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Tunisia Lifts Ban on Muslim Women Marrying non-Muslims

Can you share what sort of life your bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan, his wife and their children are living? Would you prefer that situation for your children?

Before I address the rest of your post I want to be clear to your mention of the underlined?? What do you mean by "situation"??

Bhai jaan, itna zor na dey apnay zehen par. Niqab, veil for the face, i.e. nose and mouth or the eyes as well is an extension or part of Hijab albeit being NON-COMPULSORY. Please come out of you Burqa!

Aakhri baar...

Toh main manloon ki aap burqay ke khilaaf baat kar rahain hain??

Any future questions regarding the post you're quoting please ask the poster directly :)

if you mean dsr478, okay.
Before I address the rest of your post I want to be clear to your mention of the underlined?? What do you mean by "situation"??

The confusion ...... where the lady remains confused, children remain confused and you yourself remain confused.

How can a Muslim male or female reconcile with a Non Muslim husband or wife? Its not just about the marriage contract, its about what is to follow the marriage contract.

The reason (Mehr) for not marrying with a non Muslim you provided is totally irrelevant.
Ahahahah .... As expected, you always carry the cup when it comes
Correct. Absolutely correct. Just because evil is becoming common and everyday occurrence does not mean, in any way, to start legalizing it. Murder, rape, corruption etc. are still illegal by law in any society.
Difference between consenting activity and non consenting activity in which one gets harmed

Hindus are most hypocrite people on this planet in their shithole they kill Muslims for marrying their women while here they are supporting opposite move

Rajasthan: Man burnt alive in Rajsamand over alleged case of love jihad
Not a fan of mullahs on this but sanghis should look inward before raising fingers

The confusion ...... where the lady remains confused, children remain confused and you yourself remain confused.

How can a Muslim male or female reconcile with a Non Muslim husband or wife? Its not just about the marriage contract, its about what is to follow the marriage contract.

The reason (Mehr) for not marrying with a non Muslim you provided is totally irrelevant.
Confused and scared husband just what a feminist wife wants :D
Everything you earn comes of the western system that you criticize.You have a living because the countries and peoples you call infidels allow you to live in their country ,practice your customs and faith with impunity without 'blasphemy ' laws.In a way you yourself are an uncle tom who ran away and brags about a divine legal system yet goes to the people he considers lesser and lives off their generosity to tolerate your presence.You take advantage of of every western technology and financial system benefit,yet curse it as inferior to your glorious divine law system (which no one can even agree upon what is precisely is moreover)which has been a time and tested failure in the modern world from saudi arabia to iran.You suffer from a deep rooted hypocrisy and lack of self respect.
why not put your own house in order before raising fingers at others?
Well, I should rephrased it in a better way then. I dodbt mean everybody as in literally. I mean it seems there's a huge divide between different set of beliefs/groups in islam and none of them think the other which practices a different form of Islam is really Islamic. Even on PDF, you will agree with me that the vast mahority of muslims on here don't think there's a real Islamic country or group in the world that follows real islam(or what they believe is real Islam). I have also witnessed this even here in U. K with some Muslim friends /people I have interacted with, they also held similar views.

An extremely narrow sample of Muslims. Also, if you don't mind me asking, how you ever travelled to the country-side of any middle eastern country? PDF members, including myself, are a privileged minority with leisure time to discuss or to give out opinions in relative comfort. The world is different, where ideology takes the back seat in favour of practicality and survival.

Unfortunately a lot of practising Muslims(who do not contemplate) fall in to the trap of a certain type of delusion that a "real Islamic society" was a utopia where everyone wore white and there was an angelic light surrounding the town/city when in reality it was not like that at all.

As long as mankind survives, sins and evil will prevail. What Islam does is basically it keeps a check on evils via dispensing justice and providing retribution. Islam, through it's divinity as opposed to something man-made, knows and have put in checks and balances so the human society can function sustainably and not fall in to degeneration. We need to have a balance between mercy and justice/punishment for the mankind to progress, otherwise we risk being turned in to a degenerate society. Man thinks he's smart and knows everything. They use their own opinions and whatnot to form various ideologies and laws to govern themselves...only to find out decades or centuries later that they're on the brink of destruction. Man is weak, he is biased, dishonest, and greedy.

On the state level, we find Iran and Saudi Arabia(at least up until the last decade) to be closest to trying to implement the laws in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and religious texts. Apart from that, I think the Emirate of Sharjah and Emirate of Abu Dhabi also have these elements. Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia etc. are poor examples if I am honest.

It's a very long discussion...I can not effectively summarize it. I suggest you watch Jordan Peterson, he has some valid points when it comes to organizing of society etc.
The confusion ...... where the lady remains confused, children remain confused and you yourself remain confused.

How can a Muslim male or female reconcile with a Non Muslim husband or wife? Its not just about the marriage contract, its about what is to follow the marriage contract.

The reason (Mehr) for not marrying with a non Muslim you provided is totally irrelevant.

In the case of SRK's family, the Muslim-ness is prominent. Even in case of Shahid Kapoor ( father is Punjabi Hindu ) it is mostly his Muslim-ness that has stood out ( as much as I can see ).

Though I don't know much about Hrithik Roshan's family :
On 20 December 2000, Roshan married Sussanne Khan in a private ceremony in Bangalore. Despite their religious difference—Roshan is a Hindu and Khan is a Muslim—Roshan says that he equally valued her beliefs. The couple has two sons, Hrehaan (born in 2006) and Hridhaan (born in 2008). They separated in December 2013 and their divorce was finalised in November 2014.
Sorry my mistake non gender and sexual orientation conformist partner

Gender equality is a myth ........ fair treatment is the real cause and issue.

Gender equality can never be achieved ....... because gender roles are very different. Women cannot start secreting semen and men cannot start bleeding monthly ....... roles are different, physical strengths, emotional strengths and mental strengths are different ....... so how can these confused cuckoos advocate for gender equality? Fair treatment is the real cause and issue.

And in case of a non gender and sexual orientation, female conformist partner ...... male husband would remain scared ........ not confused ...... because the gender equality would demand getting his hole screwed too.
In the case of SRK's family, the Muslim-ness is prominent. Even in case of Shahid Kapoor ( father is Punjabi Hindu ) it is mostly his Muslim-ness that has stood out ( as much as I can see ).

Though I don't know much about Hrithik Roshan's family :

Muslim-ness is prominent? Don't we both know the exact situation?

Come on be honest now .........
I personally know many Hindu-Muslim couples. Their marriages are typically registered under the Special Marriages Act. What countries choose do is their business.
Muslim-ness is prominent? Don't we both know the exact situation?

Come on be honest now .........

If namaz can be one of the components for portraying Muslim-ness, here is SRK doing it in Ladakh during Ramzaan. And here is he celebrating Ramzaan 2013 with his family. And there his particular way of doing "As-Salaamu-Alaikum".

But above all, we are all humans. For India I support inter-caste and inter-religion marriages.

Secondly, in India for some years now, there is talk of the UCC ( Uniform Civil Code ) which is a proposed replacement the social and economic laws pertaining to all citizens as proscribed by that citizen's religious laws to be replaced with a common set of secular laws. I support this too. Like I had told you some days ago, there are 3+ crore ( 30+ million ) court cases pending in courts in India. Many of these cases are there because of land, property and marriage disputes. A non-religious and common civil code will remove the burden from the Indian legal system.
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