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TTP will not attack Pakistan Army

Sir I don't support them but if your Army is going to attack its own people and kill them on american orders they are going to hit back specially the people of Tribal areas and sorry to say first you killed their thousands

Is there any source to prove that Pakistan army somehow killed thousands of people in Tribal areas ? Ask me for a source for this 35,000 civilians killed by the extremists and I can post dozens !

Muslims are going to hit back and kill Muslims in the name of Islam , shall I understand it as that ? If their fight was with army , then how come civilian causality figures is at least 5 times higher than that of security personnels ? :azn:
Try to take one stand instead of being a visiting lota in every camp!
The talibanis and tribals have been sheltering criminals for decades who have been blowing bombs in public places killing innocents. What is next in line of your diarrhea - holy fatwa legalizing marijuana for jihad?

Army is killed terrorist - they are not our own people.
Peaceful civilians are.
No Sir Army attacked own people on american orders Sir when their was no TTP and no terrorists in USA Musharrfa bastard made them slaves of USA and attacked our own people and killed them for 4 years and than in 2007 they formed TTP and started taking revenge and in that revenge they also targeted civilians which is not right at all but I don't expect anything good from a group who has to stand up against the bullying of its own state that too on USA orders
Sir ISAF soldeirs are on ground and they are being killed by Taliban if they their commanders are hiding in secret places it is obviously it is hard to target them and Science will be developed when Islamic system will come Sir they will be developed and great Universities will be established

I am sure you would also like to belive that Arabia was first to reach the moon and the Ummayads conquered the Mars after Spain.
Teaching nonsense will produce idiots - exactly the kind of problem entire Muslim world is plagued today.
Is there any source to prove that Pakistan army somehow killed thousands of people in Tribal areas ? Ask me for a source for this 35,000 civilians killed by the extremists and I can post dozens !

Muslims are going to hit back and kill Muslims in the name of Islam , shall I understand it as that ? If their fight was with army , then how come civilian causality figures is at least 5 times higher than that of security personnels ? :azn:

Sir if they targeted civilians they did wrong Sir and I know many cases on my own in which Army so called went after terrorists and bombed markets and houses in one case almost whole village was bombed by Army and not a single Taliban was no their and this is only after 2007 before they were not even their but your Army still went in Tribal areas and made us slaves of USA and bombed and killed his own people they didn't went their and played football they bombed people with all the weapons only weapons which they didn't used was Nuclear

I am sure you would also like to belive that Arabia was first to reach the moon and the Ummayads conquered the Mars after Spain.
Teaching nonsense will produce idiots - exactly the kind of problem entire Muslim world is plagued today.
No Sir we will teach science idiots are touts of USA who are always too busy in eating **** of their USA master

I asked how in the name of Islam are your so called Muslim jihadist killing fellow muslims who have nothing to do with army when we aren't allowed to even uproot trees - the essence of my question
:azn: Why did you not answer it ?

Sure , go blow up in the Cd shops or some university , I am sure God will reward you with heaven for killing innocent people like the rest of your lot ...

We raise our young on 7th century nonsense with rosy description of heaven and horrific depicts of hell it is bound to create an imprint on young minds which will lead to radical disaster in future.

And "Allah tawakol" attitude that all they need to do in life is be a submissive slave and everything would fall in place on its own. This might have worked for the lazy Bedouins of 7th century but this is not what makes the world go around!
No Sir Army attacked own people on american orders Sir when their was no TTP and no terrorists in USA Musharrfa bastard made them slaves of USA and attacked our own people

I am asking for your claim of thousands of tribals being killed by Pakistan Army , where is it ? I dont need your Mullah-run-tabloid claims and stories ... I know well why army had to enter FATA and what did they do there ... That General's rule in Pakistan is considered the best by people , Pakistan rose to new heights in economy , prosperity , development , education and International stature not to mention the moderation ...
No Sir we will teach science idiots are touts of USA who are always too busy in eating **** of their USA master

The internet, pc, windows and everything you are using to propel your nonsense on this forums was made or invented in USA. This forum is also hosted in USA so don't get busy eating sh!t. Please bring your super mullah sciences to offer and alternative! It is funny how these mullahs resort to insults and cursing when their nonsense fails to make an impact. All i see is mullahs whining about islam will fix that and islam will fix this - precisely a fault of our education system without offering any solid strategy to make an impact.
We raise our young on 7th century nonsense with rosy description of heaven and horrific depicts of hell it is bound to create an imprint on young minds which will lead to radical disaster in future.

"Die Religion ist das Opium des Volkes" - Karl Marx
I am asking for your claim of thousands of tribals being killed by Pakistan Army , where is it ? I dont need your Mullah-run-tabloid claims and stories ... I know well why army had to enter FATA and what did they do there ... That General's rule in Pakistan is considered the best by people , Pakistan rose to new heights in economy , prosperity , development , education and International stature not to mention the moderation ...
Sir your Army didn't let it reported for several years and what you think they were doing in those 4 years playing football or attending some dance parties in those areas they were bombing and killing them and many of them still got reported Sir and let this war end you will know how big disasters your army made in these areas and how now how much of our own people who used to fight along the Army for Pakistan now hate our Army

"Die Religion ist das Opium des Volkes" - Karl Marx
Your quoting of famous kafir shows you mind
The internet, pc, windows and everything you are using to propel your nonsense on this forums was made or invented in USA.

But banned in Taliban era and these kiddos have the nerve to talk about scientific advancement in Mullah's rule !
The internet, pc, windows and everything you are using to propel your nonsense on this forums was made or invented in USA. This forum is also hosted in USA so don't get busy eating sh!t. Please bring your super mullah sciences to offer and alternative! It is funny how these mullahs resort to insults and cursing when their nonsense fails to make an impact. All i see is mullahs whining about islam will fix that and islam will fix this - precisely a fault of our education system without offering any solid strategy to make an impact.
I know that they were invented by USA Sir and their is no problem in getting knowledge from Kafirs Sir and establishing Universities and promoting science is not against Quran and Sunnah in fact it is encouraged in Islamic system but paid puppets of USA are to busying in licking the shoes of their master USA so they talk trash

But banned in Taliban era and these kiddos have the nerve to talk about scientific advancement in Mullah's rule !
I don't support all actions of Taliban I only support those actions which are according to Quran and Sunnah not any other action
I know that they were invented by USA Sir and their is no problem in getting knowledge from Kafirs Sir and establishing Universities and promoting science is not against Quran and Sunnah in fact it is encouraged in Islamic system but paid puppets of USA are to busying in licking the shoes of their master USA so they talk trash

But as per your logic we must rot in jahalat until a proper islamic system comes into place then only shall on rise from slumber and seek knowledge.

I don't support all actions of Taliban I only support those actions which are according to Quran and Sunnah not any other action

A bunch of rag tag terrorist cannot go around enforcing their will!
Talibans were banning media and communications as per quran and sunnah too!

You can interpret anything as you wish it to be and everyone would be right within their own definition.

In the year 638 Arabia fell into severe drought followed by a famine. Bedouin people began to die because of hunger and epidemic disease. Hundreds of thousands[citation needed] of people from all over Arabia gathered at Madinah where food was rationed. Soon the reserves of food at Madinah began to decline, and Umar wrote to the provincial governors of Syria, Palestine and Iraq for aid. A state of emergency was declared in Madinah and Arabia. The timely aid of Umar's governors saved the lives of thousands of people throughout Arabia. The first governor to respond was Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah, the governor of Syria and supreme commander of Rashidun army.

One can either interpret this as a punishment for heavy handedness of Rashidoon army under Umar's command or one can interpret it as Allah's test of the believers. Whatever be it, sure the Allah tawakol attitude did not help here and assistance eventually came from human connections!
Sir your Army didn't let it reported for several years and what you think they were doing in those 4 years playing football or attending some dance parties in those areas they were bombing and killing them and many of them still got reported

Your quoting of famous kafir shows you mind

I am still asking for a link , there must be many right ? Pakistan army isn't so powerful to enforce such sort of extreme media censorship which even communists countries cant ! It is impossible that the killing of thousands of tribals ( according to you ) could be hidden and not reported by anyone ... :azn:

You got a problem with quoting Infidel thinkers and scientists now ?

And communism is Morphine... :P

Fentanyl , I always choose the best examples :lol:
But as per your logic we must rot in jahalat until a proper islamic system comes into place then only shall on rise from slumber and seek knowledge.

A bunch of rag tag terrorist cannot go around enforcing their will!
Islamic system is from ALLAH and we have to implement that because we are Muslims and that is the perfect system for humanity we may have some progress but society as whole can only make true success under Islamic system Sir that is my point and that is point of all Muslims not touts of kufr and paid do.. of USA

I am still asking for a link , there must be many right ? Pakistan army isn't so powerful to enforce such sort of extreme media censorship which even communists countries cant ! It is impossible that the killing of thousands of tribals ( according to you ) could be hidden and not reported by anyone ... :azn:

You got a problem with quoting Infidel thinkers and scientists now ?

Fentanyl , I always choose the best examples :lol:
Sir I don't have links of those news now because back in 2007 I only used to listen to news papers and news channels and I also used had links to people living in Tribal areas and also several people in Armed Forces even they accepted the fact their operation have killed more civilians than so called terrorists and even they were terrorists or not they didn't knew
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