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Tunisia Lifts Ban on Muslim Women Marrying non-Muslims

its so shocking to see men in this thread shooting through the roof over a womans personal decision and choice of marriage , i mean i am so shocked at some responses jumping up and down about muslim womens choice of marriage, yes its wrong to marry non muslims and for a muslim man to pursue a woman other than muslim, or christian or jew. But even then people here are sort of ready to flog others for removing the law, and screaming at top of lungs OH GOD A MUSLIM WOMAN SHOULD NOT MARRY A NON MUSLIM
yes man she should not, but how a random xyz stranger womans marriage decision is ur freaking business and how ARE YOU supposed to shout at her or control her who to marry or not.

I dont even hear any such narration or law from prophets life. Islam clearly says Islam may jabar nahi hai. These are teachings you dont wanna follow then you wont be forced but yes you will be punished by Allah.

So how come her marriage is any of you guys matter of concern? I mean the whole interest in acting intrusive is surprising me. Please focus on ur own family lives.
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I feel happy because the women have got the freedom to make their choices & decisions about life.
interfaith marriages and relationships are frowned upon in a religious culture. they are only tolerated in a secular society but then its liberalism is put under the test when the relationship or marriage is between two different cultures. i.e black/ Asian and White then the same society exhibits the kind of behavior which it has criticized earlier when exhibited by a religious society.
8-) ok you can have 1 lady just for you AUSTERLITZ
better start to learn how to pray or you stay on couch all your life

A modest beard might get you places

If you want to go into the pre-Islamic era, let's do that. Indus Valley Civilisation, Sumerian Civilisation, the Achaemenid Empire, etc, all these cultural powers were NOT European, and they were far ahead of what Europe was like at the time.
"Were" is the key word here,dont forget that.
Name a country doing good with Islamic law without oil or gas money?
:big_boss:But yes you can't marry outside of faith unfortunately, you could in a way but then you will not be with in the framework of general faith framework

Love is blind ....what can you say ... it is a personal choice for people but the way things are it is quite clear

Personally I stay out of this discussion but that is just me

Either you blindly follow love
or you trust in faith and it's teaching ....

Or both folks join Islam the best religion on world , Alhamdulilah
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A good life for me and my family obviously, but we should also strive to dominate, to be the best we can be.

If you want to go into the pre-Islamic era, let's do that. Indus Valley Civilisation, Sumerian Civilisation, the Achaemenid Empire, etc, all these cultural powers were NOT European, and they were far ahead of what Europe was like at the time.
And they werent muslim either, the point is you dont need religion to archive what successful nations archieved.
If people in muslim countries gave 1/10th of value to education of western countries then the muslim world would be a much better place.

Bottom line is people are exploring space and we discuss whether a grown up woman is allowed to marry a foreigner, with this mentality muslim world will always lack behind.
Just excuses to hide hypocrisy.Live off the west and the ideals that sustain it,yet abuse them as inferior at every oppurtunity.Have a divine legal system thats superior in every aspect,yet countries are a mess and run west to take advantage of the lands under supposedly inferior laws and ideals.Zero self respect.

Live off the west? I contribute the same as anyone else. I earn more than most because I am well educated and have a good job. I pay tax. I live my life fully within Islamic principles.

Proper implementation of shariah would provide these conditions in muslim countries but instead we have uncle Tom's too busy looting and worshipping "massa's ways".

"Were" is the key word here,dont forget that.
Name a country doing good with Islamic law without oil or gas money?
Name a country with islamic law.
Bottom line is people are exploring space and we discuss whether a grown up woman is allowed to marry a foreigner, with this mentality muslim world will always lack behind.

It's not though is it. It's not mutually exclusive. You were not researching space exploration before you read this; neither was anyone else.
You know what, the whole sharia discussion reminds me on communism, when you say it doesnt work they say there is no real sharia/communist country, well i wonder why...

They had the USSR. We had the Caliphate of Umar (ra). Today our country can't freely choose its foreign policy and you think we can have islamic government? Led by dollar khor mullahs, ppp and pmln?

My opinion on the matter was stated in my first post. I respect personal choice, Tunisia is free to govern as they wish. As long as this was not considered an alteration of islamic principles then it is fine by me.

Unfortunately people use any opportunity to attack islam.

Then tell me the secret why it doesnt work, who is to be blamed?

Maybe the same reasons all the non muslim third world countries are in the state they are in.
Completely and clearly forbidden in Islam.
Agreed but doing what is "forbidden in Islam" is daily occurence. Hardly ground breaking is it? Just go to Pakistan and see the number of police, officials, people doing what is "forbidden in Islam" unless these things are halal -

  • Cheating
  • Murder
  • Raping
  • Corruption
  • Lying
  • etc

Can you please teach your President Beji Caid Essebsi now that he has set Tunisian women on the path of wrong that "Caid" is spelled "Said". Just saying ... !
Live off the west? I contribute the same as anyone else. I earn more than most because I am well educated and have a good job. I pay tax. I live my life fully within Islamic principles.

Proper implementation of shariah would provide these conditions in muslim countries but instead we have uncle Tom's too busy looting and worshipping "massa's ways".

Everything you earn comes of the western system that you criticize.You have a living because the countries and peoples you call infidels allow you to live in their country ,practice your customs and faith with impunity without 'blasphemy ' laws.In a way you yourself are an uncle tom who ran away and brags about a divine legal system yet goes to the people he considers lesser and lives off their generosity to tolerate your presence.You take advantage of of every western technology and financial system benefit,yet curse it as inferior to your glorious divine law system (which no one can even agree upon what is precisely is moreover)which has been a time and tested failure in the modern world from saudi arabia to iran.You suffer from a deep rooted hypocrisy and lack of self respect.

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