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Tunisia Lifts Ban on Muslim Women Marrying non-Muslims

You can say in 20th century many muslims are not religious.But decline had begun clearly from 18th century,are you saying muslim people of that time were not religious?They suddenly became irreligious?What methods did people of that time change?Why ottomans suffered huge defeats and mughals collapsed then?Infact mughals were strongest under 'irreligious' akbar and collapsed from late aurangzeb era who was devout .
Everyone from iran,saudi arabia to taliban afghanistan used it.

Actually, it's the system of governance that strayed from Islamic principles to the whims of Kings and emperors which was the problem. The personal piety of individuals of society is neither here nor there. The core principles of an Islamic system are those of justice, education, build up of wealth, distribution of wealth, and military power. When our leadership strayed away from these it ruined our societies.

Justice - when our leaders became unjust and process of governance became unjust it sowed the seeds of political strife. Any Islamic society that has been successful has been one that provided Justice. Umar (RA) was the second Caliph of Islam and was taken to court by a jew. The judge ruled in favor of the jew. It's unimaginable in most societies today, apart from perhaps the Northern European ones.

Education - the first word revealed in the Quran was "read". Early islamic society focused purely on education (the entire Meccan period), the Muslim state was established in Madinah only after decades of education of Islamic education to the early followers. Along the trade routes of the silk road you found madaris (schools) and Islam was spread by teachers, not generals. The cataloging of Islamic knowledge and law was done in a very methodical and scientific manner, early scholarly works have citations and chains of narrations going back to primary sources. When leaders neglected educating the population, the quality of the intellectual discourse across society fell, innovation fell and ultimately we were overtaken.

Build up of wealth/redistribution of wealth - Islam has a long history of trade, the early Muslims were traders, Islam reached far flung places like Indonesia by trade and having wealth is a key part of Islamic society, because one of the main pillars is distribution of wealth via zakat, which can only be done by actually having wealth in the first place. Zakat is not a tax on income, it is a redistribution of wealth. When our societies started stopped fairly redistributing wealth, this caused poverty and strife within society, but also took away the opportunity to generate wider wealth, causing the economies to slow down. You see it in the west today, modern society is wealthy, yet the number of poor people in wealthy nations is on the rise. Continue this and long term, the wealth will be lost.

Military power - Much is made of the life of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh. Our faith is understood through the prism of his example. One thing that is overlooked is his worldly possessions. He lived a very simple life, but he had a shield, swords, spears, a bow and arrow, a horse for war. It is his saying that anyone who keeps a horse in preparation for war is blessed by God. He led from the heart of battle and the pulpit. He raised armies and sent them out to take on the enemies of Islam. Any successful Islamic society has been militarily strong. Today when we are not, we are treated like the punks we are.

Anyone reading this might think these things are not all that different from the basic model of success for all successful societies. You'd be right - Islam is not alien, the Islamic system of governance is not alien. It is only talked down by our enemies because they fear it's success.
You being a genuine Arabic speaker I have always wondered about the transliteration of names. Why is "U" more popular as in Usama, Usman, Umid more used in Pakistan but in North Africa Osma, Osma, Omid is used. what is the correct way?

And "Ul" as opposed to "Al or El"?
That is what i'm saying,if he takes advantage of their prosperity and system yet curses it as inferior morally and lectures on the use of ideals of seperation of religion and state ,isn't his own action a clear example of hypocrisy and immorality?

Of course not. It would only be the case if I also lived by those immoral ways. I do not.
So blessed to be Muslims :smitten::coffee:

Every thing makes so much sense and logic
Just beautiful

Such tremendous wisdom and such accurate prophecies left for Guidance for Muslims just remarkable stuff every time I read it I get shocked at the accuracy of the data
Of course not. It would only be the case if I also lived by those immoral ways. I do not.

There in lies the immorality and hypocrisy and why islamophobia has become rampant.People welcome you with open arms,you take advantage of them and their society yet call them inferior and curse them and lecture them on morality.

Actually, it's the system of governance that strayed from Islamic principles to the whims of Kings and emperors which was the problem. The personal piety of individuals of society is neither here nor there. The core principles of an Islamic system are those of justice, education, build up of wealth, distribution of wealth, and military power. When our leadership strayed away from these it ruined our societies.

Justice - when our leaders became unjust and process of governance became unjust it sowed the seeds of political strife. Any Islamic society that has been successful has been one that provided Justice. Umar (RA) was the second Caliph of Islam and was taken to court by a jew. The judge ruled in favor of the jew. It's unimaginable in most societies today, apart from perhaps the Northern European ones.

Education - the first word revealed in the Quran was "read". Early islamic society focused purely on education (the entire Meccan period), the Muslim state was established in Madinah only after decades of education of Islamic education to the early followers. Along the trade routes of the silk road you found madaris (schools) and Islam was spread by teachers, not generals. The cataloging of Islamic knowledge and law was done in a very methodical and scientific manner, early scholarly works have citations and chains of narrations going back to primary sources. When leaders neglected educating the population, the quality of the intellectual discourse across society fell, innovation fell and ultimately we were overtaken.

Build up of wealth/redistribution of wealth - Islam has a long history of trade, the early Muslims were traders, Islam reached far flung places like Indonesia by trade and having wealth is a key part of Islamic society, because one of the main pillars is distribution of wealth via zakat, which can only be done by actually having wealth in the first place. Zakat is not a tax on income, it is a redistribution of wealth. When our societies started stopped fairly redistributing wealth, this caused poverty and strife within society, but also took away the opportunity to generate wider wealth, causing the economies to slow down. You see it in the west today, modern society is wealthy, yet the number of poor people in wealthy nations is on the rise. Continue this and long term, the wealth will be lost.

Military power - Much is made of the life of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh. Our faith is understood through the prism of his example. One thing that is overlooked is his worldly possessions. He lived a very simple life, but he had a shield, swords, spears, a bow and arrow, a horse for war. It is his saying that anyone who keeps a horse in preparation for war is blessed by God. He led from the heart of battle and the pulpit. He raised armies and sent them out to take on the enemies of Islam. Any successful Islamic society has been militarily strong. Today when we are not, we are treated like the punks we are.

Anyone reading this might think these things are not all that different from the basic model of success for all successful societies. You'd be right - Islam is not alien, the Islamic system of governance is not alien. It is only talked down by our enemies because they fear it's success.

Justice -
Umar wasn't the last great caliph,or great islamic ruler.Many after him were immoral,cruel and sexually deviant yet were politically dominant.Their lack of justness didn't weaken them.

Education -
I accept islamic knowledge suffered greatly from mongol invasions.Yet what were the ottomans and mughals doing,they had hundreds of well funded madrasas - yet none came up with anything to match western science.Islamic armies also destroyed the library of Ctesiphon,the persian capital and the great universities of nalanda and vikramashila -the oldest in the world.

Wealth -
Was no match for western banking,models of capital accumulation or sheer capacity development with industrial revolution.Too much emphasis is given on colonialism,colonialism would never have been profitable without the industrial revolution.

Miltary power -
Rested primarily on cavalry.Once cavalry was obsolete,they were helpless.

So now the thread becomes about Civilization oh ...o_O
From 1 Women to now talking about the whole Civilization boy things got escalated so quickly

1300-1900 , the world had many Civillizations and there were Occupation and plundering of wealth ~ the Gold and Silver stolen certainly helped with some enhanced life styles, in all honesty every one took the bounty after war it was normal practice, it was just simple as who ever did more plundering they won more Gold and Silver , and that is why Folks went and conquered South America

1900-1950 , there was oil discovery and may be 2 WW2 , money and reources stolen prior still live in the Big banks, some preferential trade agreements were made and of course control of Global Financial Systems. A systemic plundering of different kind , you only have to exmaine poor countries of South America or Nigera or other african nations to understand the model. Modern Age PLUNDERING is called currency exchange
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I have attended a few Asian – European weddings, however, the groom had to convert. A believing Muslim woman will not marry a non-Muslim. Those who are Muslim in name only would not be impeded by such a law.

Since Tunisia is primarily a Muslim country, the groom would probably be a European / non-Tunisian. The bride can simply cross fly across to the groom’s country; the end result will be the same. Civil Law of the country is therefore not a deterrent and hence superfluous.

I have been to Tunisia as a tourist to visit Carthage which is, in fact, a suburb of the city of Tunis. Tunisia is much Europeanised and French is understood by almost everyone. I am not surprised that they have abolished this archaic law.
You being a genuine Arabic speaker I have always wondered about the transliteration of names. Why is "U" more popular as in Usama, Usman, Umid more used in Pakistan but in North Africa Osma, Osma, Omid is used. what is the correct way?

And "Ul" as opposed to "Al or El"?
It's Turkish influence during the Ottoman Empire.

And both are right... Since it's the written form therefore got influence of the original language. But when spoken it's almost the same ( with an accent ofc)
Before 1920 , Ottomans used Arabic text , so the logic of U or O would not matter
The usage of Arabic font was disbanded after WW1 after regional issues
دولت عليه عثمانیه

Common manuscript

:) The "0" AND "U" is a gift from history I think different people choose to use O or U freely as a replacement for similar sounding names
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Before 1920 , Ottomans used Arabic text , so the logic of U or O would not matter
The usage of Arabic font was disbanded after WW1

دولت عليه عثمانیه

Common manuscript

:) The "0" AND "U" is a gift from history
Ottoman Alphabet was a modified version of Persian Alphabet which again is a modified version of Arabic.
Ottoman Alphabet had 34 letter compared to 28 of Arabic, the pronouncation differed/differs quite a lot most of the time.
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I appreciate Beji Caid Essebsi & the Tunisian President for the historic move. Way to go Tunisia. I share my happiness & delight for the women of Tunisia. Any country which respect women & give equal rights are bound to progress. My best wishes. God Bless.
Of course Hindus, the enemies of Islam and Muslims, would cheer at this news.
It's like trump daughter she converted before having Jewish baby. She did not had problem to convert :wave:

Normal family both folks converted


Media calls it "facinating" concept

So Islam is not asking anything extraodrinary Guy/Women = Be Muslim 8-)

Some folks went really far to even involve civilization in context of discussion but this requirement of same religion is quite a normal occurance world wide

Hanaka Hankaha ?

Welcome to Islamic culture folks lot of room the world is big place
Honorable folks from USA who converted to Islam :usflag:
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