withing the bounds of the rules of engagement.

One person in the group was reportedly shot dead during the clashes.

Source: LOCAL - One killed during clashes on Turkey-Syria border
AKP goverment is failing so much last years, i mean look at that its no longer a border its a free entrance for terrorist.
The source you shared is a different issue.

Let's say Assad clears all the FSA forces and be victorious at the end. What will happen to Kurds ? Do you think Assad will let Kurds with the same kind of autonomy as KRG ?

I don't believe the Kurds in Syria want their own government, they just want their own culture ( their own schools and language, and etc) so I believe after this war is over, everything will return to normal with improvements...

Syrian Kurds: No Autonomy in Northern Syria - Al Jazeera report not true - SyriaNews
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