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Tunisia Lifts Ban on Muslim Women Marrying non-Muslims

Bottom line is people are exploring space and we discuss whether a grown up woman is allowed to marry a foreigner, with this mentality muslim world will always lack behind.

No, we were at the peak of our game when Islam was implemented properly. It was only when we abandoned Islam that we lost our position of dominance on the world stage.
They had the USSR. We had the Caliphate of Umar (ra). Today our country can't freely choose its foreign policy and you think we can have islamic government? Led by dollar khor mullahs, ppp and pmln?
Had, thats the key word.

Unfortunately people use any opportunity to attack islam.
I was expecting this, i though lets see who will take my comments as an attack to Islam first, your the winner.

Maybe the same reasons all the non muslim third world countries are in the state they are in.
This is a way too general answer, here i give you a educational video whats going wrong in muslim world and how it took its beginning centuries ago from within.

Its a little long but you will see why islamic world had its golden age when science was more valued and why it doesnt work that well today.

Technically Mr Dijjal is already in control of World 's financial Systems
  • The symbol of 1 Eye is all over the modern world
  • Mr Dj and his minions control shares of all major corpoations , dictating what gets done in each company by virtue of "shares"

  • He will do miracles and yield resources (minerals, food) from land by his power.

Modern financial system , involves investment and new tech is created (AI, Genetic modified food, and Genetic altercation etc .... all product of this special system. With creation of AI many people will lose their jobs world wide and suffering will increase)

I strongly believe that we are inch away of dijjal's time or we have entered into his first long day. only Allah knows. its time to protect your Faith now than worrying about whole ummah.

You mean the Prophecies of End of Time

1) Construction of massively tall buildings in Makkah which will eclipse the Mountains of Makkah
2) When Muslims will have plenty of sects and classes but they will not have wisdom Hello Saudi / iran thing )
3) Construction of grand mosques but people not going to mosques
4) People reciting Quran but not understanding the meaning (this applies in this case)
5) Even while being dressed you will still appear naked , applies to women
6) The land of the Arabs will return to being a land of rivers and fields (hmm artifically done already)
7) Wild animals will communicate with humans, and humans will communicate with objects (computers)
8) People will treat a man with respect because they fear the evil he could do

9) All Islamic knowledge will be lost to the extent that people will not say "La Illaha Ila Allah" (There is no God, but Allah), but instead old people will babble without understanding, "Allah, Allah".

In Pakistan many people , recite Bismilla Al Rahman Al Raheem , as Bismilla Arakman niraheem
which is is not same

10) Muslims shall fight against a nation who wear shoes made of hair and with faces like hammered shields, with red complexions and small eyes
This would be the mongol horse riders

11) People will increasingly earn money by unlawful (Haram) ways (banks / interest IMF loan)

12) People will seek knowledge from misguided and straying scholars

13) Liars will be believed, honest people disbelieved, and faithful people called traitors

14) Increase in pointless killings (Happening in our time last 100 years)
Between last 100-150 year , since WW1 there is sharp rise in pointless killings, killings where person died just by virtue of being at wrong place at wrong time.

15) A person passing by a grave might say to another: I wish it were me in grave

Has not happened perhaps breifly during WW1 or WW2 it may have been true as men normally went to war so % of women was greater vs men
16) Women will increase in number and men will decrease in number so much so that fifty women will be looked after by one man
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I am not a Islamic scholar so I was wondering if you could clear this matter. Is compulsion obligatory in Islam?

noun: compulsion; plural noun: compulsions
the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint.
"the payment was made under compulsion"
synonyms: obligation, constraint, force, coercion, duress, pressure, pressurization, enforcement, oppression, intimidation;

force majeure
Everything you earn comes of the western system that you criticize.You have a living because the countries and peoples you call infidels allow you to live in their country ,practice your customs and faith with impunity without 'blasphemy ' laws.In a way you yourself are an uncle tom who ran away and brags about a divine legal system yet goes to the people he considers lesser and lives off their generosity to tolerate your presence.You take advantage of of every western technology and financial system benefit,yet curse it as inferior to your glorious divine law system (which no one can even agree upon what is precisely is moreover)which has been a time and tested failure in the modern world from saudi arabia to iran.You suffer from a deep rooted hypocrisy and lack of self respect.

Dude, I am not at all religious and so do not care about this Tunisian law although do acknowledge that it is not Islamic as Islam forbids a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim

I do take exception to you calling the other poster a hypocrite and lacking self-respect. He may have been born in the UK or been taken there as a child by his parents. You do know how difficult it is to move from your place of residence where you are familiar with the language, have a job and your whole social networks are don't you?

He has every right to comment on the non-Islamic nature of this Tunisian law.
"Were" is the key word here,dont forget that.
Name a country doing good with Islamic law without oil or gas money?

Name one country that actually rules by Sharia.

I'll make it easy for you, there are none.

I as a big fan of Muslim women, especially those in west who leave home with Hijab but slip into mini skirts before getting to uni, totally welcome this news!

Obvious troll is obvious.
Guys why are we arguing over this? If a Muslim Woman marries a non-Muslim than she has broken the rules of her faith and she will have to deal with that sin in the after-life. We have no right to force anyone to follow our faith, it essentially nullifies the entire point of Heaven and hell if we start forcing people to follow Islam. People who don't will be judged by Allah(swt) in the afterlife. Who cares if it's legal?
Everything you earn comes of the western system that you criticize.You have a living because the countries and peoples you call infidels allow you to live in their country ,practice your customs and faith with impunity without 'blasphemy ' laws.In a way you yourself are an uncle tom who ran away and brags about a divine legal system yet goes to the people he considers lesser and lives off their generosity to tolerate your presence.You take advantage of of every western technology and financial system benefit,yet curse it as inferior to your glorious divine law system (which no one can even agree upon what is precisely is moreover)which has been a time and tested failure in the modern world from saudi arabia to iran.You suffer from a deep rooted hypocrisy and lack of self respect.

No it doesn't. We live in a global village. The social welfare system finds its origins in Islam. Modern mathematics is Indian. Modern medicine and science has huge Greek and Arab contributions. It is not solely Anglo-Saxon. The very survival of the country i live in and those across europe was dependent on muslim, sikhs hindu soldiers who defended europe from the Nazis. The empires of europe who built this modern society are built on the backs of colonialisation of Africa and Asia. Post ww2 modern europe was rebuilt by immigrant Labour who was invited to migrate.

I could write a dozen volumes on the ills and inferiority of this society. The wealth is the only attraction.
No, we were at the peak of our game when Islam was implemented properly. It was only when we abandoned Islam that we lost our position of dominance on the world stage.

When was Islam abandoned?The whole middle east and indonesia are still conservative muslims.
Dominance was lost because
1]the education system remained wholly religious and became scientifically backward,and fell behind in technology.
2]Europeans discovered and exploited resources of new world ,inaccesible to islamic world.
3]Military power of all islamic empires throughout history rested on cavalry riding arabian and central asian horses,when cavalry became obsolete their military power was no more.
"Were" is the key word here,dont forget that.
Name a country doing good with Islamic law without oil or gas money?
That's because any country that tried to implement genuine Islamic rule gets sanctioned by Western countries until the people begin to starve and die than of course everyone blames the Islamic government for being at fault.

But then there are corrupt "Islamic" governments like Saudi which are in fact not Islamic (look at the Saudi elites lifestyle) and propped up by Western backing.

Also ISIS is not Islamic because they destroyed so many Masjids and Churches that were left untouched by previous Islamic empires and states.
Had, thats the key word.

I was expecting this, i though lets see who will take my comments as an attack to Islam first, your the winner.

This is a way too general answer, here i give you a educational video whats going wrong in muslim world and how it took its beginning centuries ago from within.

Its a little long but you will see why islamic world had its golden age when science was more valued and why it doesnt work that well today.

I didnt mean you, but if the shoe fits.

Secondly thanks for the youtube video. Anything in video format must be valid. It must be devoid of generalisations like third world countries have the same reasons for failure.

Bro I am a scientist, I believe in the supremacy of science and logic in this world. Islam does not contradict this.
I see Pakistanis are really shocked that in Tunisia it is legal for women to marry whoever they want now...

What if your daughters marry a chinese guy who is a Taoist, Buddhist or even worse- an Atheist? Won't you be happy about that guys? After all China is the iron brother of Pakistan etc. :D
Chapter (2) sūrat l-baqarah (The Cow)

Sahih International: There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

Pickthall: There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower.

Yusuf Ali: Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.

Shakir: There is no compulsion in religion; truly the right way has become clearly distinct from error; therefore, whoever disbelieves in the Shaitan and believes in Allah he indeed has laid hold on the firmest handle, which shall not break off, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing.

Muhammad Sarwar: There is no compulsion in religion. Certainly, right has become clearly distinct from wrong. Whoever rejects the devil and believes in God has firmly taken hold of a strong handle that never breaks. God is All-hearing and knowing.

Mohsin Khan: There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.

Arberry: No compulsion is there in religion. Rectitude has become clear from error. So whosoever disbelieves in idols and believes in God, has laid hold of the most firm handle, unbreaking; God is All-hearing, All-knowing.
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