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Tunisia Lifts Ban on Muslim Women Marrying non-Muslims

Pakistan,Afghanistan(Taliban controlled areas),Iran,Somalia(al-Shabab controlled areas),Mauritania,Sudan,Eritrea,Djibouti to name a few.
Taliban inherited a decimated country from Soviet occupation but yet stabilized it. Afghanistan was then sanctioned and bombed by Americans and destabilized.
No it doesn't. We live in a global village. The social welfare system finds its origins in Islam. Modern mathematics is Indian. Modern medicine and science has huge Greek and Arab contributions. It is not solely Anglo-Saxon. The very survival of the country i live in and those across europe was dependent on muslim, sikhs hindu soldiers who defended europe from the Nazis. The empires of europe who built this modern society are built on the backs of colonialisation of Africa and Asia. Post ww2 modern europe was rebuilt by immigrant Labour who was invited to migrate.

I could write a dozen volumes on the ills and inferiority of this society. The wealth is the only attraction.

If wealth is the attraction,then you are bought and sold by that wealth yet are so shameless as to give lecture on superior morality.Fact is you live off the west and do so only because they allow you out of the generosity of their hearts,yet despise the society and ideals.Curse the infidel and talk of your glorious divine system,yet make your living from their society and system.Pathetic hypocrisy.
When was Islam abandoned?The whole middle east and indonesia are still conservative muslims.
Dominance was lost because
1]the education system remained wholly religious and became scientifically backward,and fell behind in technology.
2]Europeans discovered and exploited resources of new world ,inaccesible to islamic world.
3]Military power of all islamic empires throughout history rested on cavalry riding arabian and central asian horses,when cavalry became obsolete their military power was no more.

No, there are very few people who actually follow real Islam these days, and there isn't a single country that rules by Sharia.

No, we were at the peak of our game whenever we were strongly religious. We fell behind because we refused to change our methods that needed changing, but changed our methods that never needed change in the first place. In other words, I agree with point's 2 and 3 but not 1.
If wealth is the attraction,then you are bought and sold by that wealth yet are so shameless as to give lecture on superior morality.Fact is you live off the west and do so only because they allow you out of the generosity of their hearts,yet despise the society and ideals.Curse the infidel and talk of your glorious divine system,yet make your living from their society and system.Pathetic hypocrisy.

Only a slave like you people would consider taking what is your right as "living by someones generosity". The fact is i am in this country legally, i live my live entirely by islamic principles, i make money, i contribute fairly to society. I am an equal, but the people who were our slaves for a thousand years can never be equals to anyone.
I didnt mean you, but if the shoe fits.
See this is one of the fundamental problems why muslim world wont progress, any other idea than what islamists have is being silences by being called ''unislamic'' i havent seen a single comment targeting islam here but yet you accuse people here.

Secondly thanks for the youtube video. Anything in video format must be valid. It must be devoid of generalisations like third world countries have the same reasons for failure.
First watch the video and then do your judgement, you as a scientists should have learned to approach things without prejudice.
And yes every civilisation has its own unique reason for its failure, you cant compare islamic history with that of inka for exsample, booth have their own reason for their failures.

Bro I am a scientist, I believe in the supremacy of science and logic in this world. Islam does not contradict this.
Yet i never claimed islam is the problem, if you read my post with the objectivity of a scientists then you would see that my posts point to muslims rather than Islam, othervise i wont share a video thats explaining the golden age of Islam.
I see Pakistanis are really shocked that in Tunisia
That is nothing. Recently my daughter gave a friend a chewing gum. Turns out there is something, something inside the gum. Some preservative that some Muslim scholar had declared as not halal. The shock wave that caused was greater then the earthquake that brought San Francisco on it's knees. We Pakistani's can be very easily shocked by the mundane but industrial scale terrorism, bombings, murders, corruption is perfectly normal.


Tunisia has overturned a law that banned women from marrying non-Muslims.

A spokeswoman for President Beji Caid Essebsi made the announcement and congratulated women on gaining "the freedom to choose one's spouse".

Until now, a non-Muslim man who wished to marry a Tunisian Muslim woman had to convert to Islam and submit a certificate of his conversion as proof.

Tunisia, which is 99% Muslim, is viewed as one of the most progressive Arab countries in terms of women's rights.

The new law comes after President Essebsi pushed for the lifting of the marriage restriction decree that was put in place in 1973.

He said in a speech last month, during celebrations of the National Women's day, that the marriage law was "an obstacle to the freedom of choice of the spouse".

The restriction was also seen as violating Tunisia's constitution which was adopted in 2014 in the wake of the Arab Spring revolution.

Human rights groups in Tunisia had also campaigned for the law's abolition.

The order comes into force immediately and couples are free to register their marriages at government offices.


An important milestone
Rana Jawad, BBC News, Tunis

Many Tunisians see the removal of the marriage restriction as another landmark in guaranteeing women's freedom in the country.

It sets apart Tunisia as the first country in the Middle East and North Africa to remove the legal hurdles to marrying outside the official state religion.

It is an important milestone in a region where religion in marital ties can be at the heart of many a family feud, and long struggles against state laws.

Unlike Muslim women, men can marry non-Muslim women without providing any religious documents.

Tunisia is also home to a Jewish, as well as a small Christian, minority and it is not entirely clear how the marriage restriction applied to them.

Scrapping the decree may not do away with the cultural and traditional obstacles women face with their families in cases of inter-faith marriage, but it now offers Tunisian women greater freedom of choice from a legal perspective.


In July, the Tunisian parliament also introduced a new law that abolished a clause that allowed rapists to escape any punishment if they married their victims.

The country banned polygamy as far back as 1956, setting it apart from other Muslim-majority nations.

However, women in Tunisia still face discrimination, particularly in matters of inheritance which still prioritises sons over daughters.

The Tunisian Association of Democratic Women estimates that nearly 70% of Tunisian women are victims of abuse.

Amnesty International reported last year that there were few signs to show that things had improved for women since the Arab Spring revolution in 2010.

@HannibalBarca @war&peace @dsr478 @Ocean @EgyptianAmerican
This is good news. My mother is Pakistani and married my father who isn't Muslim.

North African Arabs (or berbers) tend to be very Liberal and Progressive. I've dated a Moroccan girl and they are very Westernized but sweet as hell.
We on this forum need to look at the word assumption carefully. I always end up in cyclic arguments and I'm 50% to blame.
  • Some of assumed Tunisia was governed by Islamic laws
  • Some of assumed that our personal views are equal to dictation of how others should live and a rejection of personal freedoms.
  • Some of us assumed that others are anti science and logic
  • Some of us assumed that others are anti Islamic (guilty as charged
In the midst of all this we have bhangees running rife, playing the fiddle. Let us all get a grip.
No, there are very few people who actually follow real Islam these days, and there isn't a single country that rules by Sharia.

No, we were at the peak of our game whenever we were strongly religious. We fell behind because we refused to change our methods that needed changing, but changed our methods that never needed change in the first place. In other words, I agree with point's 2 and 3 but not 1.

You can say in 20th century many muslims are not religious.But decline had begun clearly from 18th century,are you saying muslim people of that time were not religious?They suddenly became irreligious?What methods did people of that time change?Why ottomans suffered huge defeats and mughals collapsed then?Infact mughals were strongest under 'irreligious' akbar and collapsed from late aurangzeb era who was devout .
Everyone from iran,saudi arabia to taliban afghanistan used it.
See this is one of the fundamental problems why muslim world wont progress, any other idea than what islamists have is being silences by being called ''unislamic'' i havent seen a single comment targeting islam here but yet you accuse people here.

First watch the video and then do your judgement, you as a scientists should have learned to approach things without prejudice.
And yes every civilisation has its own unique reason for its failure, you cant compare islamic history with that of inka for exsample, booth have their own reason for their failures.

Yet i never claimed islam is the problem, if you read my post with the objectivity of a scientists then you would see that my posts point to muslims rather than Islam, othervise i wont share a video thats explaining the golden age of Islam.

I apologise, i have made judgements and come across as an idiot.

I agree there are very Muslim specific reasons why Muslim countries haven't generally succeeded, but I also feel these are heavily outweighed by conditions that we share with non Muslim countries who have also failed to provide societies as good as Western Europe and others in the anglosphere.
Folks the truth is to be a real Muslim by the real order is extremely hard in this day and age.
you are surrounded by elements of hostile people and corrupt practices.
pakistan is no Islamic it not even sovereign - it has usury,alcohol, corruption of all kinds, paper money, digital currency etc. doesn't pakistan answer to the UN and international law which is American imperialism.

if you want to live true Islamic principle you must move to towards a farming society and out of the way. Technology is limited - survival prepper/off the grid way of life. You must use gold and silver currency. you grow you organic food and health care you do it your self herbal medicine. Transport is minimum in term of car - you ride horse. you are to reduce your dependency on oil which feeds imperialism.

For me this is freedom you are not dependent on governmnet for anything or institutions.
You live like amish. However governmnet don't like it they will come for you.
Not many people can do this cutting off phone, internet etc.
Some seems to believe that now Tunisia lifted the Ban... Woman will rush to marry non-muslims...

May I ask what you take our woman for?
Or let's rephrase that Q...
May I ask how do you see Muslim woman? How do you see your Mothers? How do you see your Sisters? How do you see your Daughters?

As brainless pcs of meat? Someone who can't follow their own faith? Fragile creatures?

Muslims who wanted to marry non-muslims...didn't wait a Human rule or even Allah rule... to do so...
Not really, this is a mistake on your part my friend. He is taking advantage of Western countries and their economic prosperity, not living off them. If Pakistan had as strong of an economy as the UK than I don't doubt that Ghazi would go live there.

That is what i'm saying,if he takes advantage of their prosperity and system yet curses it as inferior morally and lectures on the use of ideals of seperation of religion and state ,isn't his own action a clear example of hypocrisy and immorality?
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