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Saudi intelligence services

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Intelligence, which means mind and intelligence, is known as the process of collecting, analyzing, and processing information in order to support decision-makers and work to protect the state from internal and external threats.

Some people believe that the science of intelligence is related only to espionage, tricks and intrigues, while it is much broader than that. The essence of intelligence revolves around collecting, protecting and disseminating information, so intelligence information has remained classified as one of the... Its basic characteristics, and intelligence services, are a basic necessity that cannot be dispensed with, neglected, or weakened. Its mission is large and important: protecting the security of the state, its highest interests at home and abroad, and protecting the security of the citizen. Its role is not limited to the political aspect; It also extends to confronting threats of a criminal nature. The national security of any country is indivisible and does not begin from its geographical borders or territory. Rather, it starts from its regional and international surroundings, and no country waits for threats and risks to come to its home or at its borders. Here comes the role of intelligence, which discovers the risks or conspiracies being hatched for the state by its enemies or opponents, or by regional or international competitors. That is, intelligence services must provide comprehensive, in-depth information related to political, security, military, economic, legal, and social phenomena and issues, and provide options and alternatives to the decision maker to deal with these issues.

The origins of intelligence work in Saudi Arabia:

The founder, King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud - may God have mercy on him - used intelligence work during the historical unification battles. He would not undertake any military action unless he had seen - through the eyes of those he sent around his enemies - the political and military circumstances of the other party in order to establish His appropriate plans to achieve victory. His interest in modern communications began to grow and increase until he established the first wireless communications network across the country, which played a prominent role in quickly transmitting information and news to and from him. It also played an active role in many important historical events within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The emergence of intelligence dates back to the year 1912 AD after King Abdulaziz established the Royal Court, established the Political Division, and assigned Sheikh Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Muammar - may God have mercy on him - with foreign intelligence duties.

National Security Center:

The National Security Center is a body specialized in national security affairs in Saudi Arabia and organizationally linked to the Saudi Royal Court. The center was approved to be established in 2018 in order to support the decision-making process by providing strategic options, as well as strengthening the capabilities of Saudi government agencies and coordinating with them in monitoring and responding to dangers and threats.

The center’s tasks and specializations:

1- Preparing and developing national security strategies and following up and evaluating their implementation in cooperation with the relevant authorities.

2- Identifying priority threats and dangers related to national security and evaluating them based on the Center’s own resources and the input of government agencies.

3- Providing strategic proposals and options to deal with threats and dangers related to national security and proposing the allocation of the necessary resources to implement those strategies.

4- Developing a methodology for developing emergency and crisis response plans.

5- Establish and operate situation follow-up rooms, linking them to the relevant authorities.

6- Coordination with relevant authorities to establish mechanisms for sharing information and data related to national security with government or concerned authorities in order to obtain information with the required speed and confidentiality.

7- Preparing research and studies related to national security
General Intelligence Presidency G.I.P

The Presidency of General Intelligence is a governmental body responsible for intelligence information. It was established in 1955 AD by order of King Saud - may God have mercy on him - based on Royal Decree No. 11 issued on 4/10/1377 AH, establishing a special department called (the General Intelligence Service). The Public Authority is one of the sovereign security institutions that aims primarily to provide security and stability, and works to preserve the gains of the nation and the citizen inside and outside the Kingdom. It is an administrative formation with a specific organizational structure.

Mission :

The main mission of the work of the General Intelligence Presidency is to provide strategic intelligence and contribute to achieving the national security of the Kingdom, and to provide information to officials in a timely manner, in order to take prompt and appropriate measures, in accordance with the statute under which the General Intelligence Presidency was formed. To achieve this mission, the General Intelligence Presidency manages the strategic and counter-intelligence operations necessary to achieve national security, plans the activity of the national intelligence services, conducts studies and research based on national security requirements and presents them to decision-makers, to enable them to formulate internal and foreign policy on sound foundations, rules, and accurate information. It establishes mutual relations with the intelligence services of brotherly and friendly countries.

The message :

1- Early collection of information about countries of interest, in accordance with professional standards that guarantee the accuracy, speed and flexibility of intelligence work to ensure the security and stability of the Kingdom.

2- Obtaining information about all strategic and military objectives related to the hostile or potentially hostile state and working to direct policies of psychological warfare and political warfare against these countries in the service of national interests.

3- Contributing to concealing confidential information related to the economic, political, military and diplomatic policies of the Kingdom in cooperation with the relevant authorities inside and outside the Kingdom.

4- Effective planning and implementation of various intelligence operations in countries of interest, with a focus on the most sensitive countries that have a greater impact on national security.

5- Collecting private information about espionage operations and intellectual and physical sabotage, and working to uncover elements opposing them in cooperation with the General Directorate of Investigations.

6- Conducting specialized studies and strategic research through presidential officials, or in cooperation with universities and research centers, and with national and foreign security and intelligence agencies in a way that serves national security.

7- Continuous follow-up of developments and active participation in conferences and meetings of interest at home and abroad in order to achieve adaptation to various changes.

Special Operations Forces:

It is a special force affiliated with General Intelligence whose tasks include combating terrorism, rescuing hostages, protecting individuals, protecting facilities, and disarming and removing explosives.


General Investigations Directorate GID

The General Directorate of Investigations is one of the most important security institutions. It was established in 1924 AD. It was previously affiliated with the Ministry of Interior, then it was separated and became affiliated with the Presidency of State Security, which is an internal intelligence agency that deals with internal security and counter-espionage, and achieving and consolidating national security in the Kingdom in coordination with all sectors in the state. .


1- Preserving the political and security entity of the Kingdom.

2- Combating terrorist and sabotage operations.

3- Confronting extremist intellectual and religious movements with destructive principles.

4- Combating foreign espionage operations.

5- Follow up on all activities in the Kingdom, including political, economic, social, media and religious activities.

6- Follow up on social organizations, their demands, aspirations and interactions together.

7- Maintaining the security of the state in all aspects, whether political, economic, ideological or social.

Special Missions Forces:

It is a special force affiliated with the General Investigations Department, whose tasks include counter-terrorism operations, hostage rescue, protection of important persons, protection of facilities, and the neutralization and removal of explosives.


Armed Forces Intelligence and Security Authority

The Armed Forces Intelligence and Security Authority is the agency that provides accurate information to decision-makers in a timely manner, and maintains the security of members of the Saudi Armed Forces. The Authority has several important departments such as (the Intelligence Department, the Security Department, the Radio Reconnaissance Department, the Psychological Operations Department, and the Electronic Warfare Department). ..etc

The authority is divided into two main sections:

1- Intelligence Department:

Its tasks are to manage positive intelligence, which is the procedures that intelligence services follow in collecting information, whether by observation or follow-up through various sources (human - indicative - photographic) or by carrying out secret work “espionage” through (agents - sources - whistleblowers).

As well as carrying out acts of sabotage and war of propaganda and rumours.

2- Security Department:

It is responsible for preventive intelligence work, which includes all procedures and operations to achieve security and keep secrets from espionage activity, against physical or moral sabotage, counter-psychological warfare measures, and resistance to conspiracy and rebellion, as well as responsibility for comprehensive security, including personal security, individuals, facilities, information, etc.

National Guard Intelligence Authority

The National Guard Intelligence Authority is the agency responsible for achieving and maintaining the security and safety of the Ministry of the National Guard, its facilities and bases.

The Authority's duties are:

1- Monitoring and combating harmful activities.

2- Insurance and protection against any espionage activities and combating them.

3- Monitoring and providing information on relevant situations and activities.

4- Monitoring the level of security in military installations and security, including the security of documents, individuals, weapons, etc.

5- Preparing reports on assessing the security situation of the National Guard, analyzing military strategies, and evaluating situations.

Royal Guard Intelligence Corps:

The Royal Guard Intelligence Authority is one of the sensitive units of the Royal Guard, whose role is to collect information, maintain the security of Royal Guard personnel and facilities, and the security and protection of palaces, royal offices, and sites where the King and the Crown Prince are present.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has several agencies (information affairs, security affairs, political and economic affairs, and external communications) that are charged with collecting information about important security, political, and economic situations, analyzing and studying them through its secret foreign offices.
Saudis need to develop a supply chain to arm the Palestinians so they can defend themselves. Declared IDF a terrorist organisation as it originated from Haganah, a terrorist organisation. Create a political justification to arm, train and equip Palestinians in occupied territories.

If this doesn't happen, Israelis will continue the endless slaughter of children and civilians in Gaza. Only by restoring balance of power, a fragile peace could be achieved.
They look into their population like evil eyes... you never know where n when you see them... but towards Isreal they are dead.
Saudis need to develop a supply chain to arm the Palestinians so they can defend themselves. Declared IDF a terrorist organisation as it originated from Haganah, a terrorist organisation. Create a political justification to arm, train and equip Palestinians in occupied territories.

If this doesn't happen, Israelis will continue the endless slaughter of children and civilians in Gaza. Only by restoring balance of power, a fragile peace could be achieved.
Not happening at all. Saudis have no intention to be fully against Israel.
Reality Of Saudi Intelligence Agency Whilst Muslims Are Getting Slaughtered. Due to forum rules, can't post the pictures of imported Zionists women they hang around with

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They look into their population like evil eyes... you never know where n when you see them... but towards Isreal they are dead.
Their intelligence is meant to supress any dissent.

Reality Of Saudi Intelligents Agency Whilst Muslims Are Getting Slaughtered. Due to forum rules, could post the pictures of imported Zionists women they hang around with

They bring in all kinds of women to hang around with.
Gold plated cars, golden toilets, yachts, foreign women. They are truly gold worshippers.
Saudis need to develop a supply chain to arm the Palestinians so they can defend themselves. Declared IDF a terrorist organisation as it originated from Haganah, a terrorist organisation. Create a political justification to arm, train and equip Palestinians in occupied territories.

If this doesn't happen, Israelis will continue the endless slaughter of children and civilians in Gaza. Only by restoring balance of power, a fragile peace could be achieved.
They are considering relation with Israel what are talking about
Saudis need to develop a supply chain to arm the Palestinians so they can defend themselves. Declared IDF a terrorist organisation as it originated from Haganah, a terrorist organisation. Create a political justification to arm, train and equip Palestinians in occupied territories.

If this doesn't happen, Israelis will continue the endless slaughter of children and civilians in Gaza. Only by restoring balance of power, a fragile peace could be achieved.
Usrael is not a problem for the Arabs to do all that to.. but you know what they'll face in that case.. nothing less than the US and NATO with all their might ( there are already two ACs with their battle groups armed with thousands of Tomahawk and an air force..just as a front.. in case the Arabs or Iran make a move! ).. so they are careful..
Reality Of Saudi Intelligents Agency Whilst Muslims Are Getting Slaughtered. Due to forum rules, could post the pictures of imported Zionists women they hang around with

They typically throw away tons of uneaten food. In this case, it looks like it can feed an army. Meanwhile, on their Southern border.

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