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Tunisian armed forces: collecting scattered pictures

I am very surprised by the Tunisian military. Who is the main supplier of weapons for Tunisia? France? EU or the US? What about Russia?
RIP died after 3 month from his marriage


Around the camp fire

قسم بالله العظيم أن أتفانى في خدمة الوطن و الدفاع عن حوزته و عن حريته و حماية مؤسساته الشرعية و مكاسبه من كل خطر أو عدوان داخلي أو خارجي و أن أحترم قوانين الدولة و أقوم بعملي بكل شرف و آمانة بكامل الطاعة و الانضباط كي تبقى تونس حرة منيعة أبد الدهر أبد الدهر أبد الدهر
@Syrian Lion this is Tunisian Soldier Oath
ps make a reply

Mootaz can you please translate it to English?
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Mootaz can you please translate it to English?
that is it

I swear by Almighty God that i be dedecated in the service of the country and defend its possession and protect its legitimate and its gains from internal or external aggression or risk and to respect the laws of the State and do my job all honor and honesty within the confines of obedience and discipline so that Tunisia remains free forever impervious...
yeah you are right the good advantage not like the GCC kings puppets not like russia gives here allies cheap version of [?B]every thing they make

Wow gutsy or just super ego? Have you checked lately your defence budget? and seriously what defence does Tunisia really has...Even if the JCC got down graded equipment for their money, comparing to the money that you spent in equipment, I hardly think that what you get, is better than theirs...Have you seen an Emirati F16?

And what do you know about of the equipment quality that Russia furnishes her clients? Do you think that India and your neighbour country to the west are populated by imbeciles?
Wow gutsy or just super ego? Have you checked lately your defence budget? and seriously what defence does Tunisia really has...Even if the JCC got down graded equipment for their money, comparing to the money that you spent in equipment, I hardly think that what you get, is better than theirs...Have you seen an Emirati F16?

we see the F16 Block 60 yeah its nasty cool
my bro meant that our army in 1956 to 1959 have being build by people donation (مال الزكاة ) and being an an important allay ( geo allay ) to USA that what make here give us weapons not like the GCC they spend millions in weapons mostly they not gonna use in real wars and Tunisian army have a better Special forces and men and have experience
@Mootaz-khelifi hello mate, i am impressed by the pictures , keep posting :) , what do you know about bangladesh ?:angel:
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