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Tunisia Lifts Ban on Muslim Women Marrying non-Muslims

Live off the west? I contribute the same as anyone else. I earn more than most because I am well educated and have a good job. I pay tax. I live my life fully within Islamic principles.

Proper implementation of shariah would provide these conditions in muslim countries but instead we have uncle Tom's too busy looting and worshipping "massa's ways".

Name a country with islamic law.

Pakistan,Afghanistan(Taliban controlled areas),Iran,Somalia(al-Shabab controlled areas),Mauritania,Sudan,Eritrea,Djibouti to name a few.

The Taliban ( Deobandis ) and the al-Shabaab ( indirectly Deobandis, Ikhwaanis ) have nothing to do with Islam. They are a reactionary cult.
Don't be so sure.
Usury is legal and that is far worse...
I know but it is like going on for years and they have changed the name to interest. I hope it will change in future.
There's no biological reason for disallowing such marriages.
So...?? we didn't say that either
I believe the reason for disallowing a Muslim woman in marrying a non-Muslim man is this :

During an Islamic wedding there is the "Mahr" ( or Mehr ) which is the compulsory money amount or any other item having financial potential, that is either given to the bride as a whole during the wedding or promised as alimony to be given to the wife after divorce. In the case of Muslim bride/Non-Muslim groom, in the absence of a secular civil law, the bride will not receive any guarantee of financial cushion in case of divorce or abandonment.
That's your own wrong opinion. It has nothing to do with the proscription.
Agreed but doing what is "forbidden in Islam" is daily occurence. Hardly ground breaking is it? Just go to Pakistan and see the number of police, officials, people doing what is "forbidden in Islam" unless these things are halal -

  • Cheating
  • Murder
  • Raping
  • Corruption
  • Lying
  • etc

Correct. Absolutely correct. Just because evil is becoming common and everyday occurrence does not mean, in any way, to start legalizing it. Murder, rape, corruption etc. are still illegal by law in any society.
Yeah but restriction is bit softer for Muslim men since they can marry Ahlul-Kitaab.
Actually the definition of Ahl-alkitab is complicated. Acc. to many scholars the Western christians do not qualify as ahl-alkitab. And you can marry a women from Ahl-alkitab if you are living in a Muslim country that follows Muslim family laws and not non-Muslim countries where the family laws are un-islamic.
That's your own wrong opinion. It has nothing to do with the proscription.

But surely, there must be a logical reason.

The Prophet cannot take away from women from one hand while he gave them so much with the other hand.

What I wrote is my logical interpretation.

We must look at early forming Islam in the context of its time.

I challenge you to point out one single thing I said where I supported Burqa, specifically. Since you made that claim the burden is on you...instead of posting the links to the thread please post the line or the post here for the people to see where I supported burqa.

As far as being correct or incorrect here or there, that's your opinion. You can believe in whatever helps you get through the day.
Agreed but doing what is "forbidden in Islam" is daily occurence. Hardly ground breaking is it? Just go to Pakistan and see the number of police, officials, people doing what is "forbidden in Islam" unless these things are halal -

  • Cheating
  • Murder
  • Raping
  • Corruption
  • Lying
  • etc
So does it mean we should legalise all these crimes?

Live off the west? I contribute the same as anyone else. I earn more than most because I am well educated and have a good job. I pay tax. I live my life fully within Islamic principles.

Proper implementation of shariah would provide these conditions in muslim countries but instead we have uncle Tom's too busy looting and worshipping "massa's ways".
Excellent reply... idiots don't understand because they are mentally slaves, cheating and lying comes naturally to them.
I challenge you to point out one single thing I said where I supported Burqa, specifically. Since you made that claim the burden is on you...instead of posting the links to the thread please post the line or the post here for the people to see where I supported burqa.

Here's a post from that thread where you thanked it :

Hijab = Mandatory
Niqab = Preffered

End of conversation

Quite clear, yes??
That's a stupid move. A Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim. @django @Maarkhoor @PakSword

for them it is not stupid.. its important to undermine muslim society and muslim rules.. if you win over the woman the woman will lead to defeat the man.. :)

In Pakistan will fail miserably.
inshallah :)

The Taliban ( Deobandis ) and the al-Shabaab ( indirectly Deobandis, Ikhwaanis ) have nothing to do with Islam. They are a reactionary cult.

thats your words and your mind..
Religion and State Laws...are two different things in Tunisia.
But what is the motivation for doing so? Was there a large public demand and people demonstrating against that law, did he conduct a referendum, poll or survey...based on what? or just to appease his foreign masters?
Furthermore, Tunisia is the country where the Arab springs started right?
Here's a post from that thread where you thanked it :

Quite clear, yes??

Far from clear buddy. Hijab = Burqa? Seriously?

Hijab is a concept of modesty, 1) Hijab for private parts (guarding them), Hijab of eyes (lowering one's gaze), Hijab of the body, i.e. covering and clothing based on the clear-cut instruction from the Holy Scripture.

As a Muslim I fully and wholeheartedly support Hijab, and as a Muslim it will be an intellectual dishonesty on my part to deny the Hijab and elements of it from the Islamic point of view. Don't be so narrow minded please, equalizing Hijab to a mere clothing from sub-continent.

You should have read the rest of my posts as well where I clearly addressed the issue of Burqa which you brought up here :) It's quite hilarious that you were only able to bring about a post I thanked, and not something of my own despite me posting quite a lot on that particular thread. You derived quite a lot just merely based on my like, and without even understanding the context of the discussion taking place at that time. Come on man.
for them it is not stupid.. its important to undermine muslim society and muslim rules.. if you win over the woman the woman will lead to defeat the man.. :)

This SOB has done to appease his foreign masters otherwise there was no such public demand at all.
Tunisia is a country mired in extreme economic polarities and Arab spring was sparked by the incident in Tunisia. The man sat himself on fire.
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