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Tunisia Lifts Ban on Muslim Women Marrying non-Muslims

What the hell are you talking about?

And what is "Muslim-ness"?? There is only such a thing as Muslim.

Please back-follow from the post you quoted. You will find the answer.

Hmmmmm... How come? I thought countries like Pakistan, Iran, KSA are wuite religious and conservative of some sort, esprcespec regarding their laws and the fact that religion is part of the government and shapes the country's laws

On this topic you will only get robotic replies from the members you are interacting with.
The state in a Muslim-majority nation is to ban the haram and permit the halal. We have every right to be furious at this ludicrous decision to allow Muslim women to marry non-Muslims.

I will only personally impose the ban on women in my own family.

Firstly why do you view something simple like a marriage through the spectacles of nationhood and religion ????

It is an association of two people, why don't you think like that. It simply imply, for people like you marriage is
never a matter of the personal choice of one who get married, rather it's a matter of some pseudo pride, honour. No wonder the subcontinent is seeing a lot of honour killing w.r.t love and marriage. What an Irony :(
But what is the motivation for doing so? Was there a large public demand and people demonstrating against that law, did he conduct a referendum, poll or survey...based on what? or just to appease his foreign masters?
Furthermore, Tunisia is the country where the Arab springs started right?

Your answer...

People need to understand something, Tunisia's long name is simply the Tunisian Republic, not the Arab Tunisian Republic (like Egypt or Syria) and not the Islamic Tunisian Republic (like Iran, Pakistan or Mauritania)
Same as Turkey, it's a Muslim people in a secular state.
it is a multi-ethnic nation (united under the Tunisian identity and speak the same language but racially you'll find Arabs, Middle Easterns, Amazighs, Turks, Andalusians, Europeans, Blacks and many others) and although around 96 to 97% of the population at the very least are Muslims, there are Christian, Jewish, Bahá'í, Ahmadi, Agnostic and Atheist Tunisians.
All these people and faiths are to be respected and treated equally in any modern state, and the Tunisian constitution does not only guarantee the freedom of religion and practice but also the freedom of choice and liberty of conscience. Thus there is no more legal basis to keep any discriminatory bans or laws based on religion.
it's not like the state is forcing people to intermarry, it's simply giving them the freedom of choice.
a devout Muslim woman or man would only marry a Muslim regardless of laws, but there are those who either are not that devout or interpret religion in a different way and they should be free to do so.
Wait a second, i missed this gem of a headline, there are tons of Muslim countires without such a restriction how is Tunisia first?
He wrote the Title
Original one is " Tunisian women free to marry non-Muslims"

Therefore later in the article " It sets apart Tunisia as the first country in the Middle East and North Africa to remove the legal hurdles to marrying outside the official state religion."
Firstly why do you view something simple like a marriage through the spectacles of nationhood and religion ????

It is an association of two people, why don't you think like that. It simply imply, for people like you marriage is
never a matter of the personal choice of one who get married, rather it's a matter of some pseudo pride, honour. No wonder the subcontinent is seeing a lot of honour killing w.r.t love and marriage. What an Irony :(

My religion says this type of marriage is forbidden, therefore, I am against it.

There are other reasons beyond that too anyway.

Hmmmmm... How come? I thought countries like Pakistan, Iran, KSA are wuite religious and conservative of some sort, esprcespec regarding their laws and the fact that religion is part of the government and shapes the country's laws


Conservatism doesn't equal Islamic. Only people who don't have a clue about Sharia would dare to suggest a single country is currently implementing it.
Hindus are most hypocrite people on this planet in their shithole they kill Muslims for marrying their women while here they are supporting opposite move

Rajasthan: Man burnt alive in Rajsamand over alleged case of love jihad


What nonsense. You should go read the history. Hindus killing muslims for marrying Hindu women. My foot.

For centuries, Hindus embraced & accommodated every outsider, every faith without objecting to their practices. Even when every invader enforced their practices on us or committed atrocities on innocent Hindus, raped & exploited girls, demolished our holy places, books, customs, for not adapting their culture, we quietly put up with all their barbarism with our thinking, we are followers of Ahimsa. We just kept getting exploited & paying for our foolishness, not understanding the outsiders won’t value or respect your innocent beliefs & practices.

We are suffering for our foolish beliefs today. If Gandhi didn’t believe in Ahimsa, Partition would not have happened. If we had a leader who thought like the invaders or Muslims, we would have genocided the Muslims, rather than part with our land. Pakistan, Bangladesh would just have been a fantasy. We have lost Millions of Hindus from the time of invasion because we didn’t stand up to object injustice & barbarism. Even the Sikh community was formed due to Muslim atrocities & injustice, who actually were Hindus, which formed a community of Khalsa to protect Hindus, who later on as warriors became the Sikh community & we have had a unwanted clash with our own true blood brothers.

We would not have had every day border clashes, shelling, wars, bloodshed & this unwanted draining of wealth & resources for a useless cause called Pakistan. India would have been a highly developed & progressed country with peace, prosperity, happiness & proudly following our ancient beliefs & practices.

Every religion want to convert Hindus be it Muslims or Christians. At-least Christians won’t terrorize, bash or kill a Hindu for talking to a Christian girl, dating them or marrying them. They nicely try & brainwash the man to accept Christianity with tact. The problem has always been with Muslims for everybody. They don’t let go of any opportunity to tell, How good their religion is, even when no Hindu talks of religion in normal discussions or friendly talks. They try & tell us how only Islam is the only true religion, Idol worship is false & our practices.

Worst is they have been alluring & enticing every girl, be it Hindu, Christian or any girl & once they are fully consumed in love, they terrorize, brainwash the girl & forcefully convert them to Islam. No Hindus or Christians used to terrorize or bash them in the past.

For ages if a Hindu tries to lure or even talk to a girl, the whole community will come to question, torment & warn the boy. If they see them again they thrash & if anybody got married, then the couple’s life would be hell, the boy will be targeted & tortured to convert or he will be killed.

In the last decade things have changed with Hindus losing their tolerance, for this one sided injustice. And yes after BJP has come to power, Hindus have totally changed to the same policies of the Muslims. So, today I will agree, Muslim men are targeted, if they try to allure or marry a Hindu girl. We are breaking the notion of Muslims that Hindus are cowards & only they can terrorize & inflict fear. Enough is Enough. High time Muslims experienced the same nightmares & how fear & barbarism feels like. We are a majority, so we will set our laws now & they accept it, not other way anymore.

Kindly don't try to make the narration of how bad the Hindus are. The Hindus have become like this, only because of the Muslims. It's the fact & the whole world knows it. That's why the world doesn't bother about narrow minded Muslims. Hindus have migrated to every part of the world & they obey the land's rules & try to respect & fit into their culture, even in Middle East, we focus on our purpose, than find faults in their religion or practices.

And being a Hindu majority it should have been the Hindus terrorizing the Muslims, which had been the other way throughout the history. No more. To hell with Ahimsa & Gandhian practices. It has no value in today’s treacherous selfish world. You will only be exploited for your foolishness. Same policy you see applied on Pakistan, be it borders, LOC or within. The change is only recent. Time to taste your own medicine.

And on the topic, Hindus have no problem if they marry anybody. There is no rule of conversion be it male or female. The whole world knows, Hindu girls are married to men of every religion in the world.
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No we don't. Have a look at Pakistan. Does it look like priorities fit in with the state of the country?

Definitely governance issues are there ...as is the case with most developing countries but definitely state has laws and punishments for these crimes and if not all, most of them get caught and punished.

The situation will get better in future if honest leadership like IK takes over the top office. The process of cleansing is going on and hopefully we will get rid of these corrupt gang.
One can see clearly why there is chaos in the Middle East and other Muslim countries.
They can’t seem to agree on many religious points and also are very very aggressive in defending their interpretation, to the point of even committing violence.
One can see clearly why there is chaos in the Middle East and other Muslim countries.
They can’t seem to agree on many religious points and also are very very aggressive in defending their interpretation, to the point of even committing violence.

Buzz off and worry about your own toilet-less people.
What nonsense. You should go read the history. Hindus killing muslims for marrying Hindu women. My foot.

For centuries, Hindus embraced & accommodated every outsider, every faith without objecting to their practices. Even when every invader enforced their practices on us or committed atrocities on innocent Hindus, raped & exploited girls, demolished our holy places, books, customs, for not adapting their culture, we quietly put up with all their barbarism with our thinking, we are followers of Ahimsa. We just kept getting exploited & paying for our foolishness, not understanding the outsiders won’t value or respect your innocent beliefs & practices.

We are suffering for our foolish beliefs today. If Gandhi didn’t believe in Ahimsa, Partition would not have happened. If we had a leader who thought like the invaders or Muslims, we would have genocided the Muslims, rather than part with our land. Pakistan, Bangladesh would just have been a fantasy. We have lost Millions of Hindus from the time of invasion because we didn’t stand up to object injustice & barbarism. Even the Sikh community was formed due to Muslim atrocities & injustice, who actually were Hindus, which formed a community of Khalsa to protect Hindus, who later on as warriors became the Sikh community & we have had a unwanted clash with our own true blood brothers.

We would not have had every day border clashes, shelling, wars, bloodshed & this unwanted draining of wealth & resources for a useless cause called Pakistan. India would have been a highly developed & progressed country with peace, prosperity, happiness & proudly following our ancient beliefs & practices.

Every religion want to convert Hindus be it Muslims or Christians. At-least Christians won’t terrorize, bash or kill a Hindu for talking to a Christian girl, dating them or marrying them. They nicely try & brainwash the man to accept Christianity with tact. The problem has always been with Muslims for everybody. They don’t let go of any opportunity to tell, How good their religion is, even when no Hindu talks of religion in normal discussions or friendly talks. They try & tell us how only Islam is the only true religion, Idol worship is false & our practices.

Worst is they have been alluring & enticing every girl, be it Hindu, Christian or any girl & once they are fully consumed in love, they terrorize, brainwash the girl & forcefully convert them to Islam. No Hindus or Christians used to terrorize or bash them in the past.

For ages if a Hindu tries to lure or even talk to a girl, the whole community will come to question, torment & warn the boy. If they see them again they thrash & if anybody got married, then the couple’s life would be hell, the boy will be targeted & tortured to convert or he will be killed.

In the last decade things have changed with Hindus losing their tolerance, for this one sided injustice. And yes after BJP has come to power, Hindus have totally changed to the same policies of the Muslims. So, today I will agree, Muslim men are targeted, if they try to allure or marry a Hindu girl. We are breaking the notion of Muslims that Hindus are cowards & only they can terrorize & inflict fear. Enough is Enough. High time Muslims experienced the same nightmares & how fear & barbarism feels like. We are a majority, so we will set our laws now & they accept it, not other way anymore.

Kindly don't try to make the narration of how bad the Hindus are. The Hindus have become like this, only because of the Muslims. It's the fact & the whole world knows it. That's why the world doesn't bother about narrow minded Muslims. Hindus have migrated to every part of the world & they obey the land's rules & try to respect & fit into their culture, even in Middle East, we focus on our purpose, than find faults in their religion or practices.

And being a Hindu majority it should have been the Hindus terrorizing the Muslims, which had been the other way throughout the history. No more. To hell with Ahimsa & Gandhian practices. It has no value in today’s treacherous selfish world. You will only be exploited for your foolishness. Same policy you see applied on Pakistan, be it borders, LOC or within. The change is only recent. Time to taste your own medicine.

And on the topic, Hindus have no problem if they marry anybody. There is no rule of conversion be it male or female. The whole world knows, Hindu girls are married to men of every religion in the world.
what a load of crap you wrote full of irony
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