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Tunisia Lifts Ban on Muslim Women Marrying non-Muslims

This SOB has done to appease his foreign masters otherwise there was no such public demand at all.
Tunisia is a country mired in extreme economic polarities and Arab spring was sparked by the incident in Tunisia. The man sat himself on fire.

I don't really care what these Arabs do, but all the Pakistani cuck boys arguing in favor of this make my blood boil. Lanat.
Far from clear buddy. Hijab = Burqa? Seriously?
He has comprehension/ignorance issues because everyone knows the difference between Burqa and Hijab. He mostly trolls here..you cannot hold a serious discussion with him. Being an indian; distorting the facts, twisting the words and lying comes naturally to him. This excellent thread explains this behaviour
Why cheating comes naturally to Indians

I don't really care what these Arabs do, but all the Pakistani cuck boys arguing in favor of this make my blood boil. Lanat.
Just ignore them...they don't form even a 0.1% of the population and just coward keyboard warriors. These hypocrites can't go out in the public and express their opinions because someone will beat a spaghetti out of them.
The Taliban ( Deobandis ) and the al-Shabaab ( indirectly Deobandis, Ikhwaanis ) have nothing to do with Islam. They are a reactionary cult.
I'm confused now to be honest. Everybody keeps saying that no country(Pakistan, Iran, KSA, Indonesia, Egypt, Tunisia, turkey etc) or militias(hezbollah, Hamas, islanic jihad, ISIS, ALQaeda, Taliban, Al shebab, etc) or group/sect etc practice 'REAL' Islam and they are not really islamic.
So I wonder, which group/militias/state /country is really Islamic then? :what:.

This SOB has done to appease his foreign masters otherwise there was no such public demand at all
I see, so that Tunisian president is our puppet. No wonder he brought up this law to appease us. Interesting. :) @HannibalBarca. :D
He has comprehension/ignorance issues because everyone knows the difference between Burqa and Hijab. He mostly trolls here..you cannot hold a serious discussion with him. Being an indian; distorting the facts, twisting the words and lying comes naturally to him. This excellent thread explains this behaviour
Why cheating comes naturally to Indians


I would respectfully disagree with the highlighted part bro. There's no such in Islam that a particular genetic make up, or a homogeneous group, have an inherent negative trait. This basically gives them a carte blanche to actually commit the indecency they do without holding them accountable because it's something naturally occurring.

I personally know Indians from various backgrounds, they're quite alright.

I'm confused now to be honest. Everybody keeps saying that no country(Pakistan, Iran, KSA, Indonesia, Egypt, Tunisia, turkey etc) or militias(hezbollah, Hamas, islanic jihad, ISIS, ALQaeda, Taliban, Al shebab, etc) or group/sect etc practice 'REAL' Islam and they are not really islamic.
So I wonder, which group/militias/state /country is really Islamic then? :what:.

Who are these "everybody"? There are 1.6 billion adherents as per the statistics with varying degrees of conviction to their faith. 1.6 billion mouths = billions of opinion.

I would respectfully disagree with the highlighted part bro. There's no such in Islam that a particular genetic make up, or a homogeneous group, have an inherent negative trait. This basically gives them a carte blanche to actually commit the indecency they do without holding them accountable because it's something naturally occurring.

I personally know Indians from various backgrounds, they're quite alright.
You should go and read the article/thread.. that's not my opinion. A habit practiced over by the whole generation for generations becomes an instinct.
Tunisia is Not "Officially Secular" and will mostly never be... at least written in the constitution... But it will seek a balance between Religion and State affair...by giving everyone, the same rights and duty...Man or Woman
Huh.... Even if doing so might be against Islam?
Some of the hypocrites in this thread sitting in sweden and canada don't hesitate to take advantage of western liberal democratic ideas and basic modern ideal of seperation of religion and state when it suits them,but up in arms as the guardians of culture when same ideals are pursued elsewhere.
I dont understand them one bit if they really hate seperation of church and atate and equality for all why they oppose white nationalist from banning Muslims and Islam?
I see, so that Tunisian president is our puppet. No wonder he brought up this law to appease us. Interesting. :) @HannibalBarca. :D

Ppl Should read Tunisian History... They will be surprised.

Huh.... Even if doing so might be against Islam?
Nowhere In Islam it says...Woman And Man shouldn't be equal...
Nowhere in Islam it says... Woman and Man shouldn't answer their duty to the state.
Far from clear buddy. Hijab = Burqa? Seriously?

Hijab is a concept of modesty, 1) Hijab for private parts (guarding them), Hijab of eyes (lowering one's gaze), Hijab of the body, i.e. covering and clothing based on the clear-cut instruction from the Holy Scripture.

As a Muslim I fully and wholeheartedly support Hijab, and as a Muslim it will be an intellectual dishonesty on my part to deny the Hijab and elements of it from the Islamic point of view. Don't be so narrow minded please, equalizing Hijab to a mere clothing from sub-continent.

You should have read the rest of my posts as well where I clearly addressed the issue of Burqa which you brought up here :) It's quite hilarious that you were only able to bring about a post I thanked, and not something of my own despite me posting quite a lot on that particular thread. You derived quite a lot just merely based on my like, and without even understanding the context of the discussion taking place at that time. Come on man.

Okay, i got your point but I think I didn't make my post clear enough.

Note the underlined and bolded part :

Hijab = Mandatory
Niqab = Preffered

End of conversation

What else can Niqab be but a section of the Burqa??

I'm confused now to be honest. Everybody keeps saying that no country(Pakistan, Iran, KSA, Indonesia, Egypt, Tunisia, turkey etc) or militias(hezbollah, Hamas, islanic jihad, ISIS, ALQaeda, Taliban, Al shebab, etc) or group/sect etc practice 'REAL' Islam and they are not really islamic.
So I wonder, which group/militias/state /country is really Islamic then? :what:.

I might sound biased but among any Muslim-majority country or group that follows modern socialism can be said to follow Islam in the right spirit because what else is Islam but a older form of socialism.

He has comprehension/ignorance issues because everyone knows the difference between Burqa and Hijab. He mostly trolls here..you cannot hold a serious discussion with him.

Me a troll?? That's the first time anyone said of me. :D
Who are these "everybody"? There are 1.6 billion adherents as per the statistics with varying degrees of conviction to their faith. 1.6 billion mouths = billions of opinion.
Well, I should rephrased it in a better way then. I dodbt mean everybody as in literally. I mean it seems there's a huge divide between different set of beliefs/groups in islam and none of them think the other which practices a different form of Islam is really Islamic. Even on PDF, you will agree with me that the vast mahority of muslims on here don't think there's a real Islamic country or group in the world that follows real islam(or what they believe is real Islam). I have also witnessed this even here in U. K with some Muslim friends /people I have interacted with, they also held similar views.
What else can Niqab be but a section of the Burqa??

Bhai jaan, itna zor na dey apnay zehen par. Niqab, veil for the face, i.e. nose and mouth or the eyes as well is an extension or part of Hijab albeit being NON-COMPULSORY. Please come out of you Burqa!

Any future questions regarding the post you're quoting please ask the poster directly :)
You can say in 20th century many muslims are not religious.But decline had begun clearly from 18th century,are you saying muslim people of that time were not religious?They suddenly became irreligious?What methods did people of that time change?Why ottomans suffered huge defeats and mughals collapsed then?Infact mughals were strongest under 'irreligious' akbar and collapsed from late aurangzeb era who was devout .
Everyone from iran,saudi arabia to taliban afghanistan used it.
Do read view of Imams about famous Muslim scientists and the reciprocal fatwas flew here and there against their witchcraft
I believe the reason for disallowing a Muslim woman in marrying a non-Muslim man is this :

During an Islamic wedding there is the "Mahr" ( or Mehr ) which is the compulsory money amount or any other item having financial potential, that is either given to the bride as a whole during the wedding or promised as alimony to be given to the wife after divorce. In the case of Muslim bride/Non-Muslim groom, in the absence of a secular civil law, the bride will not receive any guarantee of financial cushion in case of divorce or abandonment.
So a country where secular law is present there should be no problem in allowing such marriages.

Can you share what sort of life your bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan, his wife and their children are living? Would you prefer that situation for your children?

Is it that hard to understand that a woman is the person who gives birth to a child, she happens to be a key pillar to a healthy society, she happens to be main focal role in building a healthy society because she happens to be the initial mentor, nurturer and educator of the humans. And no matter whichever society ..... she remains weak, exploited, disrespected, ignored and mistreated. A wise Muslim woman who understands Islam and its purpose would never in her right senses marry a Non Muslim, she understands her importance and role in an Islamic society ..... and that has nothing to do with biology, financial needs or whatever.
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